Gator's Training Log

Great workout, Gator. I hear you on the leg side of you WO. I hated doing anything with legs - but I must say that squats are probably in my top 3 now.

This cycle has been great for you! Very nice progress!
Workout #16

Version B - 5 Rep Mesocycle

First weights used are 80% of my 5RM

Dips BW + 70 x 5, 75 x 5, 80 x 5
Chins BW + 45 x 5, 50 x 5, 55 x 4.5
Shrugs 190 x 5, 200 x 5, 210 x 3*
Deadlift 170 x 5, 180 x 5, 190 x 5

*The inner insertion point on my right trap gave me a horrible pinching feeling.  Didn't want to risk anything, so I quit at that point.  Feels fine today anywho.

Oh man, I love the 5's.  I did this last night, so I'm not off schedule and didn't skip  
.  This is where I think my DL is going to make some good progress.  Next cycle, I'm thinking of doing a 5x5 specialty routine for DL's anyways.  This was also an evening workout, which I felt went better.  I wasn't sleepy so I got a good pump and all my strength was there.  I'm just really not a morning person at all, although I do like getting it over with then.
VERY nice, Gator. I'd agree - your DL numbers are gonna skyrocket now. Your other lifts continue to progress nicely as well - all very nice progress! Good luck Friday! I hope it continues!
(UFGatorDude30 @ Aug. 07 2007,10:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh man, I love the 5's.</div>
Yup, and off to a good start! Your Deads are looking good.
Workout #17

Version A - 5 Rep Mesocycle

First weights used are 80% of my 5RM

Flat Bench 160 x 5, 170 x 5, 180 x 5
Pendlays 135 x 5, 145 x 5, 155 x 5
Military Press 95 x 5, 105 x 5, 115 x 4
Squats 180 x 5, 190 x 5, 200 x 5

Solid all-around. I pretty much have my squat form down to where I want it, and to be honest, they feel good now. I've had an extra commute this week so I was kind of rushed, but got plenty of sleep last night so I wasn't tired. Basically, just looking forward to seeing how far I can push these. Diet is still going well, been eating a lot of steak and eggs.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Aug. 08 2007,09:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Diet is still going well, been eating a lot of steak and eggs.</div>
Are you shooting for a particular caloric intake for either a bulk or a cut? You program would do either one, I would think, dependent on how much you're eating.

Looks like another great workout, Gator. Nice work!
I am doing a bulk, and probably slightly faster than a &quot;slow&quot; one. I'd say I'm gaining at about 3/4 - 1 lb. a week. I've netted ~15 lb. gain this whole summer, and probably went from 8% b.f. to ~10-11%. The most quality LBM gains have been this cycle, when I started taking my diet more seriously. I'm sure some of that weight is water retention from creatine but regardless I'm pleased with the results I see in the mirror. I'm just hoping to carry on when I get back to school in a week, as we know working out isn't the first thing on a college student's mind.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Aug. 08 2007,09:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">as we know working out isn't the first thing on a college student's mind.</div>
But, then again, &quot;the first thing on a college student's mind&quot; isn't what we usually discuss on a family friendly site...
Workout #18

Version B - 5 Rep Mesocycle

Dips BW + 85 x 5, 90 x 5, 95 x 3
Chins BW + 55 x 5, 60 x 3, 60 x 2.5
Shrugs 210 x 5, 220 x 5, 230 x 5
Deadlift 205 x 5, 215 x 5, 225 x 5  

Man o' man.  5 lbs. from my 1RM on dips/chins.  But the best personal success today was with my DL's.  I was supposed to start at 200 but was too lazy to put all the different weights on there, so I just stuck 35's over the plates for 205.  Honestly, I didn't think I was going to finish the first set.  Then I thought about something to piss me off and somehow completed two more afterwards.  I can't wait to get back to school for working out.  I just don't have the same energy in the mornings as I do in the early afternoon.  The thing I need to focus on when I get back is my diet though, can't let that slack.  I am actually good about not having the typical college pizza and beer diet, I just stick with the beer.

