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  1. Fausto


    Sorry guys This thing is copy righted and I'd better be careful, let's see if John himself or Dan can post the whole thing for us. Fausto
  2. Fausto

    cutting while getting enough protein

    Just by the way, while Joe is right, protein happens to be thermogenic in and of itself, so a diet with high protein would help in this regard. Then eat your carbs around your training needs. Don't forget to keep the fat intake at 20 - 25 % for stability and balance. Joe is right that much...
  3. Fausto

    Tabata style aerobics

    Yeah, I agree even though I haven't pushed 40 just yet, I used to be a smoker and man...hogher than 145 I feel as if my heart is gonna burst any minute. No probs, mate, I am sure we could give some youngster a good go for their money I know I have, haven't yet met a match for me around work...
  4. Fausto

    Strict form or cheat a little?

    Frank The guys are right, you'd be better off on some exercises reducing ROM slightly to get a heavier weight. Or even using techniques like loaded stretches afterwards or drop sets or pulses, but cheating ain't gonna get you there mate! Unless of course it is negatives, then the cheating...
  5. Fausto

    Should I SD?

    That was just a quirp, hope you did not take it in an offending way, it is a most unusual name specially nowadays. But since it is the name of the Viking god of thunder, thus the quirp. Let us be realistic, are you really feeling "pooped", if yes, then minimum SD is 7 days (9...
  6. Fausto


    Colby For your next bulking cycle you should loook at the calculations John Berardi includes for one's Resting Metabolic Rate, it includes the stuff you do when just going through the day, you'll be surprised how much more one needs atthe end of the day. I'll try to post the pdf, but I am not...
  7. Fausto

    Should I SD?

    Thor Take not thy thunder from us! When the above is for real, then yes take SD as prescribed, off Friday and back on the following Monday. A simple resolution really, whenever you feel burn't out you should take off specially since you have been fidling with other stuff either than HST...
  8. Fausto


    Jake Here's what I am doing. Tabata each morning, regardless of HST. 3 x/week HST, and when partner is available do bag work before training as warmup using Tabata method 20s on/10s off. So when I'm lucky and end up with Tabata 2x day, it hasn't interfered too heavily yet but that remains to...
  9. Fausto


    Yep I decided to keep compounds only, back to 3 x/week + Tabata session as warmup, this is on the punching bag. Most days I do a Tabata session early in the morning, and it feels good. Next have to watch my eating habits like an eagle. But I am getting there. Battle of the bulge is on big...
  10. Fausto


    Joe You need to PM me, I have a pdf from John Berardi that is super, the guiy writes very well and is kjnowladgeable about nutrition. Well I'll be careful this time, but he claims a PhD, and he certainly writes like one, but seems like in the states there are a lot of those, hey? And some get...
  11. Fausto

    Olive oil

    Aaron I mean't daily not dairy, sorry! I get your drift!
  12. Fausto

    Olive oil

    Simple Aaron Recommended dairy allowances for most vitamins minerals etc are based on sedentary people requirements, which is a bit misleading for us, isn't it? I have found a few but very few people who present RDA's for body builders or other active people, maybe I am just being too fussy
  13. Fausto


    Well , in that case you'd best stick to option 1 on your first post, low reps heavy weight, that = 5's in HST language. After the first two weeks in which you are getting to the 5 rep maxes, you simply carry on for another two weeks, here the balance is skimpy as you will have to be the best...
  14. Fausto

    I am just not getting sore... Should I?

    Stay safe mate Things are not too happy over there! Anyway, keep up the good work!
  15. Fausto


    Lucid Negatives are basically the eccentric (eg: lowering down - bench, letting go - pulldown/chin) part of a movement, for many exercises one needs a partner to do this, but for some (those done with d/bells can be done by helping with the other hand). They are excellent for growth because a...
  16. Fausto

    Olive oil

    Guys Here is something I found to be rather informative with research sources and a writer whom deciphers the hyerogliphics for those less inclined to understand pure research. The point I was trying to make is in bold. Cheers
  17. Fausto

    hst for physical workers

    Carp HST is flexible enough to use just about anything you want, provided you keep up the principles. Power cleans are the S... if you're into them, they are very good compounds and build almost as welll as deadlits except you cannot carry as much load! Lyometrics I am not so sure about...
  18. Fausto

    I am just not getting sore... Should I?

    Cris In the army? :D That explains everything. No wonder you are not feeling sore! Your conditioning is causing that! A very good thing IMO/. So there, not to worry. You have a magic opportunity to try oput HST to the max, eat well and get superfit, all at the expense of the tax payer...
  19. Fausto

    Johnston Rep Method

    Thanks for that smf that is exactly why I thought he was a doctor!
  20. Fausto

    I am just not getting sore... Should I?

    No Need to get sore mate! You say you are feeling a little stiffness but it goes away. I think you are on the right track, can't say you should up the volume, the best you can do is on the 5's if it stays like this, to introduce metabolic stress inducers and maybe Loaded stretches! If you are...