Training log. Plz feel free to comment!

Theres M and D´s in Motherwell which isnt too far(an hour from edi). Deep sea World in North queensferry just 10 mins from Edinburgh city. There are wildlife parks too dotted around.
M&D looks perfect for my kids, Deep sea world also, combined with some mum&dad interests like castles and such I think I have a plan! :)
Was quite tired today. Woke up with a sore throat but it went away during the day. The choice was miss today or train today and miss tomorrow due to being totally wiped out. My gamble seemed to work as Im feeling fine now. Everything seemed heavy but I managed to get through it.

Squats: 90kg 7+1
Chins: BW + 17.5kg x 8
Stand OH BB: 52.5kg x 8
Dips: BW + 35kg x 8 then 15 WO BW
10* bench DB: 45kg 5+3(tough one)
Calf press: 110kg x 8
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Had a better day at the gym. Felt much fresher. Managed to hit all targets without even coming close to failure.

Deads: 60kg x 8. 80kgx8. 125kgx8.
Chins: BW + 17.5kg x 8
Stand OH BB: 55kg x 8
Dips: BW + 40kg x 8
30* bench DB: 42.5kg x 8
Stand calf: 115kg x 8
Then abs and cablecrosschest.

Looking forward to next weeks work-outs.
You're going to 4s this week or is it the second week of 8s? So after 2 weeks of 8s how many weeks do you do 4s?
And do you basically do the same exercises every day except deads&squats?
Wednesday will be my final day of the 8´s. Friday I begin a 2 week 4´s-cycle(away to London after that) I intend on just hopping back and forward between these two until I reach my BF target.2 weeks each. Im going to do my hardest to NOT SD until then. I only really felt I needed a break last as I was going down to 3´s and clustering so it got heavy. Basically its the same exercises. I do weighted chins each session, weighted dips, standing OH BB and calf raise. I jump back and forward between 10 and 30 degree bench. Im obviously stronger when using 10 degrees so it allows me to use two different weights thereby progressing with heavier dumbbells instead of having to go right down at the start of a cycle. Then just alternate deads and squats.

BW + 20kg 8reps

90kg 8reps

OH BB: 57.5kg 8reps

BW + 42.5kg 8 reps

calf: 120kg 8reps

Abs and cablecross/chest.
Nice chin-up strength. It's a glaring weakness for me. Are you still cutting?
Ive always been fairly strong at chins. My squats are my weak point. Yeah, still cutting. Put on a bit when I was over in Scotland last week but all thats dropped off again and it seems like the fat-burning process is going strong again. Just plodding away with that. I feel that Ill be cutting a couple of months more, at least. Trying not to lie in too big a deficit so I lose muscle. Probably got Another 3 or so kilos to go. At 83.8kg at the mo. Hows your deads coming along?
Not sure yet, in a couple of weeks, I will be testing my max again. Gained almost 2 kilos of mass already though. I am not going to SD, but just retest my maxes and start right up again in the 10s. Deads will be cycled also, on their own based on my lower back recovery.

I've still got way to go though.
Had a cracking day at the gym. Just flew through my workout.

Chins: BW+25kg 8reps (PB)
Deads: 130kg 8reps (PB)
Stand OH BB: 60kg 8reps
Dips: BW+45kg 8reps (PB)
Calf: 125kg 8reps

Abs and obliques. Ive started training obliques in preparation for Beach 2013. The whole
workout took 30mins. Thats the 8´s over so Ill start over on the 4´s
on friday.
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Slept really badly last night. Woke up with a sore throat. Decided to stay
at home today. Woke up again at noon after another six hous sleep and
felt great. Full of energy, no throat issues. I decided to go to the
gym anyway. My motto is: sore throat-no training. No sore
throat-training. It was the start of my 4´s and only at about

Squat: 95kg 4+4
Chins: BW(83.8kg)+30kg 4+4
Stand OH BB: 65kg 4+4
Dips: BW+47.5kg 4+4
DB 10* bench: 47.5kg 4+4
Stand calf: 130kg 4+4

I then did obliques and cablecrosschestpump.

I weighed in at an 83.8kg in my boxers. I bought my own calipers and my measurements are: 3mm:chest 4mm:suprailiac 10mm:abdominal 12mm:thigh. It works out to just over 8%bf using the jackson/pollock 3site calculkator(thigh,ab,chest). I dont believe it. But at least I have measurements to compare against in the future. Im not sure how the guy that measured me got 12% from my readings as he used the same sites to measure. Ive checked about
two dozen times and always get within fractions of the same result. He must just have looked at me and from experience said ”12%”.
Deads: 145kg 4+4
Chins: BW+32.5kg 4+4
Stand OH: 67.5kg 4+4
Dips: BW+50kg 6+2
BB 30* bench: 45kg 4+4
Calf: 135kg 4+4
Abs, cablecross and obliques.
I decided to throw in a few extra sets at lower weights to promote glycogen transport ;)

Squats: 100kg 4+4. 80kg 8reps.
Stand OH BB: 70kg 4+4. 50kg 8reps.
Chins: BW+35kg 4+4. 8 pullups BW only. 8 chins BW only.
Dips: 52.5kg 4+4. 12reps BW only.
10* bench DB: 50kg 4+3+1.
Calf: 135kg 4reps. 140kg 4reps. 90kg 8reps.
Then abs, obliques and cablecross/chest.
Thanks guys! I did a quick workout today with some deads: 150kg 4+4 Then loads of ab-crunches. Im starting to see definition in the ab-department. I weighed in today at 82.7kg today. The least Ive weighed since 2002! Roll-on 10%BF.

Chins: BW+37.5kg 4+4
Stand OH BB: 72.5kg 4+5 Then 60kg for 10
Dips: 52.5kg 5+4 Then 15 WO BW.
30* DB: 47.5kg 3+3
Calf: 140kg 4+4 90kg 7reps

Abs n stuff too.
Decided to split the session between today and tomorrow.

Squats: 105kg 4+4 (equals PB, new PB attempt on thursday)
Chins: BW+40kg 4 then 3+1. First 4 a PB. My grip betrayed me there. Will be doing 42.5 perhaps 45kg before the weekend.
Had to a different shoulder press 40kg on each side for 7. 35kg for 8. 25kg for 12.
Did some bicep work in a machine.
Did abs.

Will do DB chest, dips and calves tomorrow. Shall attempt a PB on my dips too.