_tim's Log

Well, life caught up with me a bit and the gym became a casualty of everything else. That was the primary reason for my couple weeks away.

As has become normal for me, I am changing things up a bit. One of the people at my gym that I became buds with is a nationally known former strongman competitor and is still a very well known trainer and fitness athlete in especially the New York area. His name is Jay Ashman and you can read some of his stuff here. Anyway - he and I had a couple beers last week and he asked me if I'd join him in his current routine to see how a natty guy fares. It's a very auto-regulating system but has at least similarities in structure to HST. Rep ranges for primary lifts are 10-12, 6-8, 2-4 depending on week - and depending on how things progress. Assistance work is all done in the 10-rep space but is done only so much as the lifter feels should be done. The last covenant of this is rest time - in almost every case, work sets are to have rest time restricted to no more than 60 seconds. I will stress though that this is auto-regulated, so if the primary lift is the only thing done for the day, but it's done to a point of abject muscular destruction, so be it. Jay has grown noticeably in tweaking his own implementation of it; he has a shoot coming up later this month for some magazine and then again later for BB.com. So yeah - this dude knows how to train and I am happy to give it a go though it means leaving my power-volume stuff. In my book these days, training is training so I truly don't care. Here's what I did last night:

Squats: warmups + 185, 195 x 10, 205 x 7
I hit a point where form was compromised and stopped. Rest times were kept very close to 60 seconds - and that killed me.

Good Mornings: bar, 95 x 10
Never did these before - and low back was fairly toasty from the squats. Regardless - I see the benefit. I literally only did what felt right given the quality of my back, and today I very much see the benefit in the back to back pairing.

Shrugs: 3 x 10 @ 225
Been an age since I last did these, and hit the forearms pretty nicely. No straps - chalk only; forearms got a nice hit.

Superset: Kroc Rows: 60 x 25; Pulldowns (wide pronated grip): 110 x 10
Biceps and more importantly forearms were dead after this.

In additon, my sorta untrained self was fatigued beyond belief. I'm gonna give this a go and see how it hits me, and as it's auto-regulated, it's a nice framework to work within.
Bench: 175, 185 x 10, spotter assist 185 x 7,7
I literally cannot believe how weak I am right now. I've only been off for about 2 weeks, and I'm THIS WEAK?

Machine Rows (neutral grip): 117.5, 130, 145 x 10
Full stretch, all reps.

DB Fly: 3 x 10 @ 20
Really focused on form - and won't do these again on bench day. Medial delts were hammered after bench.

SA Tricep Pushdown: 50, 60 x 10, 65 x 3-r, 2-l
Haven't done ISO tri work in a loooooong time. Me thinks I'm gonna have some mad DOMS in my arms!

Abs - K2C: 4 x 12
Tiny rest times - maybe 15-20 seconds between sets.

Another good one, but humbling.
Why were you squatting with rest times at 60 seconds? When I hit my working sets I put at least 5 minutes in between. Is that what Jay's program calls for?
Hi TD - yes, it's expected for the 10's and all assistance work to be done with minimal rest. I'm planning on one more round of 10's before I start the progression that Jay laid out. I actually started reading the book that Jay in part based this methodology on and sure enough, the minimal rest period for higher rep sets is preferable to train the body to be much more adaptable to stress.

I missed posting a workout...

From 8/10:

Deadlift: 2 x 10 @ 225, 1 x 3 @ 225
Very challenging - I believe rest times were pretty north of 60 seconds.

Pause Squats: 185 x 7, 5, 4
Pauses were to a count of 3. These rest times were also slightly elevated.

Pulldowns: 130, 140 x 10; sup. grip 140 x 10
Back Hypers: BW x 10; 2 x 10 @ BW + 25

Great pump - and very happy to get all reps without clusters. This was a unique superset from a muscle response perspective.

Spider Curl: 2 x 10 @ 40
Clusters all over the place - very challenging and not the slightest bit comfortable.

Swiss Ball Exchanges: 10
I had no more left in me at this point.

Then last week was schedule insanity, so I picked things up today:

Standing Press: bar, 85, 105 x 10; 115 x 3, 1, 1
This is always a weak lift for me, especially when not done for many months.

Decline Bench: 135 x 10; 165 x 10, 7
Triceps were a big focus today...

Incline Bench Machine: 90 x 10; 110 x 10, 7
Big time tri and delt push today - felt very appropriate and quite good.

Kroc Rows: 60, 70 x 25

Hanging K2C: 12, 8
Good finish for the day.
Squats: 185, 205, 225 x 10
Rest times were again kept very close to 60 seconds, and all reps were ATG.

SLDL: 2 x 10 @ 135
Plenty of work on my back - form was extremely strict.

Machine Shrugs (load only): 90 x 10; 2 x 10 @ 180
The machine arm itself had to be at least another plate, but who knows for sure. These were done seated - a welcome relief for my lower back.

