What is your career?

I am 23 this year, and am in the USMC, so I have not accomplished anything useful like a degree, a business, rental properties, or any major investments. I can shoot a rifle and lead PT. Man, I should've went to college. I am interested in Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering, with a focus on the custom automotive industry. Maybe someday...

Never dispair you are only 23, besides you can use the army well in both of those fields you are interested in.

Oh, I haven't given up, It just sucks seeing some of my friends that I graduated with with psychology degrees and etc. I just wish I had more time to work on my education, like the recruiter said I would! But, I did join before the war, so what can you do?
Corvette....As a banker seeing all kinds of financial situations and income, trust me you are perfectly ok were you are. I know the grass is always greener however if you joined at 18 then you can retire at 38 correct. You will have retirement for the rest of your life..plus you can use the time inbetween to get tons of degrees. I have a friend who works with me he pulled 2 tours in Vietnam and has traveled the world. He was a Coronel...now he makes great income, with regular job and has great retirement. So dont think you are not in the right place !

Good luck!
As for me, 44 yrs old, BS in Computer Science, now a senior software development manager for a fortune 500 company. I have software engineers all over the world, is high stress, high $$, but interesting and at times fun. I used to own my own software company, but sold it several years ago.
Nice to see such a diversity here.
I have a friend that did his 4 years in the MC, then got his degree in special education. You are not wasting time, just find out what education opportunities there are. You still have a whole lot of working years left. Good luck to you and thank you for serving in our armed forces, God bless you.
I'm an exercise physiologist. I write freelance for magazines and work as a consultant for the fitness industry. I also enjoy serving in an adjunct faculty position at a local university.

I work as an on-call firefighter (as if you couldn't guess) and I work as a Sheriff's Deputy in the Jail.

Have to ensure that you have some size and strength when someone who has been in prison and done nothing but workout for years doesn't care to do as you tell them.
I am 19 and currently a student in business administration.  I'm thinking of keeping my marks up so I can transfer these years to university get my commerce degree than maybe my MBA.  However entripenourship is what I really am interested in.  Currently I am renting off my first property and evaluating an idea of starting a business while I'm in school.  

The biggest problem I have now is there is not enough time to learn business, learn more about my hobbies,  and do HST/eat.  So much to do/learn so little time in the day.
Hello All,

I am an Illustrator working in the animation industry as a Background Designer/Painter now for over 20 years.  Decided to improve my health about 4 years ago with weight training and a more sensible diet, and over a year now I've been using the HST method.

At 46 years old this routine has worked the best for me, with no regrets.
Reven I am in the same position. about to turn 19. student at James Madison University. Hopefully graduating with a B.S. in Quantitative Finance. It's hard balancing all the math/econ/fin with keeping up with the new ideas and basic science behind HST.

BTW, there seem to be a lot of businessmen around the forum, recruiting? hahaha I'm looking for an internship for the summer.

But besides that. all time student =)

Bryan what University would that be...I wouldnt mind taking a summer course there if you teach in the summer haha

I am 40 and an unemployed molecular biologist.
German science hates employing older people with experience.
Their loss is my gain.
However, I am a spinning instructor and work in several fitness clubs.
I am basically a house dad which is fine with me..gives me time to build mountain bikes and train for the mountain bike races and I get to spend all kinds of time with my kids.
My wife is in upper level management in big pharma, so we are good like that.

To Chris the Marine: I started my PhD at 36 and finished in three years, so ou loads of time to achieve whatever it is you want. Don´t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
Currently going to Submarine school with the Navy. Gonna bust my ass and get accepted to their officer program and attend NROTC at Notre Dame, hopefully within 2 years.
(corvettecris @ Feb. 10 2006,01:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am 23 this year, and am in the USMC, so I have not accomplished anything useful like a degree, a business, rental properties, or any major investments.  I can shoot a rifle and lead PT.  Man, I should've went to college.  I am interested in Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering, with a focus on the custom automotive industry.  Maybe someday...</div>
Hey Leather Neck,

Are you Kidding me? I've been in the Marine Corps for twenty years and in 10 days I retire at 38. Employers are nocking down my door to higher me, the Gunny with no college.

Chris, you gotta take every day and use it as a period of instruction from the greatest teacher...experience.

Keep your head down and your powder dry
God speed and Semper Fi
For the last five years, I've managed a restaurant. It's not a glamorous job, but it sure makes bulking very easy and cheap. Haha. Eventually though, I'm either going to go to college for biology/biochemistry, which was always my dream as a teenager, or I'm going to become a police officer.
A few things:

It's funny, I go to college so that I can become an Army officer, and my major is psychology
I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't going into the Army...

And like the others said, don't fret about having joined the Marines! For one thing, if you didn't do it, who would! Hooah.

And second, you will certainly come out with discipline and attitute that makes you valuable to employers, and for your grades in college!

Totentanz: Definetly be a cop! Chemistry is so boring!

*secretly hates he almost failed chemistry his freshman year...*
Holy cow !!!!!!!!... as you may have noticed I am new here and couldn't resist taking a peek here... holy shhh.... now I've got an inferiority complex, he he he.... every swinging *** is doing something interesting here.... as for me, hmmmmmm....well, I've done some things around... one here.... another one there... ... in a nutshell:

I am Civil Engineer (from Venezuela but live in Spain), with a master degree in CE from GW university in washington DC and an MBA... also got my pilot license in the USA and worked tranporting mail and cargo for a year.... in my early 20's I was pianist (classical music), but now it is only a hobbie... now I work in project management in oil related projects, so all the time I am in a different country, I came from China and now working in Dubai/Abu Dabhi, that is in the UAE... I love it becasue I get to meet so many people and cultures....... hey, by the way, you will not believe it.... he he he.... now I am studying to take the exam to get certified by the ACE as personal trainer and later for weight management... how about that ??... that is why you hear me stressing on cardios and using a lot of technical jargon... he he he... I know guys, I know it is not fair

see ya
corvettecris, I just would like to add to my just sent post...
my friend... your post was the one who called my attention the most..... man... don't feel bad.... let me tell you a revelation..... college diploma is not &quot;the answer&quot; and money for sure is not &quot;the answer&quot;.... what you like doing and enjoy the most is &quot;the answer&quot;... ok, time to uncover my age... I am 48 and counting up quickly and downhill but we have a saying &quot;the devil knows how to fool you not because he is the devil but because he is an old fellow&quot;......I know why I can tell you this... I got my CE degree just because everybody in my family back up to the time of the pharaons was civil engineer but I just couldn't care less about it.... that is why perhaps I studied other things in paralel... at the end I wound up in something different and wasted my time as CE.... you should be proud of what you are doing for your country and your comunity, even though many people may not appreciate it... I'll tell you a secret, &quot;I am not into that because I don't have the guts and b*** to get into it&quot;......

so, cheer up and follow your north pole star to guide you
noobie, small world. I am from Staunton which is only 30 minutes from JMU. I live in Richmond now but all of my family is still in Staunton. My Dad and boss both went to JMU.
