Training log. Plz feel free to comment!

2nd half of my workout:

10* DB Bench: 52.5kg 4+4. 42.5kg 7reps. 27.5kg 12reps.
Dips: BW(82.4kg)+55kg 4 then 2+2. 25kg 8reps. BW only 12reps.
Calf press: 140kg 4+4

Then abs etc etc.

DB bench equalled an old record. The dips were a PB!

Deads: 155kg 5+5. 190kg(420lb) 1rep(PB)
Chins: BW+42.5kg 3+1. BW+40kg 3+1. Pullups WO BW 12reps.
Standing OH BB: 75kg 4 then 3+1. 50kg 12reps.

Then the customary ab/oblique-work. Will do the remainder of the session tomorrow. Its nice to split them up when it gets really heavy.
Yeah, shouldn´t be too long.


30* DB: 50kg 4+3+1. 37.5kg 7reps. 27.5kg 12reps. 50kg was heavy at that bench angle. Failure was imminent.
Dips: BW+ 55kg 4+4(managed to squeeze out both sets:(PB). 25kg 9reps. BW only 12reps.
Calves: 140kg 6+5. 90kg 9reps.

Did some bicurls just do maintain volume. Abs/obliques and cablechestpumpthingy.
Didnt eat all day before my workout so I decided to leave squats until tomorrow.

Chins: 42.5kg 4+4(thats a PB) 25kg 6reps. Pull-up BW only 8reps.
Stand OH BB: 77.25kg 2reps. 75kg 2 reps. 70kg 4reps. 50kg 10reps. 40kg 12reps.

Did some ab-stuff but was knackered so cut that short. I weighed in at 81.2kg.
Managed to fit in the last part of my workout this morning. On the plane to London now. Will be nice with a few days off as ive got DOMS all over.Squats: 107.5kg 4reps(PB) Then 2+2. 10* DB: 52.5kg 4reps. 42.5kg 6reps. 27.5kg 10reps. 20kg 12reps.Stand calf: 150kg 5+5(PB)Skipped dips as Im still sore there. Did some ab-work.Really pleased with this cycle. Ive managed PB's on every exercise and am the lightest and ripped Ive been since I was in my early 20's. Will start over on the 8's next week.
Restarted the 8´s today. Was good to get back to the gym after a long weekend of excesses in London.


Deads: 120kg 8reps
Chins: BW+15kg 8reps
Stand OH: 52.5kg 8reps
Dips: BW+32.5kg 8reps. BW only 18reps.
10* DB: 42.5kg 7+1reps. Didnt want to go to failure so stopped at 7. I went really deep with these today.
Calf raise: 125kg 8reps

Some ab and oblique-work. Did a couple of sets of cablecross/chest and in the pulldown machine just to increae metabolic work a bit. Didnt want to weigh myself today but should be back where I was last week, weightwise, this time next week. I think my body thanked me for the abundance of calories this weekend. Cake for body and mind.

Squats: 85kg 8reps
Chins: BW+17.5kg 8reps
Stand DB OH: 27.5kg 8reps
Dips: BW+37.5kg 8reps
30* DB bench: 40kg 8reps
Stand calf: 105kg 8reps (did 100 yesterday, not 125)

Then abs,obliques and more cablecross/chest and pulldown machine.
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Chins: BW+20kg 8reps
Deads: 130kg 8reps
Dips: BW+40kg 8reps
Stand OH: 57.5kg 8reps
DB 15* bench(decided its 15 not 10degrees): 42.5kg 8reps
Calf raise: 110kg

Then abs,obliques, bicepcurls and pulldown-machine.

Feeling strong in my deads. Just itching to get off the extra couple of kilo I put on on my trip. Anticipating accelerated fat-loss like I did after my last trip. Did wed, thu and friday this week to get in the proper amount of training for this week. Back to Mon, wed and friday next week again.
Been ill since Sunday so couldnt train until today. I just did the same workout as Friday, but in the correct order.

15* DB
Standing calf

Then abs etc.

Will do Mondays workout tomorrow, then Weds on Friday then go straight onto the 4´s on Monday.
Did the last workout of my 8´s today. However, I forgot it was the last workout so didnt go to failure until the 4th exercise :confused:

Deads: 135kg 8reps
Chins: BW+25kg 8reps
Military: 62.5kg 8reps
Dips: BW+45kg 9reps. BW only for 15reps.
15* DB: 45kg 8reps. 32.5kg 9reps.
Standing calf: 125kg 9reps.


Seated single leg calf: 25kg 8x2 left and right.
Weighted ab crunches: 3 heavy sets.
Pulldown machine: 3 sets@ca15reps each.
Fly machine: 3 sets

Start the 4´s on monday and am looking forward to it. Hate the high(er) rep-sessions! Time to get nice and heavy.
Started my 4´s today:

Chins: BW+32.5kg 4+4
Deads: 150kg 4+4
Military: 65kg 4+4. 50kg 13reps.
Dips: BW+42.5kg 4+4. BW only 15reps.

