The Road to 10%

(TunnelRat @ Feb. 29 2008,10:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How did you do Back Squats with Tabata? What does the 45 mean?

Did you squat for 45 seconds then rest for 45 seconds? Or did you just use a 45 lb bar and squat till you drop?

Inquiring minds want to know....

After the thread about 8 minute, low weight squats for hyoooge legs, I tried light back squats for a minute at a time -- very tiring.</div>
Standard Tabata rules apply:

20 seconds fast reps
10 second rest
Repeat 7 more times for a grand total of 4 minutes

The 45 is the weight in pounds of the load for Back Squats. I am using just the bar. Adding any weight while I haven't practice Tabata squats much, not to mention I do not have a squat rack, would be insane.
I don't think it's been a month since I bought the Myotape, but original measurements of my waist were 41 inches. This weekend, the waist measurement came in at 39 inches.
(colby2152 @ Mar. 03 2008,12:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don't think it's been a month since I bought the Myotape, but original measurements of my waist were 41 inches. This weekend, the waist measurement came in at 39 inches.
&quot;I'm melting! I'm melting...!&quot;


[Edited to reduce witch size -- even as Colby is reducing...
(Joe.Muscle @ Mar. 03 2008,20:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Colby your waist size is 39 inches?

You don't look to have the size of waist in your pics???</div>
I know, I know... by the way... I was feeling a little light in the midsection yesterday, and it was down to 38 inches.

The waist is the measurement around you body at the position of your navel or &quot;belly button&quot;. Keep in mind, this includes my love handles and my keg in the front.

My pant size is 38, but all of the 38's are loose on me and I have to take the belt in a bit, so my pant size is probably a 36 to 37 now.

I missed another day of lifting yesterday, but managed to stay in a good caloric deficit. At the very least, I took a ton of trash out and was moving boxes all night (packing for the move).

I promised myself that I will lift tonight!
HST WO - 3/4/08
<span style='color:red'>Tabata Hang Jump Shrugs: 45</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Chair Dips: 12 reps, 8 reps
One Arm Bent-Over Row: 85 - 20 (MS)
RCCP's: 35 - 15 (2 sets)</span>
HST Strength Balanced WO - 3/6/08
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 20, 62.5 - 5, 87.5 - 20 (MS)
Power Clean: 45 - 5, 70 - 20 (MS)
Deadlift: 155 - 3 (10 sets)</span>
<span style='color:red'>Tabata Squats: 45</span>

I listened to music from my MP3 player for the first time since last summer, and boy was my workout so much better! I really think I need music to get revved up in order for a quality deadlift, no matter what the weight on the bar is!
You need music, I need warmth! Right now it's still pretty darn cold in the evenings when I train and I really don't like it. I ought to get a fan heater for my weight room as the rad is disconnected at the moment.

Sometimes I find music really helps and sometimes I find it distracting. I think the most important thing is to find what works for you and then do the same thing each time to help get you in the right frame of mind - kind of like Pavlov's dog.
Some may be wondering why I haven't updated this log in a week. I haven't been able to lift. My training has been shot to hell thanks to everything that is going on in my life. I wanted to lift Tuesday. That didn't happen because I didn't get home from work until 7PM (ate and then packed when I came home). Last night, was going to lift at 9 after I wrote out some wedding invitations, but then one thing led to another and there I was packing.

To let people know, since I graduated from school last summer, I moved home which was originally a temporary situation. My mother offered the house to my fiancee and I, and we accepted which leads us to this week. My mother is moving into her new house Saturday, so we have a lot of work come that time. At least Saturday I will get a workout from moving furniture and boxes all day.

The next week, I will be painting and finishing up wedding invitations followed by an Easter weekend on the road to my fiancee's parents' house to get furniture. After that, life should calm down a bit and I can get serious about my training once and for all.

(It seems this was more of a blog post than a log post!)
Enjoy the life-dictated SD while you can, colby. You have a very busy few months ahead with the wedding alone - so take everything in stride and get back to the workouts when you can.

Good luck with the move this weekend!
Good luck with moving. Just be careful. Last time I moved, it ruined my deadlifts for a couple weeks. Do you have help with the move? I had to do all the heavy stuff myself. Moving my weights, rack and all that stuff was a workout in itself, but then I had to carry in our couches by myself, which is actually a little easier than you'd think, and so on. Anyway, the last thing you want is to get an injury, so just watch how you lift everything and be careful. It's usually dumb things like moving that put us down with an injury, not lifting.

Congratulations on getting the house though. That should be helpful. Do you have to make any kind of payments on it or is it yours free and clear?
(Totentanz @ Mar. 13 2008,18:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Good luck with moving. Just be careful. Last time I moved, it ruined my deadlifts for a couple weeks. Do you have help with the move? I had to do all the heavy stuff myself. Moving my weights, rack and all that stuff was a workout in itself, but then I had to carry in our couches by myself, which is actually a little easier than you'd think, and so on. Anyway, the last thing you want is to get an injury, so just watch how you lift everything and be careful. It's usually dumb things like moving that put us down with an injury, not lifting.

Congratulations on getting the house though. That should be helpful. Do you have to make any kind of payments on it or is it yours free and clear?</div>
If you recall, in the summer of 2006, I worked as a mover, so I know how to use my body to prevent injury. Thanks for the good wishes. As far as the house itself, the mortgage is still my Mother's as we couldn't be approved for a loan right outside of college in the middle of the home mortgage crisis - there's a real shocker, lol. Therefore, we'll pay her off on payments while it is under her name. There are still a lot of questions to be answered along the way concerning capital gains and gift taxes, but we'll see about that this summer!
What an exciting time in your life. Enjoy it and take it all in. Good luck with your move and your new home.
(BAX67 @ Mar. 15 2008,11:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What an exciting time in your life. Enjoy it and take it all in. Good luck with your move and your new home.</div>
I haven't been eating too much lately, so last week came in as a decent cut. I barely lifted at all, as this low shows, but I was moving furniture Friday night, and all day Saturday. My fiancee and I made a promise to each other to get back to workout out come next week. This week is full of painting, cleaning and organizing!
(colby2152 @ Mar. 17 2008,09:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This week is full of painting, cleaning and organizing!</div>
That's married guys' cardio...
(TunnelRat @ Mar. 17 2008,10:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(colby2152 @ Mar. 17 2008,09:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This week is full of painting, cleaning and organizing!</div>
That's married guys' cardio...
As long the cardio comes in some form or another!

I am due for some caliper and Myotape measurements tomorrow morning.
(colby2152 @ Mar. 17 2008,10:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am due for some caliper and Myotape measurements tomorrow morning.</div>
Do you measure 1,3 or 7 points?

I would know, because I'm 13-14% with 1 point, 11% with 3 points and 15,5% with scale