what gym do you belong to?

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i'm curious what gym do you belong to? i've been working out at chelsea piers here in nyc for the past few years. i keep to myself most of the time (aside from when i'm there with my girlfriend), but i've recently been curious if anybody is using this program there? i've been finding myself looking for people with little pieces of paper with their workouts, but to no avail. i've gone through a few cycles already and really have to mention aside from my progress, i've never enjoyed working out so much. it would be nice if people found other HSTheads were working out at the same gym.
thanks for the bandwidth,
I always thought it would be interesting if HSTers posted pics of their gyms. With so many people from so many places around the world it would be fun to see "where it is all happening" -- and it takes less guts to post a pic of your gym than a self pic. I will follow up with one of my gym.

I work out at Club Renaissance in Pleasant Hill, CA. As far as I can tell, I am the only one does HST. I'm only half way through my first cycle though, so I haven't been looking that long.
Well, my gym (Athens, Greece) would look great in a photo, because it has a lot of TV sets and a lot of pretty girls :) That's the only good thing about it though
It's missing the following important things:
1) An easily visible second-displaying clock in every floor in case I forget my wrist watch
2) A T-bar & a trap bar
3) A power rack
4) Decent machines. They're all air-machines, the only good thing about them is that you can quickly lower the weight for dropsets
5) A scale (yes, it may have a dvd for every treadmill but it doesn't have a scale! )
6) Interval programs in the treadmills
Unfortunately my schedule is a bit tight, so I'm stuck with gyms that are 10-15 minutes away from my work. There are nearly 10 of them, and this is the best one :confused:
Here is where I workout. The "old gym", Patten Gym at Northwestern University. Evanston Illinois, just north of Chicago.

They have a great freeweight room with all the football teams old weights. It is cheap for an alumni to join. There is a beach out the backdoor. Friendly environment. It is definatly RETRO in feel.
I am currious to see where other people work-out. I think we could start a fun thread here.
My Cal Berkeley University gym, aka the RSF (Recreational Sports Facility). It's pretty old skool -- a lot of the plates and equipment are rusty, a lot of the plates are mismatched sizes, and some machines are old and rickety.

I'm one of only two people I've ever seen do a full squat and a deadlift in there.

Can't complain, though. It costs only $25...PER SEMESTER! lol

A Gold's Gym here in SC. It's a new facility (4 yrs. old). As mentioned earlier, te scenery is nice. As far as I can tell, no one else is using HST in there. Numerous people have asked me since I began last week, "Didn't you just do squats two days ago?", or "You are training legs AND chest on the same day?" I also haven't noticed in a long time anyone bent over grabbing their knees or supporting themselves on the squat bar to keep from passing out and whacking the floor with their melon. Golds has plenty of equipment but the overcrowding is a major problem.
We've moved a few times for my husband's job. In Pennsylvania I worked out in a little rehab center run by the chiropractor who originally taught me the basics of lifting.

After we moved to Oklahoma, I trained for a while at a Tae Kwon Do center. After changing martial arts schools, I moved to a Gold's Gym and later ended up working for them both as massage therapist and fitness trainer. I loved that place.

When we moved to Denver, I couldn't find a Gold's. After a few fits and starts I ended up at 24 Hour Fitness. I worked for them for a few years, then left to go back to doing massage.

I love my little gym. It is the oldest 24 Hour in Colorado... very short on fancy and very strong on free weights. We have a power cage, a squat rack, a platform and recently added DBs in smaller increments (17.5 lbs for example) Great
for HST and for those of us with smaller strength curves.

They've recently asked me to come back to train part time. I'm thinking about it pretty seriously. Imagine the housewives of SE Denver after HST and I get hold of them!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]They've recently asked me to come back to train part time. I'm thinking about it pretty seriously. Imagine the housewives of SE Denver after HST and I get hold of them!
I can imagine that one - the men better watch out.. there is going to be some pimp slapping in Denver pretty soon
I train at Nubodys Gym Park Lane Halifax Nova Scotia Canada. This Nubodys is new and very nice. The only thing missing is 2 1/2 lb plates (kinda weird). All the equipment is up to date and the free weight room is good. The cardio is on the second and third floors. Need a spot no problem just ask anyone Haligonins are famous for their hospitality. This place is so clean you'd expect to see Mr. Clean come out from behind the front desk and great you personally.
I train at home in the basement of the house our apartment is in. Talk about no frills, this is absolutely no frills. That's all gonna change real soon though. The house were building will have a gym built in it complete with a power rack and floor matts. I can't wait. Not to say that you can't train effectively with the bare bones, but it will be nice to have a new place to train.
You can see the shrug bar in the background (I hope). As you can see I wasn't kidding about no frills. None the less, it works for me (for now). At least there's now waiting for equipment :D
I've trained at Bev Francis Gold's Gym back when I lived in NY (2 years ago), I've trained at Temple Gym in Birmingham, England (yes, the one Dorian Yates owns), and I currently train at Harald's Gym in Oslo, Norway.

Ground floor

1st floor

The owner

2nd runner-up Master's Olympia

A few of the guys who train there


Tommi Thorvildsen also stops by whenever he's in Norway - his brother Kai Thorvildsen is a regular here

And then there's me, of course...
dangit, Blade, I demand a picture now! What do I have to do, threaten you?
(gosh sometimes I crack me up)

Since I live on Kauai, I train and work at the Kauai Athletic Club. Only place on the Island to train that is not a spa or hotel related. Oh yeah Kauai is the 4th biggest island in the state of Hawaii.
Nice thread! :)

My gym is also very basic, 'no frills' - tho slightly bigger than Steve's I see!
I train in the basement gym of Tooting Police Station, South London.
(Still working on getting a camera - then I can post pic)

Its quite small, but has everything I need; squat rack, Smith machine, T-bar, chinning and dip station, and a reasonable selection of free weights and plates.
Cardio is limited to an 'air-rower' and cycle - but I always go for a run, if I need cardio exercise ;)

The best things about it, are its free, and open 24hrs - which is handy when working shifts, as I do, and means I can train at 7pm, 2am, or 6am, or whenever!
It can be busy during the normal working day, but otherwise, its usually empty, which, of course, means I can set everything up how I need it - and no waiting to use something!

And I am also pretty certain that no-one else I see here does HST (even tho I've persuaded a couple of friends, who train regularly, to visit this website/forum)
people tend to be a bit old-fashioned here in UK, and stick with what they've been doing for years..... regardless!

My "other" gym. The "old gym" at Northwestern closes in the summer because it does not have air conditioning. So I move to the "new gym" --- well they call it SPAC Sports Pavillion,Aquatic Center. It is huge, fancy, and very architecturally dramatic on the inside. Only problem is when they designed it in the 1980ies they were thinking aroebics and tofu. So their is a small free weight area - that gets crowded. But it has everything else: Squash, tennis, olympic pool etc. And it has its own beach! With windows over looking the lake. Lake Michigan for the geographically challenged among you muscle heads. There is also an 1878 Light House that does not show up in this pic (note to the Europeans and Brits -- we do have some old stuff over here)

Time for Cal Gym pics! Berkeley RSF:

The main weight room

The auxiliary room, where they have the huge really old power cages. For some reason they hold classes in here during peak hours. DARN THEM!

And the outside:

I've build 10-12 pounds LBM with the help of this rickety old place.

5 days a week (3 to lift/2 for cardio) at Easton's Gym on Beverly. Once in a while I'll hit the Easton's in Santa Monica on my way to the beach.