The Road to 10%

(soflsun @ Jun. 13 2008,8:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">SUCKER!! Just kidding...congratulations!!

Good luck with your next cycle...why no chins or regular dips?</div>
I work out at home, hence no dip station. I'll be ordering some equipment this cycle though! :-)

Sumo Rack + Adjustable DB Bench

Weight clocked in high at 238 this morning? Cycle XVI starts this evening!
And Cycle XVI starts off with plenty of sweat after an 18 day SD.

HST 15's - WO 1/6 - 6/16/08
<span style='color:red'>Jogging, Swiss Ball Sit-Ups</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Bent Over Row: 45 - 20, 85 - 15 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 45 - 10, 85 - 15, 110 - 15 (2 sets)
Seated OH Press: 60 - 15 (2 sets)
Hack Squat: 45 - 10, 95 - 15 (2 sets)</span>

Whoa; those 15 rep Squats were tough after those Deads!
Minor interruption already I was bed ridden from when I got home from work yesterday. Not sure what I ate that cause me to puke. I had tuna salad w/Gorgonzola cheese and Italian dressing, that may have been it? I think the salad actually stayed down though. I also had grapes and protein shake, but those didn't stay in my system. I started feeling better at about 1 AM this morning, and I am back in to work. I'm taking off today from heavy eating (including protein shakes), and I am deferring my workout until tomorrow.
HST 15's - WO 2/6 - 6/19/08
<span style='color:red'>Jogging, Burpees - 5 (2 sets), Burgerner Routine</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Bent Over Row: 95 - 15 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 95 - 9, 125 - 15 (2 sets)
Seated OH Press: 65 - 15 (2 sets)
Hack Squat: 105 - 15 (2 sets)</span>
<span style='color:red'>Chair Dips: 4 (2 sets), 8*</span>

*really warn out since I was speeding through this WO that last just over a half hour
I weighed in at 236 this morning. Past four days caloric cut/bulk were as follows:

Monday (WO): +700
Tuesday (sick): -1000
Wednesday (off): -100
Thursday (WO): +100
Total: -300
Average: -75/day, slow cut -&gt; maintenance level

I'm looking to get some good cuts today and Sunday! Good news is that I feel the fish oil already starting to work its magic with less lower back discomfort and improved sleep.
HST 15's - WO 3/6 - 6/21/08
<span style='color:red'>Jogging: quarter mile, Burgerner Routine</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Bent Over Row: 100 - 15 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 130 - 15 (2 sets)
Seated OH Press: 70 - 15 (2 sets)</span>
<span style='color:red'>Chair Dips: 9</span>

Skipped the Hack Squats and the extra set(s) of Chair Dips due to a crunch of time. Nevertheless, I got a quality workout in. Looking back on Week 1 of my 16th Cycle dubbed &quot;Back to the Basics II&quot;, I believe I have found a successful formula. The fish oil has definitely helped me in the important, but all too forgotten, recovery stage. My joints feel better and I have slept better just like I did back in the winter. Legs on HST during the 15's is not something new, but it is something I haven't done since HST Cycle X this time a year ago. My form on both the Deadlift, Row and Hack Squat are the best ever. I keep in mind where the bar is, where my eyes are looking at, and the curvature/angle of my back. The biggest part of this 1st week was my diet...
(BAX67 @ Jun. 22 2008,11:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fish oil eh, I think I'll add it to my grocery list tomorrow.
I would recommend not doing that because your grocery store will only sell health grade fish oil which is a temporary solution at best. There may be a lot of toxins from the fish that haven't been filtered out in those oils. What you want to look for is a fish oil that has been molecularly distilled. I recommend looking at Vitacost as they have discount prices and a flat $5.00 s&amp;h price no matter where and how large the order.
(colby2152 @ Jun. 22 2008,11:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The biggest part of this 1st week was my diet...</div>
I never finished my rant. I have some solid numbers from Week 1 that tell a great story of how I ate more (nearly bulking) on WO days and I cut the best I could on non-WO days.

Average Caloric Balance on the Three WO Days = +313
&quot; &quot; &quot; on non-WO days = -443

Average Caloric Balance during week = -119

It comes out to a slow cut (just barely), but this may be a very optimal pattern. I can already feel the leanness taking effect. Weight kicked in at 233.5 this morning.
(colby2152 @ Jun. 23 2008,8:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> What you want to look for is a fish oil that has been molecularly distilled.

