OK heres an update on my latest progress, I havent been on here that much updating as frequently as I would like over the past week but that was due to me getting over being sick. The good news as of today I have gotten over it, took longer than I thought but better late then never. On Monday I did my first 5 workout again I decided to take Totentanz advice and wait it out and repeat the workout again. Unfortunaltey I was still sick but I couldnt do nothing any longer so heres mondays workout:
Sumo dead lift 5 reps 1 set 58kg (bar weighs 6kg)
Military press 5 reps at 40kg 1 set (bar 6kg)
Weighted crunch 20reps 1 set bw + 5kg
Upright row 10 reps 1 set 12.5kg
BB tricep extension 5 reps 1 set 36kg (6kg bar)
DB chest press 5 reps 1 set 22kg
BB bicep curl 5 rep 1 set 36kg (6kg bar)
calf raises one leg 1 set1 bw + 20kg
pushups 10 reps 1 sets bw
I only did one set as I did not want to become any sicker and also after reading some people believe that there is no added benefit of performing multiple sets as one can still stimulate muscle growth ( provided correct form is used)
Wednesday: (just a quick note I took Tdawgs advice and swapped my exercise order from largest to smallest fashion)
Chinups: BW
Sumo dead lift 5 reps 3 sets 60kg (bar weighs 6kg)
DB chest press 5 reps 3 sets 22kg
Military press 5 reps at 41kg 3 sets (bar 6kg)
Upright row 10 reps 3 sets 13.5kg
Weighted crunch 20reps 3 sets bw + 7.5kg
BB tricep extension 5 reps 3 sets 38kg (6kg bar)
BB bicep curl 5 rep 3 sets 38kg (6kg bar)
calf raises one leg 3 sets bw + 20kg
pushups 15 reps (5 wide,5 narrow, 5 close stance) 3 sets bw
the workout went for 54 minutes
Chinups: BW
Sumo dead lift 5 reps 3 sets 64kg (bar weighs 6kg)
DB chest press 5 reps 3 sets 22kg
10 pushups
Military press 5 reps at 43kg 3 sets (bar 6kg)
Upright row 10 reps 3 sets 13.5kg
Weighted crunch 20reps 3 sets bw + 7.5kg
10 normal crunch
BB tricep extension 5 reps 3 sets 38kg (6kg bar)
BB bicep curl 5 rep 3 sets 38kg (6kg bar)
calf raises one leg 3 sets bw + 20kg
pushups 15 reps (5 wide,5 narrow, 5 close stance) 3 sets bw
this lasted 66 minutes
as it was my last workout on the last set of each exercise I added 1-2 reps extra and none of which were performed as clusters of failure.
My weigh in last tuesday was 80kg

im pretty happy about that hit my target and ive still got 3 weeks left this tuesday I will weigh again and take new measurements of my waist to confirm that it is indeed mostly mucsle and not fat but seeing as the last few weeks have been chaotic and my exercise regime was all over the place I cant be too mad if i gained more in fat then i wanted to but looking at the mirror I seem ok

anyway im off to enjoy my weekend hope everyone does the same