VQ35DE first cycle





3,744cal 476c 132f 159p

WT : 167.5

Didn't go to the gym because I had a big move today at work. Too sore too max.




3,535cal 389c 152f 172p

WT : 170.0

Planned to lift today but knee is swollen and hurts to move quickly. Think I hurt it on Friday because it was aggravated Saturday during work and pretty bad today. If its not better by tomorrow I'll still lift but just skip the leg exercises.


Chest Dip - 2x10x45+10
Seated Row - 2x10x170+10
Seated Calf Raise - 3x10x115+10
Military Press - 2x10x110+5
Hanging Leg Raise - 1x14xBW


3,673cal 277c 148f 213p

WT : 170.5

Skipped Deadlift, Lunge, and Situp because my knee is still bothering me quite a bit. Skipped Rear Delt Fly because some guy was using the pec-dec and I didn't feel like waiting around for him to be done. Clustered the second set of military press 8-2. Put what I'll be adding onto my maxes for next round. Now its on to the 5's.
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Chinup - 4x5x35
Seated Calf Raise - 6x5x120
Incline Bench Press - 4x5x190
Upright Row - 4x5x40,45,50,55
Face Pull - 4x5x32.5
Hanging Leg Raise - 2x13xBW


3532cal 374c 151f 186p

WT : 170.0

Skipped squats, leg curls and situps because my knee is still not 100%. Going to be doing seated calf raises all days till my knee heals because I don't trust locking it out for standing calf raises. Going to avoid situps and ab rollouts for now as well and just stick to two sets of hanging leg raises. Doing 4x5 was very interesting, I sense some clustering and long rest periods in the future. Wasn't liking lateral raises so I decided to do upright rows with a DB one hand at a time instead. Still don't know my 5 rep max so I will be testing for it throughout the next few days.




3,604cal 371c 146f 209p

WT : 172.0

Back in high school I wrestled and acquired this nagging neck injury that comes back out of nowhere a couple of times a year. I must have slept on it wrong because today I woke up with it. I've found that if I try and work through it, it just gets worse. So I'll be taking some time off to let it heal(hopefully no more than a week). This on top of my injured knee is starting to piss me off. I wanted to finish this cycle strong and set some PRs but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen. Only time will tell.
I've had similar experiences at the end of cycles with niggling injuries, just a few times over the years. Take the 4-5 days off, then finish up the heavy's and THEN do an SD. Taking those few days won't mess up the cycle at all. G/l w/it.

WT : 172.0

Only time will tell.

1. Congrats on 172! You were seemingly "stalled" for a bit at 170, but it looks like you're managing to break through. Congrats and keep charging!!

2. Alex is 100% right. I made the mistake of trying to "gut through" a shoulder injury during my first HST cycle back in July. I'm STILL not 100% from that injury. If I would have just listened to my body then, I would probably be WAY ahead of where I am now. Think big picture. Rest it, take some anti-inflamatories, and ice it.

I too used to wrestle and still have a couple nagging injuries from my "mat time"... I never iced anything very much except when I had serious injuries, sprained ligaments, etc. This year, at the behest of my wife, who has a doctorate in Physical Therapy, I decided I would ice things that were "bad" sore. Ice is simply amazing... sore back, ice it. Sore elbow, ice it. Sore knee, ice it... It's worked for me.

I'd recommend icing your hurt knee after work. Elevate it, ice it, relax... 20 minutes of ice, then 20 minutes off. Repeat a couple times while watching TV or whatever before bed. Doing so should hopefully accelerate the healing process.




3,246cal 190c 115f 131p

WT : 171.5

I've had similar experiences at the end of cycles with niggling injuries, just a few times over the years. Take the 4-5 days off, then finish up the heavy's and THEN do an SD. Taking those few days won't mess up the cycle at all. G/l w/it.

I hear ya. I'm not to worried about the cycle getting messed up I just get aggravated at this neck injury that comes without warning.

1. Congrats on 172! You were seemingly "stalled" for a bit at 170, but it looks like you're managing to break through. Congrats and keep charging!!

2. Alex is 100% right. I made the mistake of trying to "gut through" a shoulder injury during my first HST cycle back in July. I'm STILL not 100% from that injury. If I would have just listened to my body then, I would probably be WAY ahead of where I am now. Think big picture. Rest it, take some anti-inflamatories, and ice it.

I too used to wrestle and still have a couple nagging injuries from my "mat time"... I never iced anything very much except when I had serious injuries, sprained ligaments, etc. This year, at the behest of my wife, who has a doctorate in Physical Therapy, I decided I would ice things that were "bad" sore. Ice is simply amazing... sore back, ice it. Sore elbow, ice it. Sore knee, ice it... It's worked for me.

I'd recommend icing your hurt knee after work. Elevate it, ice it, relax... 20 minutes of ice, then 20 minutes off. Repeat a couple times while watching TV or whatever before bed. Doing so should hopefully accelerate the healing process.

1. Thanks man, I just started slamming down food at like 3500-3800 cals a day and the plateau was finally broken. I felt bloated after every meal but I guess it was worth it. I'm gonna hover around 3100-3300 while I rest my injuries.

2. Like I said I've dealt with this same neck injury multiple times and I know to rest it not aggravate it. Although I never take anti-inflamatories and never ice because thats for wussys. Jk, tore my right mcl from wrestling (left one is the one that's bothering me now, go figure) and lots of Ibuprofen and icing sessions were had. Think I'll give the good ole Rest-Ice-Compress-Elevate routine a go.




3,380cal 299c 133f 166p

WT : 171.5

Gonna go back to lifting tomorrow after this unplanned SD. Still gonna skip leg exercises (except seated calf raises) as my knee still bothers me while walking around.


Chest Dip - 4x5x45
Rear Delt Fly - 4x5x70
Seated Calf Raise - 6x5x125
Military Press - 4x5x110
Leg Raise - 2x13,13xBW
Cable Row - 4x5x180


4,081cal 359c 103f 154p

WT :


Chinup - 4x5x45
Incline Bench - 4x5x200
Upright Row - 4x5x60,65,70,70


3209cal 323c 128f 196p

WT : 172.5

Had to cluster the 4th set of Incline 4-1. Was feeling tired because I didn't get much sleep so I kept the workout short. Decided 70 lb DB are going to be my 5 rep max for upright rows.