Am I the only person who doesn't count bar weight ??

Totz, there is a rather well known Doctor in Michigan (Lansing) friendly to HRT (probably because he is younger and not stuck in the past.) He does it legally and above board and believes one should try and keep their T levels toward the high end of normal to achieve the best quality of life. He requires a personal visit or a referral by your doctor if you do not live close enough for a visit. You may have heard of him but, if not, I can PM you his name, etc.
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I love how a thread about counting the Olympic bar weight quickly turns into a discussion about testosterone usage. :)

We are males. We start off talking about football in the pub but always end up morphing over to sex. :rolleyes:
Totz, there is a rather well known Doctor in Michigan (Lansing) friendly to HRT (probably because he is younger and not stuck in the past.) He does it legally and above board and believes one should try and keep their T levels toward the high end of normal to achieve the best quality of life. He requires a personal visit or a referral by your doctor if you do not live close enough for a visit. You may have heard of him but, if not, I can PM you his name, etc.

That's who I was thinking of. I live less than 30 minutes from Lansing right now so that's pretty much my first choice if I ever go that route. I'm sure he has a thick client list though, not sure if he is taking new patients, etc.
That's who I was thinking of. I live less than 30 minutes from Lansing right now so that's pretty much my first choice if I ever go that route. I'm sure he has a thick client list though, not sure if he is taking new patients, etc.

That is who handles my HRT. Very happy with his service and expertise. I believe he is still taking on new patients. Just be aware that he does not accept any insurance of any kind. Which may be why he is almost always taking on new patients (I think he loses some patients because of the fact that he doesn't take insurance). If you ever have any questions feel free to email me.
He does, however, provide a receipt for those who have insurance coverage. I am not sure what the insurance company's criteria might be as I use a local Medicare approved endochronologist. In fact, it was the local Doc that suggested I try HRT. I originally went to him to have my synthroid adjusted and found out my problem was actually low T.
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He does, however, provide a receipt for those who have insurance coverage. I am not sure what the insurance company's criteria might be as I use a local Medicare approved endochronologist. In fact, it was the local Doc that suggested I try HRT. I originally went to him to have my synthroid adjusted and found out my problem was actually low T.

That is correct. You can submit the receipts as "out of network" medical expenses and your insurance company should start posting it against your deductible. Once your deductible is met then they should reimburse you whatever percentage your insurance policy covers.

As long as you use a lab that is "in network" with your insurance company for all of your lab work then your labs should be covered as if your primary care provider wrote the lab request (mine have been anyhow).
You Americans and your healthcare ... as someone who's spent time working the policy in this industry (over here, obviously), I feel really really bad for what the Republican party did to your chances of getting proper healthcare.

Gotta love states' rights ;)
You Americans and your healthcare ... as someone who's spent time working the policy in this industry (over here, obviously), I feel really really bad for what the Republican party did to your chances of getting proper healthcare. Gotta love states' rights ;)
If they keep it up, I might pack up and move down under! :)
Our healthcare system is so simple, a bit abused, but so simple. If you're sick/effed up, the gov't pays for your bills (vast majority in vast majority of cases etc) because you're worth more to the country working than you are not working. Simple economics.

If you want to go private (insurance), you cost the gov't less, get a rebate at tax time and get to make more choices about your the doctor and facilities you want, might be able to have the insurer fund some elective or cosmetic surgery at some point - things like that.

Our only problem is the same issue the entire Western world has; people are hypochondriacs. Obviously costs the system more time and creates inefficiencies.

But then the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the USA is health issues, and we don't have that :)
Our healthcare system is so simple, a bit abused, but so simple. If you're sick/effed up, the gov't pays for your bills (vast majority in vast majority of cases etc) because you're worth more to the country working than you are not working. Simple economics.

If you want to go private (insurance), you cost the gov't less, get a rebate at tax time and get to make more choices about your the doctor and facilities you want, might be able to have the insurer fund some elective or cosmetic surgery at some point - things like that.

Our only problem is the same issue the entire Western world has; people are hypochondriacs. Obviously costs the system more time and creates inefficiencies.

