The Road to 10%

Wow! Great progress Colby! I compared your new picture with your older pictures and that's really an improvement. So your fat percentage is 12.36 now? When do you expect to reach 10?

Keep up the good work!
(bullseye @ May 05 2008,4:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Wow! Great progress Colby! I compared your new picture with your older pictures and that's really an improvement. So your fat percentage is 12.36 now? When do you expect to reach 10?

Keep up the good work!</div>
Thank you for the word of encouragement bullseye!

Body fat percentage per multiple calculations is averaged out in the low 12's. My body fat percentage, as is the usual case, may be higher. I'm probably not the best judge, but I would say 14% at best.

More or less, I declare myself at 12.00% when my love handles disappear, and I have upper abs showing a bit. The upper abs to rib cage area is already starting to get to that point and my love handles have drastically gone down, so perhaps I am closer to my calculated body fat percentage than I think?

My original goal (to get to 10%) was set at my wedding date: May 31st. I do not think I will attain this goal by that time, but I will continue on for as long as it takes. Hopefully, I will hit 10% before the end of the summer.

I'm not too concerned about the length of time as I have adjusted to this long cut. I have been doing it slower too, which settles the mind and helps me with caloric intake.
congrats on the progress so far.

its taken a long time to get here (12-14%) but you certainly have been consistent and patient. hell i think sci muscle has cut, bulked, cut and is back to bulking during the same time span (just joking........mostly).

anyway, i think it might be worth taking a shot at 10% or close to it by the wedding. youve done all the prep work of dropping some wgt and getting the bf within range while still maintaining the diet (and sanity) right up to your target date. im not talking crash diet stuff, but more like stricter IF days (low carb, hi pro) more cardio etc.

either way you obviously know yourself and the avail. time and energy so im sure youll make the right decision. it just seems youve put in so much time/effort to date why not take a shot at the actual goal rather then just getting close.........

again, your a better one to make the call on that.

congrats again.
Bluejacket; it's not that I am giving up and toning my pace, but 10% is not in sight within a month, but a definite 12% IS. I'll continue my road no matter what though...

5/6/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes for 4 min</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 45 - 5, 82.5 - 3, 85 - 3, 87.5 - 2
Deadlift: 82.5 - 5, 155 - 5, 175 - 3 (10 sets w/30 second SH on last set)
Curl: 95 - 3 (2 sets)</span>
you do deserve a lot of credit colby, there is a markedly noticeable difference.
(fearfactory @ May 06 2008,8:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">you do deserve a lot of credit colby, there is a markedly noticeable difference.</div>
Wow, thanks FF! I seem to hold some fat in unique places, outside of the usual gut. For instance, I hold some fat around my pectorals. This is actually why I did not post pictures early on when I joined the forum. I even thought I had traits of gynecomastia at one point, but I then realized it wasn't that bad. Reducing my body fat percentage to 10% should eliminate those pockets of fat.

The road continues....
Lookin' might trim there...!
(TunnelRat @ May 07 2008,10:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lookin' might trim there...!
Much obliged... better than telling me I am wasting away to nothing!
During the past several days, my weight has been a bit higher (between 230 and 236). I did some measurements the other night, so combined with the higher weight, my recorded body fat% has gone up.
5/8/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Row: 50 - 4, 82.5 - 3, 110 - 5 (2 sets)
Seated OH Press: 60 - 7, 100 - 5 (3 sets)
Hack Squat: 45 - 5, 135 - 3 (10 sets)</span>

I think my back was too vertical during the Hack Squat. I corrected in the last three sets to match the form shown here: Hack Squat EXRX link

The only trouble with these is that I cannot go ATG. Just like in that gif video in the link, my thighs stop at slightly above parallel thanks to the 45ers on each side of the barbell. Hey, it's better than nothing at all!

