Fred´s Log

I cant seem to insert a video. Gives a security error. Whats the max size and compatible file types? Mp4?
Ok. Here they are:

Squats (these are from february, those were my 100kg 3 reps max):

Deadlift, last session Last 3 reps on a total of 5+3:

By the way added a Deadlift one feel free to coment form here as i will delete the videos soon.

Feel free to coment as soon as i can i will do a 1 rep or 2 rep with 110 if the elbows allow.
Hey Fred -

For your squat form, try kicking your hands out maybe one full hand width (toward the pins, away from your body). Use your hands just to stabilize the bar on your traps; you shouldn't force it. Other note - when you start the concentric part of the lift, sit your hips back a bit more. That will align you better as you sink into the hole.

For your deadlift form, you're starting your pull with your hips too high, and that is going to put a ton of stress on your lumbar spine if you're not careful. Pretend like you're just getting up off of a low chair - that's about where your hips should be.

I hope that helps.
Not quite, no. You should remain upright, but the start of the movement is not exclusively your knees bending. Your hips need to sit back at the same time that you begin to bend your knees. Your torso will naturally move into a slight angle as your hips travel backward. Take a look here:
Thanks tim, thats were i started in the first place - Stronglifts, the program that makes win strenght very fast but in the end you will burn out, get injured and swear a lot ;) But still has great info on the main lifts form.
7.5.2015 - Cutting

In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW: 85.4 (-2.3kg)

Deadlift 135kgs (+5kg) 3+2, after watching the videos and got the feedbacks i went on search to improve my tecnich. Got a great videon on AthleanX (i think thats the name) and i am correcting the form. Will keep the weight until form is near perfect.

Pendlay Row 1x5 80kgs RPE 9.5 cant seem to improve here my effort here is lower than in the rest.

Pull-ups (ah ah, so long elbow pain, go screw yourselfs chin ups, pull ups are here now!!! ;)) - BW 5+5

Chins BW+25 (+5kgs) 3+2 reps just until the pull ups catch the weight i will still be doing 2 reps on chins, not in a full range of motion, i will not flex the elbows completely as that will cause pain

Barbell Curls 6+2 41kgs

Glute Ham raise 5+5 getting good here

Shrugs 8+7 100kgs (+20kgs)

No pain, no disconfort, just an impression on the elbows to let me know not to push them.
Took 40 minutes.
Hell yeah :)
Thanks @mickc1965 , thanks @_tim for all the advice. Will see tomorrow how the squats go.
Keeping the ibuprofen until i no longer feel the elbows.

PS - Fixed the door i broke with a poster of a sexy girl in bikiny riding a bike identical to mine. Wife got angry again... lol
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8.5.2015 Cutting
In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW 85.6 (-2.2kg)

Squat 100kg 3+2 (+0 kgs) Wide grip, thumbless. No pain. Far from failure and i will keep it that way.

BP 1x5 85kgs 4+2 (+5kgs) had help in the last rep.

Dips 1x5 - BW+22.5 kg (+5 kgs) (5+2) RPE 10

Overhead Press 3+2x 52.5kg (+2.5 kgs) RPE 10

Calf raises 2x10 150kgs (+20kgs)

Buterflies: 1x6 27.5 kgs (+7.5kgs)

No pain. Squats will be kept at lower weights to preserve elbow and will think on adding a few reps.
9.5.2015 AND 10.5.2015- Cutting

In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW: 85.6 (-2.1kg) / 10.5.15 88kg (+0.2 kg whaaaaaattt?), i overate all weekend but still seems too much.

Received relative for the weekend, i was meant to workout early on saturday but they arrived very early and so i could only perform the Deadlift

Deadlift 135kgs (+5kg) 3+2

10.5.15 (late afternoon)

Pendlay Row 1x5 80kgs went way better than usual since i didnt deadlift before

Pull-ups - BW 5+5 (warm up for chins)

Chins BW+25 (+5kgs) 3+2 reps Got confident and went for full range. No pain or disconfort so i will continue the chin ups and will do some pull ups to warm up but i will not progress with weight on the pull ups

Barbell Curls 6+4 41kgs

Glute Ham raise 5+5 getting good here went a bit lower

Shrugs 9+7 100kgs (+20kgs)

Went good. Sweat like a pig, only lasted 20 minutes. Remembered what is to train with full potential with the belly and muscles full ;)
Lots of water retention from the weekend hopefully today i get the weight back on track.
BW: 85.6 (-2.1kg) / 10.5.15 88kg (+0.2 kg whaaaaaattt?), i overate all weekend but still seems too much.