WG Pulldown/SG Pulldown: 110: 10/10; 140: 10/10
I was very limited on time at the end of the WO so I wanted to cram some extra volume into my back. These were supposed to be supersetted with hypers, but the thing was in need of repair.

Overall - I'm starting to adjust to both the volume and intensity of the workouts. It's way too early to see results, but I feel like there will be some lessening of my present fatassery.
Last night...(8/23)

Bench: 155, 185 x 10; 205 x 5-1-1, 3
No spotter, so when things became suspect, I clustered. Not so happy with the effort, being honest.

Machine Rows (NG):130, 150, 157.5 x 10
Tiny rest times - closer to 30 seconds thatn 60.

Front/Back Standing Press: 85 x 10; 95 x 7-2-1, 4-2
Jay told me to try these and holy crap - pushing from the back of the head is no fun with weak tri's and delts.

Strive Curl: 60 x 7; 50 x 5 + 3 static holds, 4 static holds
Dips: BW x 10, 10, 4

My biceps are still crazy weak to the point that I'm not sure when I'm going to attempt pullups or chins - and I need to. The dips were step 1 in response to my chest work.

K2C: 12, 12
Swissy Exchange: 10, 4

So - I noticed that the swiss ball I was using was the labeled as the "Women" ball about 5 reps into the first set. Made me feel so manly. The abs got a good smack regardless.

Pause DB Flat Press: 55 x 8, 4
This was step 2 in response to my chest work.

Deadlift: 185, 225 x 10; 245 x 5, 5, 2
I'm attempting a switch to conventional deads as a suggestion, and this was my first attempt at such a feat since I first started doing 'em a long time ago. We'll see how it goes.

Pause Squats: 2 x 10 @ 135
First set was a 3-count in the hole; second set was a 1-count in the hole.

DB Shrugs: 3 x 10 @ 80
I sat for the first 2 sets as my lower back was toasty. I found though that standing for these is essential for the proper movement of the weights.

Mixed Grip Chin: BW x 5, 3
I bit the bullet and gave this a go. I'll keep trying with both pullups and chins - but will definitely still do PD work too.

WG BB Curls: 65 x 10, 75 x 4, 1.5
All reps were super slow and very controlled. The 1.5 was a slow up, down to the halfway point and held for a 5-count, and back up.

Bench Abs: 2 x 10(3) @ 135
NG PD: 110 x 10, 130 x 10

Fun little unplanned superset.

Next week begins the true implementation of the layout - 2 days of 10's, 2 days of 6's, 2 days of 2's. A fitting start to my 36th year.
Deadlift: 185, 225 x 10; 245 x 5, 5, 2
I'm attempting a switch to conventional deads as a suggestion, and this was my first attempt at such a feat since I first started doing 'em a long time ago. We'll see how it goes.

Do you typically do Sumo deads? Do you notice a difference in strength between sumo/conventional? Lastly, why the switch back to conventional?

A fitting start to my 36th year.

Happy birthday, welcome to the club. I somewhat recently started my 36th year too...
Thanks, NT - much appreciated. Happy belated to you as well.

My deadlift form for years has been something of a modified sumo stance that I still find to allow the most natural movement for me personally, where my legs are just outside my hands, which are almost exactly shoulder-width apart. I'm attempting the switch due to the increased ROM and hence better muscular recruitment with the conventional movement. I can't comment yet on the stength differential as the two movements are so different. With sumo, your quads and adductors get most of the work; conventionals mostly hit the hams and require a tremendous amount more core strength to healthily persit a heavy load back to the floor. I'll absolutely comment on this as time goes on because I'm curious about it as well. It'll be especially interesting on the post-2's how things recover.
Your modified sumo sounds very similar to mine. I keep my arms right at should width apart and my legs are just outside my arms. I'll be very interested to hear how your change to conventional goes. I might try to do conventional deads on my next HST cycle.

Speaking of deads, this afternoon i'm going for 3 @ 275x5. Hoping it goes well because progressing past 275 will effectively put me in uncharted waters :) Who knows, if I feel really crazy today maybe I'll do my last set at 280, just because :)
Sounds good NT - I haven't see your log yet, but hope the session went well today.

Here's mine...

Standing Press: 85, 105 x 10; 115 x 6 1 1 1 1
I'm getting stronger, and that feels mighty nice. Endurance is coming in too.

Cable Cross: 57.5, 65 x 10
Nice change up for bench support day.

Incline Bench Press: 135, 155 x 10
Love the 155 set - inclines were never my thing and 135 itself was a feat in the past.

Kroc Rows: 65, 75 x 25
It's crazy to me how easy the 65 sets were for both arms. Another indication that muscle memory is kicking in.

SA Cable Rear Delt Fly: 25, 30 x 10
I love the pump after these sets!

Dips: BW + 15 x 10; BW + 20 x 9.899999999999999999
Hang K2C: 10, 10

I could just not lock out rep 10 of the second dip set - and I truly emptied the tank trying.

Good one today - like this quite a bit so far.
Last week was a mess time-wise. Got one in late last night...

