Gator's Training Log

Workout #22

Version A - 5 Rep Mesocycle Remix

Flat Bench 165 x 5, 175 x 5, 185 x 5
Pendlays 135 x 5, 145 x 5, 155 x 5
Militaries 95 x 5, 105 x 5, 115 x 5
Squats 185 x 5, 195 x 5, 205 x 5

I got a ghetto squat rack set up at the house now, so I can do everything in my workout right here which is way nice... no more school gym traffic. Class starting tommorrow
. Everything felt so light today, these afternoon workouts are AMAZING. I might finally be able to get those DL numbers up to something not so embarrassing. Hope everyone is doing well, sorry I haven't been able to be as active as I was this summer. I hope to be able to be around more soon enough, otherwise keep up with the hard work and lifting!
Workout #23

Version B - 5 Rep Mesocycle Remix

Dips BW + 85 x 5, 90 x 5, 95 x 1
Chins BW + 60 x 5, 65 x 2, 65 x 2
Shrugs 225 x 5, 235 x 5, 245 x 5
Deadlift 205 x 5, 215 x 5, 225 x 5

Hit a PR on chins... 65 was my 1RM at the start of the cycle and I nailed it for 2 reps today... after 60 kicked my ass.  Everything else went well... although my arms felt like they were about to snap again on dips.  I think restarting the 5's was a good call.  I'm progressing faster this time around than before, which should have been expected.  I'll have to post pics of our house gym sometime, might compete with Quad's for once.  It's nice walking 10 feet to go workout now...  
.  No excuse to skip lifting anymore!
Workout #24

Version A - 5 Rep Mesocycle Remix

Flat Bench 195 x 5, 205 x 5, 215 x 5
Pendlays 165 x 5, 175 x 5, 185 x 5
Militaries 125 x 5, 135 x 0, 0
Squats 215 x 5, 225 x 5, 235 x 5

This was from Monday... I am about to do today's workout in a little bit.  Other than my poor delts getting killed, everything else progressed nicely.  I am actually looking forward to today to see where my deadlifts are at.  Next week is my max out week... and I will finally finish this cycle.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">might compete with Quad's for once.</div>

Be careful we you are treading!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Next week is my max out week...</div>

Awesome #'s on your chins; I look forward to new PR's happening one by one for you next week.
Workout #25

Version B - 5 Rep Mesocycle Remix

Dips BW + 95 x 5, 100 x 2, 100 x 2
Chins BW + 65 x 3, 65 x 3, 65 x 3
Shrugs 255 x 5, 265 x 5, 275 x 5
DL 235 x 5, 245 x 5, 255 x 2

A few good things, and a few not so good things. I'm going to have to switch out dips next cycle, for two reasons. For one, today was the second time I broke the belt and the weights came an inch away from falling on my feet
. Also, my arms really do feel like they are going to rip apart. I am contemplating switching them out with decline dumbells.... although I really do LOVE dips... especially for my tri's since I'm not currently doing any iso's. I just think it's time to step off the ride for a little on those.

DL's were great today.... broke my cycle's 1RM today, and nailed 255 for 2 reps on my last set. While not a PR, it's the most I've done since starting HST. I'm currently at my 1RM on chins, and did 3 sets of triples on those. I'm hoping to hit a PR on bench this cycle... I've managed to push up 245 once, back in the day. If I fully progress on Friday, which is unlikely since it is FRIDAY, I will be at that on my last set. But that wouldn't discourage me, as I'll get it on max day next week. SD is going to be sooooo nice.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Aug. 29 2007,17:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am contemplating switching them out with decline dumbells.... although I really do LOVE dips... especially for my tri's since I'm not currently doing any iso's. I just think it's time to step off the ride for a little on those.</div>
When dips began to give my shoulders trouble, I switched to decline bench (though I used a barbell). I was pleased with the results. Nothing really beats dips for developing the chest, but declines are nearly as good.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Aug. 29 2007,17:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I broke the belt</div>
Workout #26

Version A - 5 Rep Mesocycle Remix

Flat Bench 225 x 5, 235 x 3, 235 x 3
Pendlays 195 x 5, 205 x 3, 205 x 4
Squats 245 x 4******

Some scary stuff today lol. Bench and Pendlays went great, new PR for Pendlays. But let's just say I have some work to do on my makeshift squat rack. For the story's sake, 245 is a lot for me on squats. As I went to rack the weight, one of the pins (very thick) that holds up the bar slid off... and I don't have &quot;catch&quot; bars at the bottom. So.... I'm standing there with all this dang weight on me and no were to put it. At one point, I had the whole bar balanced on the remaining pin and was turned around facing the bar. I was considering letting the weight fall off one side and trying to catch the bar when it would fling the other way... but considered it too risky and didn't want to break the weights. So I managed to turn back around while still holding up the weight and decided to do a serious ATG squat and drop it from there, hoping it wouldn't break. Sure enough, it worked and no noticeable damage to the precious metal.