But then the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the USA is health issues, and we don't have that :) thanks. I prefer to keep the government out of my health care. When the federal government get involved (no matter what it is) costs go UP...not get the health care treatment that THEY want you to have not the treatment that YOU want to have. If you want to abuse your body and not take care of yourself I have no problem with that. But you sure as hell better not expect me and my tax dollars to pay for your health care. Eff that. The Marxists/socialists are ruining this country at a record pace. Obama and his worthless excuse of an administration all need to go away. And I will include 99% of the Republicans in that group of people who are ruining the country and need to GO. It is time for new blood in DC, we need people in office that actually understand that this country is a Constitutional Republic...not a Democracy...and that the federal government has one protect the country from foreign invaders. They are not authorized to have a FDA, DEA, DEQ, DHS, DOE, TSA or any of their other "Departments". None of those departments are authorized under the Constitution of the United States of America and they do nothing to keep anyone any more safe than they would be in a true free market system.

So what about all those "socialist" countries that have more efficient healthcare than the United States? People have better coverage and costs are LOWER. United States ranks #46 in healthcare cost efficiency. There are 45 countries ahead of us, and almost all of them have government issued insurance in one form or another. FACT. So at least get your facts straight before ranting. Costs do not go up, but rather down when you compare "socialist" healthcare of other countries to the current healthcare system of the United States.
The problem with the healthcare debate in America, is the same problem for most other major policy debates in that (your country), and it comes down to the framing. You have psycho-Republicans framing the mantra from the Revolutionary War (yes, that one ... nearly 250 years ago), and that mantra is "tyranny". If the government is trying to do anything, it must be tyrannical.

Then you get pre&post-Clinton Democrats (basically, Clinton is your best President ever by almost any economics measure ... ) who have this great set of ideas but no head for the economics.

And then you have just about the worst system of elected government in the world (let's put it this way, when American lawmakers re-structured Japan after boom-kicking everyone in WWII, they ran as far away from their own system as they could; encourages deadlock, makes minimal sense at most structural junctures).

And what happens is a cluster-you-know-what.

Bringing this back to healthcare: on one side it's positions such as Bulldog's (and he has every right to hold whatever opinion he likes - I'm not questioning that), and on the other is "we'll take care of it and if you don't support it you're a millionaire scumbag", with neither side's position philosophically capable of creating a middle ground.

Add to that people with money and their lobbyists: no wonder your system is up $hit creek without a paddle :(
You guys living in first world countries are so cool! :) We don't have any kind of (obligatory) medical insurance. Only private voluntary insurance for which you can pay on your own. Most people don't use it. Some big buck oil&gas international companies like BP etc have insurance as part of their benefits for all employees, but that's commercial sector anyway. The government only cares about itself :)

From what I understand, Azerbaijan is not so bad? At the apex of your local region, which isn't such a bad thing. Great natural resources - of course getting fair $$ for them and not being ripped off by the oil companies is another issue. Centuries of art, culture, strong sporting traditions, secular nationalist tendencies (which is terrific for a nominally Islamic country, IMO at least).

Could be worse ... ? (not to say it's perfect of you have everything you want, "first world problems" etc. but it's not doom & gloom, right?)
Yes, it could be. Azerbaijan is a small (two times smaller than the state of Florida for example) and rich country in oil&gas. Uncontrolled (or should I say controlled?) corruption almost everywhere. Teachers&doctors getting officially ca. 250-500 USD a month. It's all candy for the international community, thanks to the carefully crafted international propaganda they must think we are rich as hell like folks living in certain arabic countries. Yet it's far from the truth. There are very many very expensive cars (Lexus, Range Rover, Gelenwagen, sometimes Bentley etc.) in the city which may give the impression people are rich but that kind of money is impossible to be earned legally. You see, if you want to run some kind of business you must have someone powerful to cover your back. Just like in the Godfather movie. And you unofficially pay a considerable amount of your profit to them just to run your business. If you don't do that, one day you'll come to find your goods burnt in a fire or something. This is life I guess :)
Fair enough.

So you choices are:

-Underpaid (compared to first world) salaried wage

-Corruption woohoo!

-Work for yourself but suffer due to corruption

Awkward, I suppose. Plans to migrate?

Also, happy birthday.
Thanks, I just turned 33.
Migration implies first getting a job offer, then getting a work permit. I need to think about the possibilities, because leaving my mom here isn't something I'm comfortable with, so I can only go if she's allowed to, which makes it much harder to realize. I already lived in the US (Jacksonville, FL) in '97-98 as an exchange student, so that's where I'll shoot for (not necessarily FL, although my host mom still lives there).