2016 Log

DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg, 1-240kg@8.

Interrupted due to kid being unwell. Going to make a few changes here and there (unrelated).
Deficits; 3-200kg beltless, 3x3-210kg@7-7.5.

SG BB hypers; 3-100kg, 3x5-70kg.

Interrupted sleep, skipped squats.
I think I may restart daily squatting using LBBS, either 5 or 6 times per week. Going to stick to a single at RPE 7 or 8 to hold off fatigue for as long as possible. The left knee is difficult to figure out programming wise, but LBBS with minimal knee tracking will hopefully keep tendonitis at bay.
DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg@8, 1-250kg@9, 1-255kg@9.5. 3x3-225kg@8.

LBBS; 1-140kg@6-7, 1-150kg@7.
Do you get knee pain when squatting at all? I have some Tommy Kono knee sleeves. They are a pain to get on, lost a fair amount of leg hairs to that struggle. But they do help with knee pain from squatting (or leg press, etc) for me.
Do you get knee pain when squatting at all? I have some Tommy Kono knee sleeves. They are a pain to get on, lost a fair amount of leg hairs to that struggle. But they do help with knee pain from squatting (or leg press, etc) for me.

It’s patellar issues stemming from tearing off the cartilage at the base of the femur.

What sort of knee pain do you find the sleeves resolve/assist with?
Do you get knee pain when squatting at all? I have some Tommy Kono knee sleeves. They are a pain to get on, lost a fair amount of leg hairs to that struggle. But they do help with knee pain from squatting (or leg press, etc) for me.

Just thought id throw my 10 pence in... I find tempo squats with a slow eccentric of about 6 seconds really help when I have knee pain.
It’s patellar issues stemming from tearing off the cartilage at the base of the femur.

What sort of knee pain do you find the sleeves resolve/assist with?

Nothing like that on my end, just rickety knees from getting older, not stretching enough through the years probably, and squatting really heavy when I was younger.
Squats are on the up!

Yeh, every time I’ve run squat everyday or Bulgarian light, it always been with a rep @8.5-9 (usually 9), i.e. a so-called “training max”. This time it’s more like squatting to daily minimum and not going to back-off sets at all.

I think of it as fatigue management via programming, rather than managing your fatigue in your program.

Really want 200kg in my wheelhouse skin. The
DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg, 9x1-245kg@8.5-9. Probably would have been @8 if not for Wednesday squatting.

LBBS; 1-140kg@6, 1-150kg@7, 1-160kg@7.5-8. More like 7.5 than 8.

Feeling good with the squats.
DL; 3-200kg, 3x3-220kg@7.5-8.

Squats; 1-140kg@6, 1-150kg@7, 1-160@7.5.

SG rows; 3x6-120kg. I feel like I can use a bigger shoulder girdle, more shelf for squatting etc. Shrugs might be better for that purpose, or high pulls.
DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 1240kg@8, 12250kg@9, 1-255kg@9-9.5. 3x3-225kg@8.

240 felt a lot worse than the next two singles. Maybe had 260 there today, but didn’t need to find out.

LBBS; 1-140kg@6, 1-150kg@7, 1-160kg@7.5-8. Time to add a heavier single.