Super Sunday. Did another AM/PM split:
Squats (Warmup) 2@0x12 95x5 115x3 (Work sets) 135x10 (Rest/pause) 115x11x11!
Hammer Strength Leg Extensions 2@120x10 (Rest/pause on second set)
Hammer Strength Pullover 105x5 3@130x10!
Wide Grip Pulldown 100x12x12x10 ↑
Incline Dumbbell Press (Warm UP) 25x10 35x5 (Worksets) 45x12x12x10!↑
Dumbbell Flyes 2@20x15↑
Dumbbell Laterals 20x12x10 -
Dumbbell Shrug 2@65x10 -
Hammer Curls 2@35x10
Overhead Tricep Extensions 25x15
The way I feel today, two days after my last workout, I think I'm going to be using AM/PM splits as much as possible the rest of the way through this cycle. I feel great especially my quads, lats, and arms, all of which are pumped even now, and I can feel not soreness but more of a tightness deep in the muscles I've never felt before. My biceps, for example, are much tighter even when not flexing. I had to cover all my mirrors because I wasn't able to walk past them without stopping to flex! I'm trying to go two days without any exercise, including posing practice. It's tough when you're making gains like this.
Also, my form throughout was absolutely perfect! On squats, I went as deep as ever and was able to really contract the quads hard going up. The last couple reps really felt incredible! On pulldowns, I kept my scapula locked in position and felt major contractions all the way down the lats*. I'm very happy with this current routine. I do plan to make one change and that is again on how I warm up. I was looking at the Max-OT program and I like their warm up protocol, which in all reality is much like how I've been doing it, but a little more structured (I've changed their numbers from pounds to percent):
First Set:
50% x 12 reps (warm-up)
These should be good smooth reps. Not too slow and not to fast. Your main goal is to increase blood flow and get the feel of the movement and the weight. After this first set you should rest about 2 minutes.
Second Set:
50% x 10 reps (warm-up)
Same weight as before. Rhythm should be a little faster this time. Not much faster. Rest about 2 minutes.
Third Set:
65% x 6 reps (warm-up)
This should be a deliberate set done at a moderate pace. This is the next step in weight acclimation. It should feel light and 4 reps should be very easy. Rest about 2 to 3 minutes before the next set.
Fourth Set:
80% x 3 reps (weight acclimation)
You should follow the same rhythm as in the last set. 3 strong reps. Rest 2 minutes before next set.
Fifth Set:
90% x 1 rep (weight acclimation)
That's right, just 1 rep. The purpose here is weight acclimation. This should be a strong, powerful and deliberate rep.
Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Sets:
105% x 4 to 6 reps (muscle-building)
These are the muscle building sets. Very important. These are the only sets that produce muscle growth. All the sets leading up to these heavy sets are merely warm-up sets and are treated as just that and nothing more.
Notice we went to 105% instead of 100. Warming up the Max-OT allows you to use heavier weight during the most important muscle building sets.
Don't know about that last part.
*Edit: I just remembered that on Saturday night, I did this no-weight contraction workout I found on You Tube. Basically flexing and contracting each muscle hard for two sets of ten. In a way it's kind of a virtual workout if you imagine yourself using actual weights with absolute perfect form. I'm sure this carried over to my real workout the next day.