Been offline for a while and just catching up on this.
_tim: See my previous post for the pea protein link. The base product is made by a company in Canada -- after all the problems with Chinese-made food lately, I decided to follow this to the source. It looks like the manufacturer only supplies the wholesale market, so you probably can't try the direct route to reduce cost. Sources of brown rice protein are MLO or Nutribiotic (expensive). My analysis of the protein composition is based upon the PDCAAS protein profile used by WHO.
It is difficult to get the kind of protein intake typically recommended (1 gm/lb-body wt) for bodybuilders -- without also getting too many calories -- while on a strict vegan diet without protein supplementation. Not necessarily impossible, but not that easy either. Thus, protein shakes typically constitute 1/3-1/2 of my protein intake. It might be possible to do it otherwise, but with time short and the rest of my family not being vegan, I just haven't put forth the effort to do it all with whole foods. Soy products help here but, again, you need to keep an eye on the phytoestrogens.
Frankly, I don't know how Fruitarian could do it. I don't question his honesty, but fruit is the one vegetarian food where the protein level is so low that you can have protein deficiencies while still eating adequate calories. I have been meaning to ask him to post a sample daily menu -- I have been too lazy to check if such is already on his website. Some raw food vegetarians will allow sprouted grains, but he doesn't appear to go that route. Nuts can help, but that also involves a lot of fat.