Training log. Plz feel free to comment!

I love living in Sweden. However, no country/nationality is safe from ridicule on my part. Everyone has something to be ashamed about ;)

The polar bears dont usually make it down to Sweden as theres not enough icebergs to carry them.

Squats: 100kg 3 reps. 102,5kg 3 reps 2 sets.
Chins: BW + 35kg 3 reps 3 sets then 10 WO BW
DB 10* bench: 52.5kg 3 reps 2 sets. Then 2+1 for the final set
BB OH standing: 75kg 2+1 reps. 70kg 3 reps 3 sets.
Dips: BW + 50kg 6 reps then 4 reps
Standing calf
Standing cable crunch

Really pleased with the dips. Im going to continue to do as many as possible each set as its the first rep that really kills me.

I did a PB on the standing OH BB too! I reckon Ill have a 1RM of my own body weight soon. I weighed in at 85,1kg today.
Ive decided to SD. I ended up at failure on almost every exercise and I can feel my limbs, joints and tendons aching now. Ill be taking 11 days off. I then have two weeks before Im away for a week. Im unsure if I should do 2 heavy weeks again or start off from the 12´s. What do you guys think?

Here was my final sesh on the 3´s:

Squat: 105kg for 3, 102.5kg for 3 then 100 for 3
Chins:BW + 37.5kg 4+3+2 reps
DB bench 10 dgree incline: 52.5kg 4+2+3 reps
Standing OH BB: 75kg 2 reps, 70kg 3+4 reps
Dips: BW + 52.5kg 5+3+2 reps plus 15 reps WO BW
Then some calf and abs.

Im really pleased with my performance and I feel as if I have grown during this cycle despite losing about 7+ kg´s. My waist is smaller but the butt is the same. My arms feel huge now and thats without a single bicep curl during the last 9 weeks! Im going to try and eat a bit more each day as opposed to the eat less-non training day/ eat more-training day. Im not worried about putting on a littel weight as Im sure it´ll do my hormones good.
Thats me now finished with my SD. I started again on my 4´s. I weighed myself and was 84.4kg with shorts and top, so Im probably 84. It was nice to start off again sub-max but I can feel how you lose strength quickly. But it went well and only took 40mins.

Squat: 95kg 4reps x 2
Chins: BW + 20kg 4reps x 2 plus 25 pull-ups.
DB 30degree bench: 40kg 8 reps
Dips: BW + 37.7 6 reps then 2 reps
Standing OH BB: 60kg 4reps x 2.
Then calves and standing crunch.

It was the standing OH that I felt Ive lost the most strength. Its the last heavy exercise and I may in the future consider doing the OH after my chins instead, then dips and then chest(which is my strongest bodypart). The squats werent too bad and everything else felt fine. It was really nice to eat a nice big plate of spagetti bolognaise after the gym today.
Had a good day at the gym. Forgot to write up my alt. routine from wednesday but it went to plan. DL felt good. today:

Squat: 97.5kg 4reps x 2
Chins: BW + 27.5kg 4 reps x 2 plus 11 WO BW
Dips: BW + 45KG 6reps then 5 reps plus 16 WO BW
Stand BB OH: 67.5KG 4reps x 2
DB chest 10 degree on bench: 47.5kg 4reps x 2

Then standing calf and ab-crunch.

Weighed myself today and was 84.5kg. Ive went up .5kg but thats due to the amount of ham Ive been eating the last 24 hours. I did an early easter ham and couldnt stop eating it. Think I had almost 0.5kg of ham for my lunch! :D Feeling nice and strong again after the first week after SD. Joints feel fine. We´ll se ehow they get on next week.
I decided to split my routine between today and tomorrow so I dont need to wait on the squatbar.

DL. 145kg 4+4. Then 185kg for 1 New PB.
Stand OH BB. 67.5kg. 4+4
DB 30* bench. 42.5kg 8+5 biggest db at that gym.
Chins. 27.5kg. 4+4 plus pullups wo bw 11reps.
Some abs too and chest cablecross just to get a pump.

Good day, fasted training. Just doing dips, calves and more abs tomorrow.
Did the rest of my workout today.

Dips: BW only 12reps. BW + 47.5kg for 6 reps. BW + 55kg for 4 reps(PB). BW + 65kg for 2 reps(PB). Then 16 reps BW only.
DB 30* incline: 47.5kg for 4 reps, as I only had access to 42.5 db´s yesterday.
Standing calves: 135kg for 6 reps(PB) That was the whole stack. 130kg for 5reps.
Then some ab crunches in a new machine. Ergonomic/comfy= GOOD!

I was, obviously, really pleased with my effort today. Feeling strong. Im going to try and press my PR´s for Standing BB OH, chins and squats this week before I go on holiday.
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Did the rest of my workout today.

Dips: BW only 12reps. BW + 47.5kg for 6 reps. BW + 55kg for 4 reps(PB). BW + 65kg for 2 reps(PB). Then 16 reps BW only.
DB 30* incline: 47.5kg for 4 reps, as I only had access to 42.5 db´s yesterday.
Standing calves: 135kg for 6 reps(PB) That was the whole stack. 130kg for 5reps.
Then some ab crunches in a new machine. Ergonomic/comfy= GOOD!

