1. Congrats on 172! You were seemingly "stalled" for a bit at 170, but it looks like you're managing to break through. Congrats and keep charging!!
2. Alex is 100% right. I made the mistake of trying to "gut through" a shoulder injury during my first HST cycle back in July. I'm STILL not 100% from that injury. If I would have just listened to my body then, I would probably be WAY ahead of where I am now. Think big picture. Rest it, take some anti-inflamatories, and ice it.
I too used to wrestle and still have a couple nagging injuries from my "mat time"... I never iced anything very much except when I had serious injuries, sprained ligaments, etc. This year, at the behest of my wife, who has a doctorate in Physical Therapy, I decided I would ice things that were "bad" sore. Ice is simply amazing... sore back, ice it. Sore elbow, ice it. Sore knee, ice it... It's worked for me.
I'd recommend icing your hurt knee after work. Elevate it, ice it, relax... 20 minutes of ice, then 20 minutes off. Repeat a couple times while watching TV or whatever before bed. Doing so should hopefully accelerate the healing process.