Dup, Rpe And Hst

Sorry, I made a stupid question. It's obvious that I can do it many ways. My gym has weighted strips for the ankles, I can use them.
I'm not convinced that HST and DUP are compatible if you buy into Bryan's thoughts on exposure to load. i.e. if you expose yourself to 8RM in week 1, then doing 12RM work the following week is pointless other than potential metabolic stress; it isn't heavy enough to induce microdamage and the necessary adaptations (hypertrophy) that follow.
Ditto. True adepts shouldn't be using any kind of DUP, even if it's superior to HST's SD+linear progression. It's non-scientific, because, if we quote Bryan,
HST is not a "guess" like all the previous muscle building programs. It is a method based on the
physiology of muscle growth.
Ditto. True adepts shouldn't be using any kind of DUP, even if it's superior to HST's SD+linear progression. It's non-scientific, because, if we quote Bryan,

DUP is absolutely an extrapolation//interpretation of research.

Whether or not one considers it to be an effective or accurate interpretation is up for debate, of course, but it is certainly not founded in anecdote or broscience.
I now use DUP with HST all the time because some studies have shown DUP to be superior to weekly or bi-weekly period changes. I have also seen better results in lagging muscle parts and it is less boring.

RPE is mostly used in evaluating aerobic exercise programs. It's usefulness in hypertrophic or strength weight lifting is limited, at best. It may be more useful to Cross Trainers, Circuit Trainers and the like. I see no benefit when incorporated with programs based on HST principles although I am certainly open to becoming more educated about this.

If, in fact, you are really looking for an auto regulation technique, going to failure or, even better yet in my opinion, going to within one or two reps of failure is a time proven effective auto regulator for weight lifting and reduces the subjectivity to close to zero.

I question even RPE's usefulness in aerobic training due to its highly subjective and individualistic rating scale. Even its acronym contains the letter P standing for perceived. Heart rate monitoring, adjusted for your aerobic conditioning, is probably a better measure of intensity.

Good question though. It is nice to see people inject new thoughts to mull over.

Just my $.02 although some would say it is only worth $.01. o_O

I've been using DUP as well for the past eight weeks and all my maxes have improved. Here's my workout.

Monday hypertrophy 8 reps - bench, squat, deadlift and weighted pull-ups
Wednesday power 1-3 reps - same as above
Friday strength 5-6 reps - same as above
Saturday bi, tri, shoulder, upper and middle traps and calf work.

If all of my lifts are increasing, (in all of the rep ranges and of course my diet is in check) should I grow in this program? In your opinion. Thank you in advance.
Your pic makes you look pretty doggone good now. If your lifts are increasing, how can you not grow? Personally I would like to see some metabolic work in there from time-to-time also.
What you are doing seems to be working so I would wait until I started to stall out. Or, alternatively, exchange my power w/o every other Wednesday for a metabolic workout of 15-20 reps.
What you are doing seems to be working so I would wait until I started to stall out. Or, alternatively, exchange my power w/o every other Wednesday for a metabolic workout of 15-20 reps.

My bench went up 40 lbs for three reps in the last 7 weeks
squat 80 lbs 3 rep max
deads 40 lbs 3 rep max
pull-ups 25 lbs 3 rep max

I've actually put on 13-15 pounds of lean mass since that picture. I'll post that, when I finish my cut. A lot that has to do with reading up on HST, DUP and the advice I've got from this forum. So thanks to everyone who post.
If I remember rightly @golfnut's avatar was pre HST but made significant gains when did his first cycle of HST.
You're kidding me... at his bf%, the avatar represents the pinnacle of naturally achievable size and form. If he isn't natural, well, then his mode of training and nutrition isn't that important, he could even grow this big using vanilla HST SD+progression principles.

This line pretty much confirms not being natural:
I've actually put on 13-15 pounds of lean mass since that picture.
You're kidding me... at his bf%, the avatar represents the pinnacle of naturally achievable size and form. If he isn't natural, well, then his mode of training and nutrition isn't that important, he could even grow this big using vanilla HST SD+progression principles.

This line pretty much confirms not being natural:
Yes 13lbs of lean mass gained but he hasn't stated what fat was gained, but at competition standing at 1.65m (5 foot 5 inches) at 60kgs (132lbs) at circa 4% body fat gives a fat free mass index of around 21.2 would not suggest steroid use, but only golfnut can confirm this.
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You're kidding me... at his bf%, the avatar represents the pinnacle of naturally achievable size and form. If he isn't natural, well, then his mode of training and nutrition isn't that important, he could even grow this big using vanilla HST SD+progression principles.

This line pretty much confirms not being natural:

First of all, you should never accuse someone of something before you have all of the facts. The avatar was before my first run of HST. I was a 3.9% body fat at 132 lbs, which gives me a lean body mass of 127 lbs. Now I am 155 at just under 10%, which should net me about 13 lbs but calipers can be misleading (but I am pretty good at using them). As far as putting down HST and giving all the props to DUP, that wouldn't be fair either. Size, I think I did better on HST but strength, I would say I did a lot better on DUP. Here's my strength numbers.

Coming off of HST after two cycles

bench 225x5
deadlift 275x5
squat would not be fair to either because I wasn't doing squats on HST but made great gains compared to where I started from.

DUP for 7 weeks

bench 265x5
deadlift 320x5
squat 260x5 (I have a lot of room to work on this one)

mickc1965 would be correct, my avatar was pre HST but with the gains that I have made, my next pic should be good, I will be posting a new picture, in roughly 8 weeks, when I get down to 5%. So to wrap this up, both systems are great and I will always be a natural.
Yes 13lbs of lean mass gained but he hasn't stated what fat was gained, but at competition standing at 1.65m (5 foot 5 inches) at 60kgs (132lbs) at circa 4% body fat gives a fat free mass index of around 21.2 would not suggest steroid use, but only golfnut can confirm this.

Yes, you are correct and thank you for coming to my defense. I'm hoping to get the ffmi up a few before my next competition. I should be at 22.5 adjusted ffmi, not bad but still a long way to go, if I want to get to 25.