Ab crunches.

Squats: 97.5kg 4+4. 70kg 10 reps.
Chins: BW+35kg 4+4. BW only 12reps.
Military: 35kg db´s as bars were busy. 4+4. Was heavy and clumsy using db´s to do the standing press but it was doable.
Dips: BW+45kg 4+4. BW only 15reps.
DB 15*: 50kg 4+4
Seated calf single-leg: 27.5kg 8+8 left. 8+8 right.

Then abs, obliques and a bit more higher rep work.


Deads: 155kg 4+4.
Chins: BW+37.5kg 4+3+1
Military:72.5kg 4+4
Dips: BW+47.5 4+4.
30* DB: 50kg 4+4
Standing calf: 120kg 4+4

Then abs and higher rep work.

Weighed myself and came in at 80.9kg. Thats me back to the same weight as before my last weekend trip. By the end of this week I really hope I can get under 80kg. Once I went over 80kg 12 years ago Ive never been under it again.

I even went to the gym yesterday just to do higher metabolic work.

Chins and pullups with BW only(alternated): 10+10, 8+8, 6+6.
Bicep machinecurl: high reps without going to failure.
Shrugs in smith: 2-handed: 40kg 10+10. 1-handed: 40kg 10+10. 2-handed:10
Ab crunches. Heavy, lighter, lightest.

I just uses yesterday to both work on areas I feel neglected by my schedule and just to get in some more metabolic work. Next week should tell me how my strength levels are doing comparede to the last cycle. Ill see if Ive lost strength after cutting that kilo or two since last.
Did mondays workout on sunday instead.


Squats:102.5kg 4+4
Chins: BW+40kg 3+2+2
Military:70kg 4+4
Dips:BW+50kg 4+4
30* db:47.5kg 4+4
Stand calf:130kg 4+4

Did the customary ab-stuff afterwards.

I then decided to split my workouts into two sessions on this last week of heavy 4´s.


Deads:160kg 4+4
Chins:42.5kg 4+2+1+1(felt heavy!)
Military:72.5kg 4+4

I then did lighter work:

Deads:72.5kg 10+10
Pullups: BW only 12+8
Then some delt raises and abs etc.

Today(second half):

15* db:52.5kg 4+2+2
Dips:BW+52.5kg 4+4
Seated single-leg calf:30kg 8+8+8+8

Then some work on the pec-deck and dips BW only 20+15. Ive been using the rope in the cable-cross to do kneeling crunches then on the return extending my whole body to stretch out completely. Its really hitting the whole ab area and they feel solid now. Ill give it another week or so and post a new pic. I SHALL be under 10%BF then!

Will be working out tomorrow and friday for the remaining split-workout. Ill continue next week on the heavies by doing 3sets of 3 while trying to go for new PR´s. Ill try 200kg for deads and Ill also try 80kg(my body weight) for standing OH BB. That´ll be all my goals met for 2013. Time to set new soon perhaps.
Try to get those on video, the 200kg Deadlift and 80kg press. Those will be impressive achievements, good luck!
Ill try.

Did the first half of my final 4´s workout today. Felt pretty good, apart from my legs that were all sore from the deads and the long walk yesterday morning.

Squats:107.5kg 2+2 102.5kg 2+3
Chins:BW+45kg 4reps BW+40kg 3+1
Military:75kg 3+3+2 60kg 8reps 40kg 15reps
Pullups:BW only 13+9
Ab crunches cablemachine. Bicurls in cable machine.

The chins were an equalling of the old record as was military I think. Going to take 77.5kg next time round then go for 80kg at the end of next week. Should manage one(half-cheaty) rep. Ill go up to 47.5kg then 50kg on the chins too. I was at 80.7kg in my boxers today.

Tomorrow the last part of the 4´s: 30* db, dips and standing calf-press. Will be looking at equaling my records there too.
You have some great lifting going on, gb. All the best with your deadlift and press PR attempts.

Once you max out your presses, have you ever tried incrementing the loads a bit further and doing push-presses? You can then lower the bar under control to accentuate the negative part.
The push-press idea sounds interesting. I will give that a try soon I think.


Dips: BW+55kg 4reps. BW+65kg 4reps(New PR!)
30* db: 50kg 3+1 with negatives on the last two. 47.5kg 4reps with the last rep as a long negative.
Chest-machine(upwards): 5 sets withdecreasing weights whereby I managed 4 then 4 then 5 then 7 then finally 12 reps. Major pump in the boobies.
Then wide dips: BW only 13reps. Narrow dips: BW only 8+10
Standing calf: 140kg 4+4. 120kg 4reps. 100kg 6reps. 80kg 9reps.

Then finished with abcrunches and obliques.

I weighed in at 80.5kg. Really pleased with my progress.