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  1. B

    Cottage Cheese

    I don't know about slowing digestion per se, but I do know that when one consumes protein with any cabohydrate rich meal, the glycolic impact of those carbs will be decreased. That alone is definitely a notable effect.
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    Workout Drink

    Not at all. The only thing you have to worry about is keeping amino levels up so the muscles stay consistently saturated during a long workout. After the workout, follow up with your regular post-workout shake.
  3. B

    What is the perfect Timing of Servings ??

    read the articles on this website and you will find all of your answers....
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    My bulking diet

    It is really hard to try and track weight from day to day. Weighing once a week is probably a better idea. Just weigh yourself when you first wake up after you take a pee pee on the same day of each week.
  5. B

    Kre-Alkalyn or Creatine Ethyl Ester

    I am still waiting to see a REAL study showing that either of these can yeild better results than mono. And for the price you have to pay for those, I would rather just stick with cheap ol' mono.
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    My bulking diet

    Typically if I am gaining more than 2lbs a week, I will be putting on more fat than I would like and I will cut kcals back by about 200/day. But that is just from my experience, as I am sure that others experiences will vary.
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    Please, lend a hand...

    Are you referring to the 3 articles from thinkmuscle?
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    My bulking diet

    Your totals look ok to me. If you say you have problems gaining fat, you could get a little more nitpicky concerning your food choices.......but you are bulking, so I wouldn't worry.
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    Workout Drink

    If your workouts are going over an hour, just sip on a protein/carb drink. You want to make sure your amino saturation stays at peak levels and the carbs will help to keep energy up. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just use whey and dextrose. Or throw a scoop of protein in with your gatorade.
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    You are probably on low carbs, right? When dieting low carb, ketones will exit the body through sweat and saliva. You may also get a strange salty/sour taste in your mouth. I don't think there is anything that can be done about it, but I do think that it seems to get better with time.
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    Lacking good results... help

    If your diet is in order you will see results. If it isn' probably won't.
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    Hey man, it's your money.....waste it if you want to!! Have a wonderful cancer free life, dude!! :)
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    My bulking diet...

    For me personally, I would still drop protein down to at least closer to 1g/lb of LBM, and would up my fat to 25-30% of kcals. Fill up the rest with carbs. But whatever works for you.... ;)
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    Laetrile was brought up in topic in an ethics class I took last semester, and I could be wrong, but I believe that the "doctor" who is pushing the product was recently arrested for fraudulent claims and other improper business activities. That crap belongs at the bottom of a garbage...
  15. B

    . Creatine . Crea.Pure . Stomach Irritation .

    The loading phase really isn't necessary, so if your stomach is getting that upset, you should consider just sticking with a 5g dose. If you insist on the loading, try drinking more water/juice when you take it to try and dilute it a little further.
  16. B

    Does anyone else feel they need very heavy weight?

    hahahaha.......did you just watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail or something, Daniel? :)
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    Frequency of Protein Consumption

    Not likely to make a really big difference. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
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    My bulking diet...

    You need a lot more fat and less protein in my opinion. 30% of your calories should come from fat and you should be getting closer to 1g/lb of bodyweight in protein.
  19. B

    problem with design of my hst cycle

    dude there is no way that your squat max differs only by 5kg from your 15RM to your 10RM. It is just impossible. You should try and find all of your maxes instead of using the calculator.
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    Not to disregard anything Al and Hammer suggested, but I would probably go with closer to 10lb increments for upper body and 20lb increments for legs. For lifts such as lat raises, bi curls, etc. it is ok to go with smaller increments or to repeat workouts w/ the same weight to induce a...