2,771cal 261c 100f 207p
WT :
Well done mate, just go to show HST works and quite quickly if you get the other factors (diet, rest) spot on. Will be interesting to see how your gains continue.
Give a bench mark to the rest of just just starting out again.
I agree HST is great but I can't attribute all my gains to it.
When I started my bulk in July I did a once a week body part split for a month:
1-Back, biceps
4-Chest, Triceps
(stupid, I know)
Then I did a twice a week body part split for two months:
1-Legs(quad dominant), Back, Biceps
2-Chest, Delts, Triceps, Calves
3-Legs(ham dominant), Back, Triceps, Biceps
4-Chest, Delts, Calves
(made decent gains with this scheme)
Then I finally found HST. Got my maxes, deloaded(at the time I didn't believe in SD), and haven't looked back.
Great progress, so far. Keep at it. Don't worry about losing abs. Up the calories a bit more if you're after hypertrophy and cut the fat in a few months.
I pretty much got sick of bulking. Last month I averaged 3300+ cals a day and still only gained one pound. I was stuffing my face til I was bloated and decided that was enough of that. Time to get me a nice cheese grater on my stomach.
That is some outstanding progress! Well done!!
Thanks man