Training log. Plz feel free to comment!

I decided to go to the gym today and test my 1RM´s. I was waiting to see if I should go for 200kg on the deads. I managed. It wasnt pretty but I lifted 200kg up from the floor to upright and back down again. I also managed two singles on the military press. Im going to try for 82.5kg during the week, perhaps even 85 if Im feeling strong.


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Congrats mate on the DL! good bar speed although the back was well rounded during the first pull. I'm hoping for the big 200kg at the end of this cycle too, but we'll see.
With that much weight it's not supposed to look pretty! Congrats on a 440 freaking pound deadlift!!! When I attempt 405 pounds in a few weeks, I hope my lift looks as good!!
Dips: BW+65kg 4+3. BW only narrow-grip: 18reps. Wide-grip:13reps
Seated single-leg calf: 32.5kg 8+8 then 8+8.

Decided to de-load now as my joints were starting to hurt again at these loads. Started off on the 8´s again.


Squats: 80kg 8reps
Chins: BW+15kg 8reps
Military: 55kg 8reps
Dips: BW+32.5kg 8reps
15* db: 40kg 8reps
Single leg calf: 25kg 8reps

I was considering going to two sets but felt I need not only a drop in load but also intensity for a bit. Ill do the 8´s cycle this week and next and next friday we´re off to Berlin(depeche mode concert!!) so Ill have a break for 4 or 5 days then. Do a day or two at the 8´s again then bump it up to the 4´s again.

Hopped over the deads just to spare my poor back more strain.

Chins: BW+16.25kg 8reps
Military: 57.5kg 8reps
30* DB: 37.5kg 8reps
Dips: BW+35kg 8reps
Stand calf: 100kg 8reps

Then obliques and crunches. 20 minute job again. Will keep to short workouts the rest of the week. Monday will start getting a bit tougher as Ill be lifting heavier and putting in some extra exercises and reps to keep my work rate up. Just keeping the work rate to a minimum this week to give my CNS a break.

Chins: BW+17.5kg 8reps
Dips: BW+37.5kg 8reps
15* DB: 40kg 8reps
Squats: 82.5kg 8reps
Military: 60kg 8reps
Seated single calf: 27.5kg 8reps

Then abs and obliques. Just took it easy today again. No extra work at all. My bodys feeling a bit less worn now due to these few easier days.

Deads: 130kg 8+8
Chins: BW+20 8reps. Then 6 pulls with same weight. Then another 6 chins with same weight.
Military: 62.5kg 8+7

2nd half of workout Monday:

Dips: BW+40kg 8+8+8
DB 30*: 40kg 8+8
Stand calf: 115kg 8reps


Squats: 87.5kg 9reps.(equals PB) 90kg 8reps (PB!) could´ve done even more there. Could´ve pushed 95 even!
Chins: BW+25kg 8reps(equals PB) 27.5kg 8reps (PB!)
Military: 65kg 8(PB)+5

I weighed in at 79.6kg today. I reached my sub-goal today:under 80kg. Even with the lighter bodyweight the chins were still a new PB. Still managing new records at this, let´s face it, really light body-weight.
Started my 4´s yesterday after my weekend trip. Was reaaly good just to pig out on anything I fancied. Lots of bratwurst, strudel and pilsner!


Deads: 150kg 4+4
Chins: BW+32.5kg 4+4
Military: 65kg 4+4
Dips: BW+45kg 4+4
DB 15*: 42.5kg 8reps then 25kg 15reps. Trying to keep the loads relatively light here to save strain on shoulder.
Missed calves as I forgot trainers.
Some ab-work.


Squats: 97.5kg 4+4
Chins: BW+35kg 4+4
Military: 67.5kg 4+4
Dips: BW+47.5kg 4+4
DB 30*: 42.5kg 8reps
Calf-raise: 120kg 4+4

Then alternated weighted ab-crunches and bi-curls in cable-cross.