Another note... the OH presses got awkward. I maxed out my ol' standard DB's and there is no room at the inn, err dumbbell. I shifted over to my Olympic DB's which weigh 12.5 lbs a piece. To make one of them 50, I need a total of 37.5 lbs. The only way I can do that with the limited amount of plates that I own is to put a 25er on one side and 12.5 lbs on the other. I kept the 25's on the inside of my lift for balancing purposes, and it seemed to help.
Busy weekend / start of the week postponed training, but I continue on the best I can. Wedding plans are taking up a lot of time, but it is crunch time now (17 days)!

5/13/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:red'>Mowed lawn, jumped ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 50 - 3, 62.5 - 4, PR: 90 - 4
Curl: 45 - 5, PR: 105 - 4
Deadlift: 45 - 8, 105 - 5, 125 - 5, 140 - 5, 160 - 5, 175 - 5, 180 - 3, 160 - 8</span>

Deadlift form is working great now. I think I have the perfect stance and angles of knees and legs. I am also keeping the bar much closer to my legs tan before. I just need to keep it this way!
It's been a week, but I finally got to working out yesterday. Infrequent is better than nothing...

5/20/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Row: 12.5 - 10, 82.5 - 5, PR: 117.5 - 4
Seated Press: 25 - 10, PR: 110 - 3
Hack Squat: 45 - 5, 95 - 5, 110 - 5, 120 - 5, 135 - 5, 140 - 3, 120 - 2</span>

That last set of Hacks was supposed to be 8 reps but that 12 day break from Squats really didn't help my endurance! I actually lifted 5 reps a piece on the press and rows, but considering I had an issue with bringing the DB's up to my shoulders from my sides (and this tweaked my right shoulder). Therefore, I marked down the reps from 5 to 3 until I can do 5 reps with comfort. The same thing goes with Row. My right side did just fine, but my left side struggled upon hitting 3 reps.
OH HECK YEAH! Nice PR's, colby! What the hell happened since I was away? All of you people are hitting these big numbers and setting records. My, what 18 days can do....

AWESOME PROGRESS. Mighty proud of 'ya, colby.
Nice work Colby! The PR's are flowin'.

What do you think about turning on the afterburners and getting rid of that last 3% BF so you can finally be done with this cut? I bet you could do it in 6 weeks...
(soflsun @ May 22 2008,3:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nice work Colby! The PR's are flowin'.

What do you think about turning on the afterburners and getting rid of that last 3% BF so you can finally be done with this cut? I bet you could do it in 6 weeks...</div>
I would have turned the afterburners on in May, but I currently have no time in my schedule to consistently work out. June and July will be my 16th HST cycle, and hopefully my last cutting cycle. I plan on doing a 3x/week HST cycle like so:

Deads/Hack Squats
Seated OH Press
Bent-Over Row (may try out the barbell version here, not sure)

I plan on running as much as I can on the off days. I may start up the IF as well. I'll probably shed some fat on the honeymoon believe it or not. Yes, I know I will be eating a bunch and drinking, but I will be very active and walking a lot. This happened to me in Orlando back in February as well.

Thanks for the compliments guys!
Body weight is up (235 this morning), but I look leaner. I have been eating at maintenance for the past couple of weeks due to infrequent training and a metabolic reset.
5/23/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 12.5 - 5, 82.5 - 3, PR: 95 - 3
Curl: 95 - 3, PR: 110 - 3
Deadlift: 110 - 7, 180 - 3 (9 sets), 180 - 5, 155 - 15</span>

The 155 for 15 reps felt a lot easier than most of my 180 for 3 rep sets. The metabolic work was good indeed!
Nice liftin' Colby. Great prs. One arm rows with 117.5, wow, your back must be looking like a king cobra. Great job!!
(BAX67 @ May 23 2008,10:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nice liftin' Colby. Great prs. One arm rows with 117.5, wow, your back must be looking like a king cobra. Great job!!</div>
It makes me wonder how much I can do with a barbell at a traditional bent-over row. I think my right arm/lats can pull 120, maybe even 125 for 5 reps, but my left side has maxed out at 115. That's a natural occurrence, so I am sure it is time for me to make the switch to barbell bent-over rows!

Thank you for the encouragement. Pictures will be posted upon returning from my honeymoon. I'll be nice and tan, I mean... red!