Chad Waterburys Routine and new book

1. Start training the lagging muscle groups every 48 hours.

2. Don't train to failure during any sets.

3. Minimize the eccentric portion (lower under control in one second or less).

4. Use different parameters for each workout throughout the week. This is imperative. The more profound the variations in sets, reps, and load, the better.

5. Use different exercises for each workout throughout the week. The more dramatic the exercise variation, the better. But merely changing your stance, hand position, or switching from barbells to dumbbells is usually sufficient.

6. Perform active recovery sessions and ice massage.

Where is HST?
I see HST in the first two points... the third is just :confused:
The rest we've all heard countless times...
I talked to Chad once on t-nation. He's a nice guy. I explained to him HST, he was interested. He still beleived that varying the rep range was beneficial. But he comes more from a strength background and it's quite common to do that for strength..
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rovi @ June 30 2005,4:15)]I see HST in the first two points... the third is just :confused:
The rest we've all heard countless times...
The third has some relevance also, so don't discount it totally.