Next week is my last &quot;programmed&quot; week in this cycle before maxing.  I am moving back on Wednesday, but workouts shouldn't be affected.   I'll make the call next week about if I want to extend whether it be through doing total MS, dropping frequency, or dropping volume.  Might stick to what I'm doing now if I can, or might call it SD... we'll see.
Thought this was interesting.  Although my poor DL's haven't gone up too much, here's what I was working out with on Workout #18 last cycle. I'm pretty DEADset on doing a 5x5 program just for deads next cycle.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Workout #18

@ 89%

Dips BW + 62.5 x 5, 5, 5
Chins BW + 35 x 5, 5, 5
Upright Rows 100 x 5, 5, 5
Deadlift 200 x 5, 5, THREEEEE

Arrrrgh.  Don't know what it is, but I literally could not get the last 5 on the deads... the last three was completely to failure and with m-time of like 30 seconds between each.  A guy at the gym was critiqueing (sp?) my form and said I went up perfectly, but came down awkwardly.  He said I need to drop my butt down more so that the weight doesn't make me lean forward so much on the way down.  Trying to fix that made it a bit harder.  Whatever, I blame my small butt for being so weak on these   .  

So I'm 6 weeks complete... going on the the 7th.  I'm making my last drop to 10 total reps (per exercise) next week.  I'm going to carry that as far as I can and then SD... hoping for a minimum of 2 more weeks.  The thing is, while some of these lifts like my deads for instance, made me struggle a lot to get all 15, others were pretty easy.  Next week starts my 90's (1RM %). </div>
Incredible progress! The deadlift loads are very interesting - I wonder what it is about that lift for you that hasn't caused the loads to increase as much percentage-wise as your other lifts. Still, 225 is by no means light, and you HAVE made progress. Last cycle you didn't progress the load each set AND you couldn't complete all three sets of 5. This cycle, with progressed loads each set, you ARE KILLING THE SETS. Whether you have to piss yourself off or not, Gator, you did it.

Be proud, you Gainesville-bound Gator! Good luck with your diet - I remember how hard that was until I was in my senior year - all 1 quarter of it. For some reason, I ate 10,000% better that year - when I ate. I had a bad habit of missing meals back then. I did what I had to to graduate early (why I have NO IDEA) and basically everything in my life got put on the back burner - including eating.

I'm sure you'll love the switch back to afternoons. If I could do that, I would in a heartbeat.

Great lifting today!
This is all IMHO, others may not agree-Theres a lot to be said for lifting in the afternoon if your schedule allows. Especially as you've expressed a strong desire to prioritize deads which always seem stronger to me after at least a few &quot;feedings&quot; as opposed to earlier in the day on just one meal or a shake.
You may want to consider deadlifting more often - I agree with the consensus that deadlifting once a week makes bigger gains AT A CERTAIN POINT and also that A/B with squat from w/o to w/o is best - again, AT A CERTAIN POINT but until the load is at a certain point 3x/wk would still be most productive if getting deadlift numbers up is a priority , obviously squats would be dropped or HEAVILY &quot;de-emphasized&quot; thru the cycle.
When comparing your bodyweight to your deadlifting numbers I think you may be able to still derive the greatest gain thru frequency. It will take a full week or two but your body will quickly adapt (the first week you will probably wonder if it's not too much deadlift volume-soreness
) , then during 5's drop to 1/wk and unless you've been fasting the numbers will jump in a most satisfying way.
I think that if you do it this way de-loading each rep is key - after the return , stand erect take a breathe or two and dip, grip and rip... taking the time to do it this way is not only wise from a form/safety perspective but has more &quot;fine tuning&quot; carry over to 1rm than a constant up/down set.
Of course a 5x5 will work also (as would many approaches) and may be just what you need mentally right now to keep things fresh and exciting - however you go about it best of luck Gator - I'm &quot;pulling&quot; for you
Workout #19

Version A - 5 Rep Mesocycle

Flat Bench 190 x 5, 200 x 5, 210 x 5
Pendlays 165 x 5, 175 x 5, 185 x 5**
Militaries 115 x 5, 125 x 1, 125 x 1
Squats 210 x 5, 220 x 5, 230 x 5