I was, obviously, really pleased with my effort today. Feeling strong. Im going to try and press my PR´s for Standing BB OH, chins and squats this week before I go on holiday.

Obviously holiday is something less easy to work around, but crushing PB's like this is an indication to me that it's a bit early to SD yet. Food for thought :)
That was kind of my thinking too. Ill get a session in before I leave on friday and then resume on the wednesday when Im back. Ill take gym clothes in case theres a chance I can get to a gym there. I Think Ill just keep going until I can get any further then work down to the 8´s again for two then up to the 4´s and 3´s after that. Unless I burn out Before then. My measuring stick will probably be how burned out I feel. Joints seem to be coping much better this time round.
Had a great day at the gym.

Squats: 100kg 4 + 4
Chins: BW+40kg 4 then 3+1 (That’s another PB!)
Standing OH BB: 75kg 4 then 3+1 (PB!)
Dips: BW+60kg 4 reps (PB). BW+70kg for 1(PB)
10* bench DB: 50kg 4 then 3+1
Standing calf: 135kg 6 reps(PB) then 4 reps.
Did some more cable/chestpumping then ab crunches.

I believe Im under 84kg now. I will be checking BF% tomorrow so Im both interested and a little anxious to see what he says.
Last sesh before I go to Scotland:

Deads: 150kg for 5. (PB) 155kg for 4
Chins: BW(84)+ 40 for 4. BW+25 for 6. BW+15 for 8. Then 8 pullups BW only.
30* bench DB: 47.5kg for 6 then 4. 35kg for 12
Standing OH BB: 75kg 4+4
Did ab crunches, calf press and bi-curls. Skipped dips today as I was at another gym and they didn’t have decent dip-bars.

I did my caliper reading today and was at 11.8%BF. Was a bit more than I hoped but at least I now know where I am and how much I need to go. That’s inspired me to keep cutting and keep lifting heavy as long as poss. Im going to try and get at least one session at the gym when Im over there. May begin with 8´s for a couple of weeks before going back to 4´s and 3´s.

Ill book in another caliper test once Ive lost another couple of kilos. Im at around 83.7kg now. I reckon 80kg should be aroundabout my target weight for 10%BF.
Ended up going to the gym and started off on the 8´s now again. Ill do it for 2 weeks before going back to 4´s.

Squat: 87.5kg x 8
Chins: BW + 15kg x 8
Standing OH BB: 50kg x 8
Dips: BW + 30kg x 8
10* bench DB: 42.5kg x 8 ( probably should´ve sunk a bit more!)
Calfpress: 100kg x 8

Some ab-work and cablechestpumpypress-work.

Ill be back on Wednesday so Im going to skip any training while there so Im only really missing one session, which I actually did today.
Back from chilly Scotland today. Took me two hours from landing until I was at the gym! Continued my 8´s today.

Deads: 120kg x 7+1
Chins: BW(84) + 15kg x 8
Stand OH BB: 52.5kg x 8
Dips: BW + 32.5kg x 8
30* bench DB: 40kg x 8
Standing calf: 105kg x 8
Ab crunches and then more chest/cablecross.

I warmed up with 40,60 then 80kg for deads. The deads were quite tough so I put the bar down at seven as I was almost at failure and felt there was n o need to push it too far, first day back.

Its been difficuilt to keep to my diet whilst there but it wasnt too bad. Loads of temptations which I gave into now and again. Im probably only 0.5kg heavier which Ill probably lose by the weekend.
A short break during a cut often pays back with interest. Maybe it's because the body thinks food intake is back to normal, hormones go back to the status quo etc and then you sucker punch it and the cutting restarts uber-quick. Lyle McDonald includes a few normal meals per week in his RFL protocol for this reason.
Ill keep my fingers crossed that happens. I feel even more determined to get down to single digit figures Before summer. I purchased my own caliper so I can save the 200kronor(30 AUD) each time I want to measure BF. I know Im at ca12% now so I can practice my measuring so the results are consistent.
Back from chilly Scotland today. Took me two hours from landing until I was at the gym! Continued my 8´s today.

Its been difficuilt to keep to my diet whilst there but it wasnt too bad. Loads of temptations which I gave into now and again. Im probably only 0.5kg heavier which Ill probably lose by the weekend.
Sounds like you had a good time, I'd like to go to Scotland myself (with my family), could you recommend any nice (touristic) attractions? I mean, even though I'm pretty sure you're not going there yourself, having grown up there and all.
There are loads of places to see tbh. It depends on how long you have. Id probably start off in Edinburgh. The castle, the Royal mile and much more roundabout that area. There are ghost tours that are quite good where you can visit an old closed off street that was infested by plague. Could probably do a day or two there. Id probably make my way past stirling castle then up the west coast to oban. Then over to Inverness and Loch ness. Make your way back down the east coast through Aberdeen, Dundee then into Fife through St Andrews and back down to Edinburgh. Id stay clear of Glasgow because, in all honesty, its a 5hithole! If youre going with family they´d enjoy the Falkirk Wheel on the way out to stirling castle. If its adults only(and you like beer and whisky) Id recommend Rose street in Edinburgh. Filled with nice bars and pubs.
I fly with Ryanair and a return göteborg-edinburgh only COSTs around 1200-1500SEK. Hotels arent dirt-cheap but you´re Norwegian so you´re even more used to high prices than I am ;)