Dave's First HST Cycle

There is also gemma protein, which is made from peas or something. You can get it pretty cheap from trueprotein.com. I haven't tried it, but I've heard decent things from it. It's cheaper than whey. If I ever do purchase some of it, I'll probably buy it as a 50/50 blend with whey, just in case.

Oh, and you may find that it isn't the same for you, but for me, I usually have to wait at least twenty minutes after my workout before drinking the shake, otherwise I risk getting an upset stomach. I guess it would depend on how intense your workout is and how thick you make the shake.

Quad: Ironically, a lot of steroids are cheaper than the supplements you get at GNC, and obviously they are more effective for gaining muscle. Dbol and test both are very cheap. Well, that's what I hear anyway... I think it's funny the price difference of supposed test boosters like tribulus compared to actual testosterone. Typically, you have to pay MORE for the product that doesn't work.
Yeah I had to promise my fiance that I wouldn't go on the juice. I wonder what I could do if i did though. I seem to bulk decently as it is without having to watch my diet. I do try to eat enough protien though it's just harder for me when the money isn't coming in as well. I figure having powders and such can solve some of that issue so I don't have to scavenge around in the fridge for high protien foods. I have a kid on the way and I hope it's a boy. Boys do run strong in my genes but I guess there is allways that chance that it could be a girl. I want a son to share weight lifting with if that doesn't sound too crazy. I just hope that if I had a son then he would want to follow in my footsteps. Atleast with weight lifting that is.
Judging by your pictures so far, I don't think you'll need steroids to progress for quite a while. You're already ahead of the curve with the size and strength that you have so far, compared to other guys around your age, so... just keep being patient as you have been and you'll continue to progress.

Re: your kid. I know how you feel. I let my kids watch me workout all the time and of course now they all want to grow up to be big and strong. They'll tend to emulate what they see you doing, so get them involved in it and it will make a lasting impression on them. You probably won't be able to do much with them until they are a little older, but you can at least show them some exercises when they are younger, such as pushups, dips, etc.
And hey, if you get a girl, you can teach her to lift too. There are some tough women out there who are into weight lifting.
I think one of the greatest gifts you can give your children is the gift of healthy living habits. Exercise done on a regular basis is key to living healthy, in my opinion. Start early teaching them this and showing them healthy eating habits and you'll be doing them a great service.
Yeah thanks for the advice. I figure I can start the kid out with bodywieght workouts. Since I have already became developed it can be a lot easier to show what can happen to you if you train and eat correctly. I have friends who get inspired by what I do and a lot of it probably has to do with my willpower to stay consistant so they know I'm for real about it. My buddy just had to go through some surgery right after he started taking me to a gym with him so that I can teach him the ropes. He says that he will be going back in about a week so it's nice to see people who want to improve themselves. He is starting off from a different body composition than I did though. I was lean where as he is overweight. So I suggested that he did cardio on his off days. Was that a good or bad suggestion? Maybe I can read up a little more on HIIT cardio and teach him that. Heck I might start doing it as well to shave off a few %.
That is good advice. I would recommend that your also restrict calories a bit. Since he is a newbie, he could make some good progress at first without having to work too hard at it. Just lift some heavy weights a few times a week, so some cardio the other days, eat a little less, and he should be able to drop some waist size while gaining some muscle. Eventually, if he wants to get thinner, he'll have to restrict calories more, but he should be able to get by for a few months before that is a necessary.
I don't think he really eats a whole lot but I think that if he maybe tried to drink more water and possibly use skim milk with his protien power he bought it might help out. Since he is normally inactive I think the weight lifting and cardio will make a big difference for him. It would be easier if he was lean so I could have him work on bodyweight excersizes for a while. I don't think he will be doing pull-ups or dips anytime soon. I have another friend who went to the gym with me who is real lean so it's easier to teach him. Even on barbell workouts because he doesn't weigh a whole lot so learning the squat form was easier for him. He did better on the dead lift too.
Don't worry if your offspring don't take to the weights as soon as you might hope. Sometimes as a parent it's easy to try too hard to get them to do something you want them to do and it backfires. I tried for a while with my lad but he really wasn't that bothered so I backed off. Then, one day, when he was 13, he came home from school and said, "Dad, I want to get stronger!" So now I'm showing him the ropes; he's sticking at it because it's what he wants to do rather than what I got him to do. He did nine pull-ups the other day when two of his friends were over and neither of them could do any. He's up to 20 push-ups too. That's the kind of results kids love. His test levels haven't really kicked in yet either so if he sticks with it he should come on in leaps and bounds. I've just got to gently ease him into squats and deads now.  