Squats: 185, 205, 225 x 10
225 is starting to feel like a 10-RM for the moment.

GMs: 2 x 10 @ 115
Lower back is getting much stronger.

Shrugs: 225 x 10; 2 x 10 @ 245
No straps - just chalk.

Pulldowns: 130, 140, 150 x 10
Wide, pronated grip.

BB Curl: 85 x 10; 65 x 10
"Prone" Crunches: 12, 15

The curls were done immediately after the pulldowns intentionally - wanted to maximize the stress there. The first set was clustered 8-2, and the second set was very, very slow on both sides of every rep. The crunches were done on a back hyper machine - I saw a couple doing 'em and they looked intriguing so I gave it a go. Legs were straight - at the lowest point I was basically horizontal. Interesting - definitely worth more work there.
Bench: 185, 205, 215, 225 x 6
Last set was clustered 5-1 - no spotter.

Machine Rows: 137.5, 145, 157.5, 165 x 10

Front/Back Press: 95 x 10, 6; 45 x 8
These are absolutely awful - but very effective.

Wide, Neutral Grip Pushdown: 110 x 12; 130, 150, 157.5 x 10
Never did these before - kinda nuts.

K2C: 4 x 15
TINY rest periods - 10-15 seconds between sets.

Good one. Kinda sick but fought through.
225 x 5 + 225 x 1 is a GREAT way to end your bench workout! Nice job!!

I'm going to look into those front/back presses... I assume it's a shoulder exercise? I need a new shoulder exercise for my next HST cycle.
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Sorry I've been away all - craziness in NE Ohio.

TD - I'll definitely look at your log and see if there are any unanswered questions.

Tot - The WNGPD is a cable-based push movement. Hands are greater than shoulder-width apart and palms are facing one another. The stress on the tri's is immense and a very different feel. I believe that they are going to be harder to cheat on simply due to the compromised position of the body to begin with. Recommended as a nice ISO to assist with tricep strenght.

NT - Thanks! I'm very curious about where I am on bench now. I'll find out later on this week. The front-back presses are humbling to say the least; good luck!

OK - so back on 9/7, I did a deadlift routine but was sick and my work ended with me being frustrated with the conventional form. I was tired and had zero energy. So - on 9/22 I re-did the workout...

CONVENTIONAL Deads: 185, 215, 225, 255 x 6; 275 x 5
Form began to be sacrficed in the last set - thus only 5 reps. I'm feeling much better about the conventional pull and think that I've sorta begun unlocking the movement in ways that I never was able to before. I used a belt for the first time in about 2 years thinking that perhaps it was a good idea (I've been beltless and strapless for a long time).

Pause Squats: 2 x 10 @ 135
Pauses were 2-3 seconds minimum. Lower back was toasty to say the very least.

Shrugs: 225 x 6
Grip was dead.

Pulldown: 130, 150, 170 x 10
Pronated, wide grip. The 170 was quite unexpected.

Abs (K2C): 25
Cable Curl: 70 x 15

I was completely out of time and wanted to get at least one round in, so I took both sets to a failure-1 point.

All in all not unhappy with the workout after the 3ish weeks away.
Good to see you here and still bashing away, Tim. :o)

I look forward to seeing how you get on. Hope you can stay well. A busy and hectic work schedule plus personal life "stuff" can send stress levels soaring and then when you add in some consistently hard training it can see your immune system struggle to cope, esp. if you aren't able to get enough rest. All the very best from me in dealing with everything on your plate.

Now that my clavicle is much improved, I hope to log my workouts here a little more often than I have in the recent past.

Interesting to see how you get on with conventional reads.
It seems that Lol's comment was very well timed. Firstly - thank you Lol; I truly appreciate the kind words. Secondly - I'm hoping that the huge changes are done for a bit. I changed jobs and it's been a big shift in schedule and location alike. I'm now on a national team, and while that largely means that I work from home, it also means I travel. Such was the case the first week of October, and as much as I tried to get into a gym it just didn't happen. I have 2 wo's to log, and hopefully a bunch to follow in the coming days.


OHP: 95, 115, 125 x 6; grip change, 135 x 2

Jay happened to be in the gym with me for this one and he noted that my grip was way too wide. So - that was the double at 135; I failed a first set at that load after the 125 set.

Flat DB Press: 45 x 20; 55, 65 x 10; 70 x 4

Krocs: 55, 65 x 25

Machine Rear Delt Raise: 25 x 10

Cable was kinda odd - very taxing through one set.

Dips: BW: 10, 9
K2C: 10. 10



Squats: 185, 225, 255, 265 x 6

GM: 2 x 10 @ 115

Shrug: 2 x 10 @ 225

DOH grip, no straps

PD: 120, 130, 140, 150 x 10
Hypers: 4 x 10 (BW)

Swiss Ball Exchange: 2 x 10(2)

I count one rep as two exchanges (from hands to feet, and feet to hands) - hence the notation.