(Totentanz @ Dec. 27 2006,10:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(drpierredebs @ Dec. 26 2006,23:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Totentanz @ Dec. 26 2006,17:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How important do you all feel benching is in the 5x5? I don't think bench is that necessary for overall strength... I'm starting out a 5x5 cycle right now that focuses on squats, bentover rows and then clean and press on Mons and Fris, benching only on Weds when I deadlift.</div>
I just thought about this some more and I think the Benching IS important if you are doing olympic style weight lifting. I think it is important for balancing out and supporting the shoulder girdle and upper back when you are doing movements like the Clean and jerk and any other movement where a heavy weight is basicllay thrown above the head.
For me, benching is unimportant because it is stronger than I can ever imagine needing to be and I ain´t clean and jerking (usually it is the otherway around, harharhar)</div>
You're probably right. My bench is fairly weak. I can barely incline bench over my bodyweight. But... I think once a week benching might be enough for now, and only once 5x5 cycle shouldn't do any (or much) damage.
Well... for this cycle, I'm going to just go ahead and experiment a bit. I'll do Squats, Clean and Press, Rows on Monday, along with 2x8 weighted hypers and situps. On Weds, I'll do light squats, then deads and incline bench. Only 4 sets of each on Weds, along with 2x8 dips and chins. Then on Fri I'll do the same exercises as on monday. It'll basically be the intermediate version, except only 3 sets ramping up the weight instead of 4 and 2 top sets each workout (except Weds squats, obviously...)
My goals... higher squat, higher row, higher clean and press. Heh. My 5 RM for bentover rows is 255, so I'd like to see at least 275.</div>
When I realized that my Bench 1RM was way too close to my 1RM squat, IT kinda gave me the motivation to drop benching and direct chest work. When my shoulder starting acting up, it was the proverbial nail in the coffin for benching for me.
I will not ever enter a bench contest anyway.
Another problem with too much benching is that the pec growth overpowers the back muscles which pull the shoulder blades together and also the rear delts get screwed.
I think if you do highly efficient chest worl, once a week should get you some good results.
Are you dipping heavy?
I have rowed for so long, and it really developed my back to where I can sart hitting heavy weights for squats and deads. PLUS chins are no longer a weak point for me.
For the next several months, I am dropping back squats and will do a an AB workout M:A W:B F:A etc....
Front Squats 5 x 5
Deads 10 x 3
MP 10 x 3
Chins 5 x 5 plus weight
Dips 5 x 5 plus weights
Front Squats 10 x 3
Bent Pendly Rows 10 x 3
MP 5 x 5