2016 Log

FSQ; 5-60kg, 5-80kg, 1-100kg, 1-110kg, 1-120kg@8.

DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg, 1-250kg, 1-260kg@9.5. 3x3-230kg@8,8,9.

260 went up much better this week.
FSQ; 5-60kg,80kg,100kg. 1-110kg,120kg,130kg@9.

DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg,1-240kg@8.5. 3x3-220kg@8.

Front squat new weight took it out of me, and big day ahead had me thinking elsewhere a bit. Can’t win them all.
FSQ; 5-60kg,80kg,100kg. 1-110kg,1-120kg&8.
Thoracic in right side spasmed when unracked 130kg.

DL; 3-200kg, 4x4-210kg@7.

Rows; 3x8-100kg.
FSQ; 5-60kg,80kg,100kg. 3-110kg@8.

RDL; 5x5-200kg@8.5. Going to add reps on these.

Rows; 3x8-100kg. These can go up.