Don't worry about it if you know you have overeaten then 0.2 kgs is nothing, you could lose than with one large p*ss, I put on over 4 lbs this weekend because of over indulgence and would expect to back to normal weight by Wednesday.

edit - just noticed it is plus 0.2kgs from before the cut, see what you mean but it will all settle back down in a few days I am sure.
Don't worry about it if you know you have overeaten then 0.2 kgs is nothing, you could lose than with one large p*ss, I put on over 4 lbs this weekend because of over indulgence and would expect to back to normal weight by Wednesday.

edit - just noticed it is plus 0.2kgs from before the cut, see what you mean but it will all settle back down in a few days I am sure.

Yup i also think so. The carbs were high so a lot of water retention.
Will workout in 5' so i will post here a new weight.
11.5.2015 Cutting
In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW 86.6 (-1.2kg) Starting to setle ;)

Will start to work by 10 target reps on the squat and Deadlift staying away from failure.

Squat 100kg 4+2+2+2 (+0 kgs) Wide grip, thumbless. No pain.

BP 1x5 85kgs 3+2 (+5kgs) RPE 10

Dips 1x5 - BW+22.5 kg (+5 kgs) (5+2) RPE 10

Overhead Press 1+2+1+1 52.5kg (+2.5 kgs) RPE 10 This went bad, no rep was clean, had to help with leg drive.

Calf raises 9+7 150kgs (+20kgs) Lack of grip strenght is keeping me from improving here.

Buterflies: 1x5 27.5 kgs (+7.5kgs)

Training was ok. I apparently lost strenght in some exercises wich i will check next workout.
12.5.2015- Cutting

In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW: 85.6 (-2.1kg)

Received relative for the weekend, i was meant to workout early on saturday but they arrived very early and so i could only perform the Deadlift

Deadlift 140kgs (+10kg)2+2+2

Pendlay Row 1x5 85 (5kg) 2+2+1

Chins BW+27.5 (+7.5kgs) 3+3

Barbell Curls 6+2 41kgs

Glute Ham raise 5+5

Shrugs 10+9 100kgs (+20kgs)
13.5.2015 Cutting
In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW 85.6 (-2.2kg)

Squat 100kg 3+3+2+2 (+0 kgs) Wide grip, thumbless.

BP 1x5 85kgs 3+2 (+5kgs) RPE 10 Going for a PR of 90x1 .... Starting to lift... Went down touched the chest.. NOW PUSHHH!!! You wimp!! PUSSH. F******G DONE!!!! PR!

Dips 1x5 - BW+27.5 kg (+7.5 kgs) (3+2) RPE 10

Overhead Press3+2 52.5kg (+2.5 kgs) RPE 10

Calf raises 10+8 150kgs (+20kgs) Lack of grip strenght is keeping me from improving here.

Buterflies: 1x5 27.5 kgs (+7.5kgs)

So, no strenght lost as i thought on last workout, PR for 90kgs on the bench press my best ever, good form, i was impressed with myself. ;)
14.5.2015- Cutting

In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW: 85.6 (-2.1kg)

Deadlift 140kgs (+10kg) Failed all reps. did 120x5, practiced form

Pendlay Row 1x5 85 (5kg) 2+2+1

Chins BW+27.5 (+7.5kgs) 3+3

Barbell Curls 6+4 41kgs

Glute Ham raise 5+5

Shrugs 10+9 100kgs (+20kgs)

No improvments in this workout. DL went badly.
15.5.2015 Cutting
In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW 85.6 (-2.2kg)

Squat 105 kg 2+1+2+1 (+5 kgs) Wide grip, thumbless.

BP 1x5 85kgs 4+3 (+5kgs) RPE 10

Dips 1x5 - BW+27.5 kg (+7.5 kgs) (3+2) RPE 10

Overhead Press 3+2 52.5kg (+2.5 kgs) RPE 10

Calf raises 10+8 150kgs (+20kgs) Lack of grip strenght is keeping me from improving here.

Buterflies: 1x5 27.5 kgs (+7.5kgs)

No improvements, squat is recovering.
16.5.2015- Cutting

In brackets the weight diference between the beginning of the cicle and the daily weight.

BW: 85.1 (-2.7kg)

Deadlift 140kgs (+10kg) 2+2+1 Last one was to failure, could not perform another half rep.

Pendlay Row 1x5 85 (+5kg) 2+2+1

Chins BW+27.5 (+7.5kgs) 4+2

Barbell Curls 6+4 41kgs

Glute Ham raise 5+5

Shrugs 10+9 100kgs (+20kgs)