**Bad form that I won't accept for the last set... going to start with 185 next time instead of jumping up to 195.  

I'm super pleased with where my bench is heading.  I would be overjoyed if I could hit a 250'ish max at the end of this cycle.  Squats are starting to feel real heavy.  And yeah, I am honestly not disappointed at the singles for militaries.  After bench, and that first set of them, my delts felt destroyed.  I am hoping to hit bodyweight on those on my max, but not sure if I'll quite hit that yet.  Thanks for the encouragement guys... and Russ, great advice.  I will certainly be putting a lot of thought into what my next routine is going to be, as it is coming up somewhat soon.
Great benching progress, Gator! I don't doubt a bit that your militaries suffered after those bench sets. Your delts are gonna be screamin' tomorrow! Hell yeah!

The squat numbers are looking good. What variety are you doing - conventionals/ATG/etc.? Just out of curiosity.

How many more weeks do you have to go on this cycle?
I'm am going a bit lower than 90 degrees, but not quite ATG. Any lower, and my back seems to round off and it almost feels like it's pinching a nerve. But, right where I have it, it feels great. As for this cycle, I have this week for sure. I will make the call at the end of it to decide if I want to keep going. Whichever week I decide to stop, I will rest until the following Wednesday, and max on version A, and max on version B on that Friday... then SD for a week.
Interesting approach - I like the rest you have built in before you go for broke. Cool stuff! I'm hoping after all that you've accomplished this cycle, you'll indulge in a deep-tissue session with a hot massotherapy student during SD?
Workout #20

Version B - 5 Rep Mesocycle

Dips BW + 95 x 5, 100 x 5, 100 x 5***
Chins BW + 60 x 4, 60 x 4, 60 x 4
Shrugs 245 x 5, 255 x 5, 265 x 5
Deadlift 235 x 5, 245 x 1, 245 x 1

Hey guys, I'm officially moved!  Worked out today, was good.  The dips got so heavy my arms felt like they were going to break off, so I just kept at the same weight.  Still stuck on my chins, but everything else went up.  Diet is not going good, as I have no fridge or means of cooking right now.  So I can only eat out when I want to eat.  But, my gym at the house is working fine.  It will be a rough couple weeks getting good quality workouts in, but I will manage.  I ain't gonna lie though, afternoon workouts sure are nice
.  I still got a ways to go on getting my living situation all squared away but other than that, all things are going great down here in GATOR country.
Workout #21

Version B - 5 Rep Mesocycle Remix

Dips BW + 70 x 5, 75 x 5, 80 x 5
Chins BW + 45 x 5, 50 x 5, 55 x 5
Shrugs 195 x 5, 205 x 5, 215 x 5
Deadlift 170 x 5, 180 x 5, 190 x 5

Ok so, dang, my workout got screwed up somewhat. So what I'm going to do, starting today, is restart my 5 rep mesocycle, and go back to finish off the cycle. I'm situated enough at this point that I can really focus on my workouts like I need to. While today was certainly light feeling, it felt good hitting the reps to near perfection and getting the blood flowing again. Bulk is getting kinda screwed right now with the avg. 2 meals a day right now but no worries, I'm sure others have had it way worse.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Aug. 20 2007,17:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok so, dang, my workout got screwed up somewhat. So what I'm going to do, starting today, is restart my 5 rep mesocycle, and go back to finish off the cycle. I'm situated enough at this point that I can really focus on my workouts like I need to.

Bulk is getting kinda screwed right now with the avg. 2 meals a day right now...</div>
Good job, restarting the 5's. That's where you'll hit your PR's (always good to hit some milestones), and where I, at least, seem to get the most satisfaction.

Don't let yourself waste away on only two meals a day. Once you've got your protein in, there's always McDonald's. Their Chocolate Triple Thick® Shake (32 fl oz cup) will give you nearly an extra 1200 calories...!
(TunnelRat @ Aug. 21 2007,09:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Don't let yourself waste away on only two meals a day. Once you've got your protein in, there's always McDonald's. Their Chocolate Triple Thick® Shake (32 fl oz cup) will give you nearly an extra 1200 calories...!  
Great tip! affordable too.