little question about how to adapt the diet exactly to hst...blade allready gave some advices some replies before
In my mind I am creating the following idea, what about depleting a whole week and overfeeding a whole week like
first 3 workouts of 15's depleting then, the next week start two or 3 days loading and then keep overfeeding during the you would always overfeed during the time the workouts are getting heavy - maximum...and depleting to the startwheigts of each rep-minicycle..?!?!
the other thing I am thinking about is to deplete during 2 weeks and overfeed 2 to use for example the 15's for depleting, the 10s for loading and overfeeding, 5's for depleting and negatives for load/overfeed...
of course you couldnt drop your calories down to 50% of maintenance...but thats just a question of adjustment...
what do you think about the 2 ideas in generall or what are you doing right now to combine the two?
ps: should you use drop sets only during 5s and negeatives? I now the dont make much sense during 15's but what about 10's? and how many drop sets do you do...? lets say you do 4 sets (2 different exercices) for all of the big muscles, you would do a drop set at the 4th and last set of any muscle?
thanks guys...