The Road to 10%

how are you guys seeing that last pic?

colby, the improvement from sept to jan pics is pretty obvious......even with the blurry 1st image. all i see in the april pic is the rough outline of a person and even that is only b/c of the slight light source showing the outline of your right side (left side of pic).

others must be able to see it better due to their comments.
Bluejacket, the lighting in the picture is bad... try turning up the brightness on your monitor. I'll have another picture up by the end of the month. Thanks for the interest!

4/22/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:red'>Warmup on Treadmill</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 12.5 - 5, 62.5 - 3, 77.5 - 5 (2 sets)
Curl: 75 - 5 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 75 - 3, 115 - 5, 145 - 5 (2 sets), 165 - 5, 170 - 3, 150 - 8</span>
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes: 7 reps, 23 reps, 11 reps</span>

The 5x5 took a lot out of me, hence the weak outing on the ropes.

My 2nd to last set on the DL had me seeing stars. I had a much wider stance there so perhaps it was pulling on my back a wrong way?

I can see the last pic. the light hits the right side of his body, makes him look sexy! there is a drastically noticeable difference from the initial pic.

good job colby. props for sticking to it. will you be taking a honeymoon to show off the new physique?

you were seeing stars??? work on that valsalva technique!
(fearfactory @ Apr. 22 2008,8:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">good job colby. props for sticking to it. will you be taking a honeymoon to show off the new physique?

you were seeing stars??? work on that valsalva technique!</div>
Honeymoon commences June 2nd in Punta Cana, DR.

I'm working on the technique, but I think I was really worn out!

Clocked in at 228 this morning...
(fearfactory @ Apr. 22 2008,8:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can see the last pic.  the light hits the right side of his body, makes him look sexy!</div>
Sorry, FF, he's getting married in June. I don't think he's your type...  
(TunnelRat @ Apr. 23 2008,10:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sorry, FF, he's getting married in June. I don't think he's your type...  
what do you mean he's not my type?  I'm a mesomorph too!  lol

seriously though, my best man took his honeymoon in Punta Cana last year.  said he had a great time and enjoyed the nightlife.  rained a bit on him, but he went in a different month.  hope you have a great time!  had I to do it over again, I'd probably have gone to an all exclusive resort like that.

edit - oops, I meant all inclusive
4/24/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Row: 12.5 - 5, 62.5 - 3, 80 - 5 (3 sets)
Seated Press: 75 - 5 (5 sets)
Hack Squat: 45 - 3, 60 - 5, 70 - 5, 75 - 5, 85 - 5, 90 - 3, 75 - 8</span>

I really think I can bump the Hacks up another 20 lbs to catch up with the deads... debating whether or not I should do this over the next month.
(colby2152 @ Apr. 24 2008,10:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">... debating whether or not I should do this over the next month.</div>
Now would be a good time to go for it.

Looks like you've got a serious SD coming up in June...
(TunnelRat @ Apr. 25 2008,10:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(colby2152 @ Apr. 24 2008,10:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">... debating whether or not I should do this over the next month.</div>
Now would be a good time to go for it.

Looks like you've got a serious SD coming up in June...
The SD will halt all exercises, but the progression will only stop for the HST portion but not the 5x5 segment...

4/27/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:red'>Mowed lawn, threw football and baseball
Quick Pilates</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 12.5 - 3, 62.5 - 3, 80 - 5 (2 sets)
Curl: 45 - 3, 80 - 5 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 80 - 3, 135 - 4, 170 - 3 (10 sets)</span>

I found a flaw in my DL form that has been causing my upper and middle back to be strained. I have been holding the bar too much in front of me. I'm now keeping it closer to my shins. This way, the lift will concentrate on my upper legs, core and lower back like it is supposed to do.
Side note about diet... IF is coming to a halt, at least for five weeks. I have been having gas pains for the past three weeks. At that time, my fasts were averaging over 15 (upwards to 17) hours a day. This may or may not be the problem, but it seems logical that cramming my caloric intake window is causing me to have digestive issues.

Caloric intake will be higher than normal this week to give my BMR a nice reset. Weight dropped to a low this morning at 227.5. It seems that less stress + IF has resulted in a boost in weight loss.
(colby2152 @ Apr. 30 2008,9:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Weight dropped to a low this morning at 227.5.  It seems that less stress + IF has resulted in a boost in weight loss.</div>
Dag, Colby, you're wasting away to nothing! You're gonna be nothing but skin and bones by your wedding day.
(TunnelRat @ Apr. 30 2008,10:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(colby2152 @ Apr. 30 2008,9:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Weight dropped to a low this morning at 227.5. It seems that less stress + IF has resulted in a boost in weight loss.</div>
Dag, Colby, you're wasting away to nothing! You're gonna be nothing but skin and bones by your wedding day.
Skin, bones, and hopefully plenty of muscle (and very little fat)!
4/30/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Row: 12.5 - 8, 40 - 4, 62.5 - 3, 85 - 5, PR: 90 - 5, 95 - 5
Seated Press: 25 - 10, 80 - 5, 85 - 5, 90 - 5*
Hack Squat: 45 - 5, 105 - 3 (10 sets)</span>

*Not sure if it is a PR or not, I recall doing Arnold Presses at 55 lbs a DB for 5 reps... I'll have to check my records when I get back home.
(colby2152 @ May 01 2008,8:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">PR: 90 - 5, 95 - 5</div>
<span style='color:red'>CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW PR, COLBY!</span>

Regardless of whether or not the 90 x 5 seated press was a PR, that's some great pressing!

Great workout today!!!!!!!!
(_tim @ May 01 2008,9:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(colby2152 @ May 01 2008,8:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">PR: 90 - 5, 95 - 5</div>
<span style='color:red'>CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW PR, COLBY!</span>

Regardless of whether or not the 90 x 5 seated press was a PR, that's some great pressing!

Great workout today!!!!!!!!</div>
Thanks Tim, but I wonder how much I can row (Pendlay/Bent-over/T-Bar) with a barbell? I never got too comfortable with the form, but doubling my new 5RM would give me 190 lbs which isn't too bad. I can't wait to join the rest of you guys in the big lifts this summer!
Okay, 90 lbs is the best I have ever done (for 5 reps) on a Military Press, Arnold Press or any other type of Shoulder Press. I'll push that one tonight!
5/1/08 - HST WO
<span style='color:red'>Threw baseball and football</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 12.5 - 10, 45 - 3, 62.5 - 3, 80 - 5, PR: 85 - 5, 90 - 3, 90 - 3.5
Curl: PR: 95 - 5
Seated Press: 12.5 - 10, 85 - 3, 90 - 5, PR: 95 - 5, PR: 100 - 10</span>
<span style='color:red'>5 minutes on Treadmill</span>

You read that last one right... not only did I get a PR twice in a row for Seated Press, but I kept going with the reps and I hit 10! Now, the question is... how much can I really do with 5 reps?
Great prs colby. Really like the OHP's. Keep up the good work. Oh yeah, can't wait till summer to see you hammer away at the big lifts. As always good luck!
(BAX67 @ May 04 2008,7:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great prs colby. Really like the OHP's. Keep up the good work. Oh yeah, can't wait till summer to see you hammer away at the big lifts. As always good luck!
Thanks Bax! I am excited for then as well!

5/4/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:red'>Lawn work</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Row: 12.5 - 5, 50 - 5, 90 - 5, 102.5 - 5, 110 - 5
Hack Squat: 110 - 5, 135 - 3
Deadlift: 110 - 5, 135 - 5, 155 - 5, 170 - 5, 175 - 3, 155 - 8</span>