Very good, thank you!
HST 15's - WO 4/6 - 6/23/08
<span style='color:red'>quick Burgerner Routine</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Bent Over Row: 105 - 15 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 140 - 15 (2 sets)
Seated OH Press: 75 - 15
Hack Squats: 120 - 15 (2 sets)</span>
<span style='color:red'>Chair Dips: 9, 5</span>

+160 cal balance at end of day
(colby2152 @ Jun. 23 2008,8:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">[quote

Average Caloric Balance on the Three WO Days = +313
&quot; &quot; &quot; on non-WO days = -443

Average Caloric Balance during week = -119

It comes out to a slow cut (just barely), but this may be a very optimal pattern. I can already feel the leanness taking effect. Weight kicked in at 233.5 this morning.</div>
I'm curious to see how this goes Colbster. I think there is def something to cyclical caloric intake based around WO days.

Though my peaks and valleys are more extreme than yours, I think between the two of our logs we may learn a bit...

Good luck! Get RIPPED!
(beingisbeing @ Jun. 26 2008,12:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm curious to see how this goes Colbster. I think there is def something to cyclical caloric intake based around WO days.

Though my peaks and valleys are more extreme than yours, I think between the two of our logs we may learn a bit...

Good luck! Get RIPPED!</div>
I have become more interested in your log as well. I am always learning and trying to find out what works best for me. For instance, I know slow bulks, and apparently now, slow cuts work well for me. I have decent genetics for muscle mass, but my genetics also favor packing on the adipose tissue, so going slower is better for my body to adjust to.

I guarantee I will still be gunning for 10% one year after I started this road, but this wasn't just a goal to get ripped before my wedding. Just because I didn't make it my goal then because of time issues, then it doesn't mean my goal isn't still in effect. I will get there, and once I am there, I plan on staying there for health, conditioning and comfort reasons.

Thanks for the interest in my journey to 10% beingisbeing!
HST 15's - WO 5/6 - 6/26/08
<span style='color:red'>Burgernerish warmup</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Bent Over Row: 115 - 15 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 145 - 15 (2 sets)
Seated OH Press: 80 - 15 (2 sets)
Hack Squats: 125 - 15</span>
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Crunches</span>
HST 15's - WO 6/6 - 6/30/08
<span style='color:red'>Burgerner warmup + Swiss Ball Crunches</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Bent Over Row: 125 - 15 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 155 - 15
Seated OH Press: 85 - 13*
Hack Squats: 135 - 15</span>
<span style='color:red'>Chair Dips: 9</span>

I could pull 70 for a one arm DB bent over row, so I assumed a 15 RM of about 85% of that for the barbell row. Maybe I can get 140? I'll have some work to do going into my 10's!

*Worn out, will try again in the 10's
I love how your 15s are all heavier than my 5s! I hope to get 1/4 way to your strength by january lol

its funny, the number one most 'failed' target in all my workouts is the shoulder presses...I'll walk away, take a 5 minute breather, and then I can hit them.

damn HST and compounds... poor shoulders have nothing left when you want to concentrate on them!
beingisbeing said the following...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I love how your 15s are all heavier than my 5s! I hope to get 1/4 way to your strength by january lol</div>

We are all at different stages in our lifting careers. The weight that guys like quad, LOL and tot (deads) lift in their 15's is more than what I do in my 5's. Goal setting is a great thing. You'll be there in the no time, but no rush! How old are you btw?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">its funny, the number one most 'failed' target in all my workouts is the shoulder presses...I'll walk away, take a 5 minute breather, and then I can hit them.</div>

It's a tough exercise mentally. The shoulders are a smaller muscular group than the quads, hams, back or chest. Mine filled up with lactic acid and I burned out on that set.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">damn HST and compounds... poor shoulders have nothing left when you want to concentrate on them! </div>

True true. I'll have to do shoulders first next workout whether that be today or tomorrow. I had my truck towed in to the shop yesterday, so tonight may not end up as a workout night if I have to change plans for work tomorrow.
Posted this in beingisbeing's log....

Here are some #'s from my diet in the past 2 weeks...

WO days: +230
Off days: -280

It averages out to about -170 or so per day, so overall I am still cutting albeit slowly. It's a neat experiment, but I don't see any changes in weight or body fat percentage. I do feel much leaner though!

I really don't think my road to 10% will get better unless I can manage to find time to add cardio in the mix!
(colby2152 @ Jul. 02 2008,8:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Another update.. this time on equipment.   I ordered it all and it is on the road as we speak!

My Home Gym Log</div>
Nice buy. Your going to love having that.