My wrists hurt like hell right now, which is why I didn't bother with militaries... but let's just say I am going to do some work on this thing before I max out next week lol... good lesson learned. The only scary thing to this was if something had happened, this rack is in our boiler room and no one would have probably noticed for quite some time if I had been squooshed.

Very stupid of me to squat by myself with no catch bars or anything I know, but I guess it was just a stupid risk I was willing to take. Glad I learned without getting seriously hurt.

As I said before though, first half of the workout was great.. and it is my final actual workout of this cycle. Maxing out next week.
Max Out Day One

Exercise     Starting 1RM/New 1RM

Flat Bench 235/265  PR
Chins BW+65/BW+80 PR
Shrugs 275/305 PR
Deadlift 245/275

Mixed up some of the exercises because I figured they are better up divided this way for maxing out.  I'm very pleased with where this cycle went, although I still have another day of maxing out to do.  I got all-time PR's on three of the four exercises today, and matched my all-time PR on DL's which some of you know give me a lot of trouble.  I went for the 285 and couldn't get it moving off of the floor.  I am currently at ~155 lbs... I've lost some mass since I've been back to school because the first couple weeks I was eating way under maintenance... but considering that I am still happy with the gains.
If the floor beams are accessable - think about hanging some &quot;arrester&quot; chains from them; looping them around the BB so that the weight is supported at your ATG level. Just incase one of these days...
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Flat Bench 235/265 PR
Chins BW+65/BW+80 PR</div>

I am jealous... but not envious -- great PR's!!
NICE, Gator! You feelin' it?

Your strength gains this cycle have been astounding. I really think this cycle has proven what this type of exercise methodology can do for strength. Would you agree?
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Cgutcu- I would say it was more effective for size than the first, but not strength. But I'm still unclear as to which was &quot;better&quot;. The reason I got more size could have been my much greater focus on diet, and probably was. And the reason it I did not see the rise in 1RM's that I saw on the first go around was probably due to a lot of these exercises being the same from last, and it being hard to gain that much strength of the course of around 3 months.

Sorry I have not been very active, a good friend of mine passed away and I went home last weekend for the service.
Workout #1

Version A - 10 Rep Mesocycle

First weights used are 80% of my 10RM

Flat Bench 155 x 10, 165 x 10, 175 x 10
Chins BW + 45 x 5, 45 x 5, 45 x 5  

Shrugs 185 x 10, 195 x 10, 205 x 10
Deadlift 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 175 x 5, 195 x 5, 215 x 5

So here is the start of a new cycle.  I will post the details of it on my next post but basically it is more or less the same as last go around, but with some minor changes.  The biggest one is I am doing a 5x5 DL specific program, to work on getting my numbers up for those.  This workout went great, other than my weird kink on chins.  Even though my max is relatively high, it seems that the amount I am able to rep out is much lower than what it should be.  I feel like a lot of it is my bicep endurance... from doing next to no arm iso's more than likely.  By the way, this was on Monday, so I am on track for this week and will post today's workout later on.
So here is the plan for this routine's workout.  Basically, it is the same as the one before.  However, I am doing a 5x5 routine for DL's, and will attempt to do them 3x a week until my numbers are high enough that I need to drop the volume down to keep from overtraining.

Version A
Flat Bench
Weighted Chins

Version B
Decline DB Press
Pendlay Rows
Military Press


I will do a 10 rep mesocycle for 2 weeks, followed by the 5's.  I am going to see how skipping the 15's plays out.  After I start to stall out on the 5's, I will go back to the 10's but recalculate the maxes based on the highest weights I used for each mesocycle.... as kind of a super zigzag.  So this is almost like a double cycle in one, but it should still last somewhere between 8-10 weeks.  Same as before, if I can get it the desired amount of reps I will add weight, if I can't get all the reps I will stick with the weight until I can.

I am still considering doing a light squat session on the &quot;light&quot; day of my DL 5x5, which would be today. Any thoughts? I guess it will be a gametime decision.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Sep. 12 2007,10:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am still considering doing a light squat session on the &quot;light&quot; day of my DL 5x5, which would be today. Any thoughts?</div>
That looks like an interesting program. What is it about deadlifts that make them so attractive?

Even doing deads twice a week, I'd hate to give up squats. Maybe the big guys can get away with it, but I still feel the need for both squats and deads to help build and maintain body mass.
Hehe, I guess it is just a personal thing with me. The fact that I can only DL 10 pounds more than I can bench seems rather odd to me. I really don't want to give up squats entirely, which is why I am considering them on my light DL day, which is today. But I really want to dedicate part of this cycle to getting my DL max to a somewhat respectable level compared to my other lifts.
excellent work Gator! I'd been waiting for Max Out Day 2...

where'd you end up w/ squats and what's your current weight?

good luck w/ your deads this cycle.