2016 Log

2-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg, 1-245kg@9.5. 3x3-220kg@8.5.

SG rows: 2x8-120kg.

Starting to get back to usual stomping grounds.
DL; 3x3-200kg@7. Might change this to sumo.

Squat; 3x2-160kg@8,8,9.

BB hyper; 2x8-160kg. Will do more of these in the future.
Yesterday; recovery a bit down, didn’t find my groove.

OHP; 5-70kg, 3x4-80kg@9.5.

Called it early. Yay rpe.

DL; 2-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg@10. 3x3-210kg@8.

BB hyper; 3x5-80kg.

Couldn’t get into my groove for deads, really pissed me off. Figured out in back-off set it was leg positioning that was off (was getting nothing from quads).

Ah well, always Thursday to make it up.
DL; 1-200kg, 5x2-210kg@7.

FSQ; 4x3-100kg@7. Was planning to do 6 sets but the kid decided to party at 6am. Have to reduce the posterior chain work at these LBBSs were where it made most sense to change.