I decided to stick with my current hst routine and just add more cardio (as Mr. Haycock suggests) to deplete glycogen stores. I do think single digit body fat can be obtained for the genetically average guy using lyle's ud2.0 diet and hst together. Blade said to add more sets to the key compound lifts during the five's (3-4per exercise) which I think works great as long as DOMS isn't too severe which could be a sign of CNS blowout. I also am using Steve's advice and adding dropsets on the first day of the 5's and using them until I've shot my load at the end of the negatives weeks. Then I will SD and eat a maintenance zone diet for 14 days as Lyle suggests. Finally, when I start my 5th cycle I will start the UD2.0 again and utilize it unitl I have abdominal visability which will probably be anywhere from 7-10% bodyfat range for me. After that goal is achieved, who knows maybe I will bulk using the UD2.0 mass gain version to gain a little muscle with minimal body fat gain. Then I may leave the natural body building word and consider using AAS to further enhance my physique.