Busy weekend / start of the week postponed training, but I continue on the best I can. Wedding plans are taking up a lot of time, but it is crunch time now (17 days)!
5/13/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:red'>Mowed lawn, jumped ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 50 - 3, 62.5 - 4, PR: 90 - 4
Curl: 45 - 5, PR: 105 - 4
Deadlift: 45 - 8, 105 - 5, 125 - 5, 140 - 5, 160 - 5, 175 - 5, 180 - 3, 160 - 8</span>
Deadlift form is working great now. I think I have the perfect stance and angles of knees and legs. I am also keeping the bar much closer to my legs tan before. I just need to keep it this way!