Whatever you get, it'll be an education!  
Yeah my girlfriend tells me the same thing about the whole backfiring thing. I just plan on doing what I do and maybe one day my kid will want to follow in my footsteps. By then I might know a lot more than I do now so I can pass all of it on. I did think of ways that I could train my baby to walk sooner. I thought that maybe a jhonny jumper could help strengthen the babys legs and maybe even the core so it might be easier for the baby to learn how to walk with stronger muscles. I don't know maybe I will figure that puzzle out or just let it happen naturally. My brother had a boy about a year ago. His baby is more advanced than an average baby the doctor tells his girlfriend. He is ahead in all the things he is supposed to be learning in his time period. Maybe I can get my nephew into lifting. My brother makes fun of me for it so I wonder what he would do if his son did it too.
(Totentanz @ Jan. 07 2008,20:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And hey, if you get a girl, you can teach her to lift too. There are some tough women out there who are into weight lifting.</div>
I have a daughter-in-law who was a very competitive gymnast. She is as tough as nails and mean as a snake. I couldn't have asked for better!

Even after three kids she still manages to keep her bodyfat percentage remarkably low. Of all my kids, she is the one who most notices my body recomposition efforts.
Yeah I know colby but it might help if the baby practices on things that can somewhat simulate walking. They have walkers and whatnot but I wondered if a jhonny jumper could help with it too. I was just trying to figure out if there is a way to speed up the walking stage. I don't want to sound crazy I am just being open about things I thought about.
I think those jumpers are an awesome invention. The kid gets a feel for balance, surely, while burning cals, getting exersize, and being babysat for free!
Makes me wanna have a kid. Not.
Here is what my workout plan was today:

Full Squat: 185 x 10 x 2

Bent Over Barbell Rows: 100 x 10 x 2

Standing Military Press: 85 x 10 x 2

The squats didn't give me much trouble and neither did the rows which might just be way too light for me. The military press did give me some trouble on the second set because I think my grip wasn't wide enough. When I got near chest level I was getting pains. I had to stop on the sixth or seventh rep to try and adjust the grip but I still got pains. I ended up doing 5 reps after stopping so it technicly was more than 10 reps on that second set. I didn't have anything to drink either and was feeling dehydrated. I also kept cleaning the weight that my buddies were messing with for squats and racking it for them. I kind of made an ass of myself and played with a weight on the bench that one of my friends couldn't lift. I would lift it a little then pause then lift it a little higher and pause ect untill I locked out. Anyways I had a protien shake afterwards and partied a little bit with my friends before I went home. One of my friends seemed to already get his squat form down preety well already. The other is still recovering from his surgery but I might have him work out on some of the machines they have there.
Here is what I did today:

Bench Press: 160 x 10 x 2

Dead Lift: 195 x 10 x 2

Pull-Ups: Bodyweight x 5 x 3

I'm hopfully going to put my pull-up bar tonight so I can possibly add some pull-ups to my cycle. My fiance is going to help me. If I do some pull-ups tonight I will edit my post if I remember to. I had a few protien shakes after my workout because I poored too much milk in my smoothie blender. I only added one scoop of the powder though.

Edit: Ok I got the pull-up bar put up with a lot of help from my fiance. I posted what I did along with the rest of my workout. I can tell I have gained more weight when I do the pull-ups. I'm now enjoying a big bowl of spaghetti and meat with traditional sauce.
Yeah maybe in my next cycle I can get to more respectable poundages. I may have started out too light in the beginning which would have helped if I tested my maxes before. I'm so used to heavier weight and five reps per set. The good thing is I have gained more endurance and I switched to full squats so I'm also working up on those. I have a bowl of peaches with me right now that my fiance made.
I'm used to the 5 reps too. These 15's and 10's have been a serious adjustment, but I think for the better. I'm eating my cottage cheese and off to bed.
Today I can feel it preety well. Had some trouble sleeping with what seems to be my anxiety issues. I eventually was able to get some good sleep in. Trying to find a job latley. Just filled out an app online today for Kroger for those who know what that is. I had a pain in one of my fingers for some reason but I think it's feeling much better today. My back is feeling sore, my lats are feeling it, and my chest is feeling it. This is great! I'm going to probably get even bigger lats now!
Here is what I did today:

Full Squats: 195 x 10 x 2

Standing Military Press: 95 x 10 x 2

Bent Over Barbell Rows: 110 x 10 x 2

Dips: Bodyweight x 10 x 2

The squats were a little rough due to the fact that it winded me. The military presses went just fine and gave me a little resistance at the second set. The rows were way too easy. I don't have a dip station so I tried the corner of my counter. The first set was harder than the second set because the corner was really tight. For my second set of dips I got dressed and went outside in the cold and used the corner of my front porch which was frosted on top so I put my hands in my sweater before placing them on the surface. My wrists and middle chest are feeling it. My fiance is bringing me home a protien bar that I like so I will probably have that and a shake for my post workout meal.
Here is what I did yesterday:

Bench Press: 170 x 10 x 2

Dead Lift: 205 x 10 x 2

Pull Ups: BW x 5 x 4

Hit my shin so I paused a few times on the second set of dead lifts. The pull ups seem to be getting easier to do.