How long does each work out take


New Member
It took me 1 hour 40 min today in the gym to do my workout that seems way to long?

I did:
Squats 2 sets
Straight Leg dead 2 set
Incline DB 2 set
Incline HS 2 set
HS Pulldown 2 set
Tbar row 2 set
Miltary press 2 set
side raises 2 set
Skull Crush 2 set
DB french 1 Set
Preach curl 2 set
Cont curl 1 set

22 sets wowowwow thats alot it seems... is this to much in one day... i like it, i feel good and seem to be making nice progress but anyhow

how long does it or should it take you to complete a day of HST ?
40 minutes absolute max on a once per day routine. Two 20 minute workouts if using a split routine. For me, anything above that is not only a waste of time but is counterproductive. If I can't do 15 sets in 40 minutes I might as well stay in bed. Also, it isn't the number of sets you do per day that is as important as the number of sets you do per week and the frequency of the workout. For example, doing 12 sets per week for chest over 6 workouts is certainly better than doing 12 sets in one day once per week.
I do about 15 sets, plus metabolic work. It takes 30-60 minutes, with that coming in about 45 minutes on average. Longer than that is wasting too much of my day. When you are doing full body three times a week (or more) then I don't see why you need such high volume, since each bodypart is getting hit at least three times a week, rather than once a week like in the traditional splits.
one set for everything, 30 min in all. I cannot do more because i allready have disturbed sleep with only one set.
shoulder presses
bis and tris
everything is done with dumbbells
35 to 40 mins top.

Like old and grey said is exactly right.

The guys like him and myself who have been lifting for a while can tell you if you are resting more than 1 min to minute and half you need to either pick up the pace...were a watch to judge your rest periods or quit talking???

Good luck what the rest periods and I guarantee your workout with pick up pace plus get way harder!

I agree with the rest period. I worked out with a powerlifter once, and he wanted to rest like 3-5 minutes between sets. AHHH. Drove me nuts - I couldn't do it! Makes me feel like I'm wasting time.

Here's my take, 60 minutes tops which includes 15 minutes warmup
that leaves a 45 minute workout.

Most guys agree here as you can see that is the most productive.

Now for your workout:

Squats 2 sets (alternate with deads per workout)
Straight Leg dead 2 set (as above)
Incline DB 2 set (I assume this is bench am I right :confused: )
Incline HS 2 set
HS Pulldown 2 set (alternate Pull downs and T bars every workout)
Tbar row 2 set (as above)
Military press 2 set (alternate with side raises, I like to include bent over raises too)
side raises 2 set (as above)
Skull Crush 2 set (these and the frenchies are so similar, try bent over calble extensions or D/B extensions on a incline bench for variety, alternate each type for 2 sets it gives more puropose)
DB french 1 Set (see above)
Preach curl 2 set (alternate these with conc. curls or hammer curls, hits a different area of the bicep)
Cont curl 1 set (as above)

Alternating will give you more space, less volume, but a lot more purpose, if the workout is a little easy cut the rest down and slow down the tempo. This ususally works pretty well.

Hope this helps!

My warmup takes about 2 minutes and hits all major muscle groups enough to begin lifting. I just do bodyweight pull ups, pushups and squats with no rest between exercises.
really? 45 min only? but what about during 5's when you have to rest a bit longer to recover properly? also you have to maintain volume right? or do you guys just stick to compounds during the heavy, low-rep stages?

tnx :D
The 5 are no different except for the fact that you are using heavier weight. At first it may be tough for you but after you get use to these short rest periods your body catches on. I have been using rest periods as a way to change my training for years now. It works great around injuries and other things..etc. Dont get me wrong load is the most important...but say for summer time every year when I want to cut up I will just drop my rest periods to 30 seconds max and man that will kick your butt using the same weight and sets! :D
If you still feel tired and out of breath after 30 seconds you still do your next set? Isnt that bad for you?
It isn't necessarily "bad" for you unless it can lead to injuries. If 30 seconds is too little, go as high as 90 seconds.
I agree with O&G about the warmups. I'm too impatient to do long warmups or rest very long between sets, and I've yet to injure myself while lifting. I think some bodyweight exercises if sufficient. If you are prone to injury, I suppose it may be a good idea to warm up more than that, but I personally can't afford the calories while bulking anyway.
I also agree with Joe's statement about rest between sets. I like to superset, with 0 rest between the sets that I have supersetted together, and 30 seconds between supersets. It saves a lot of time that way.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but no one mentioned stretching. I stretch for at least 15 minutes before a workout. 15 min warm-up, 15 min stretch and about an hour workout, but I plan on picking up the pace.
Stretching does not prevent injuries and is not a good way to warm up.

I do stretching later in the day just to remain limber for my kung fu. I treat it just like a workout - warm up with some bodyweight exercises, then go through my stretching routine.
Stretching is good to increase range of motion and to relieve stiffness, but there is no point in doing it as part of a warmup before weightlifting, in my opinion.
I think you will find that the answer to that question can only be answered by you. Everyone has different recovery times and you will have to find that out as you move along. Try to shorten your rest periods and see how you do. If it feels alright then go with it and if not go back to longer intervals.

Studies have shown that depending on you goals different rest periods are required as well. For strength workouts with heavy weights 3-5 minutes between sets is recommended for recovery. For hypertrophy it is recommended that you rest 1-2 minutes between sets and for endurance work then 45 seconds to 1 minute is fine.

My rest periods change depending on where I am in the HST cycle. I use a supersetting style for my all my workouts through all the cycles 15, 10, and 5's) but as the weights get heavier in the 10's and 5's my rest periods certainly go up to at least two minutes and sometimes longer for the compound heavy lifts.

Good luck!


This isn't written in stone :D for crying out loud

It is just a guideline, theoreticcaly speaking after 45 - 60 minutes, your body goes into a catabolic state which is couterproductive

It starts producing cortisol, and you want to be done by that time, to counter act this you take you protein powder or a meal for that matter.

As for warmup we all do it differently that too is up to one's individual likes and dislikes.

Hope this helps

In the beginning of my HST cycle (15's), my workouts lasted no more than 45 minutes/1 hour (warmup included). I am in the post-5's now and the workouts last approximately 75-90 minutes! I started with 2 sets per exercise and I pretty much follow the same pattern (2-3 sets per exercise plus some metabolic work for 1-2 bodyparts). My rest periods are relatively short, I rest until I can catch my breath. I also use supersetting when practical in order to reduce overall workout duration. The gym is pretty crowdy so there is some waiting too.

I know 90 minutes is too much, should I reduce volume for the next cycle?
9 to 5

Although this again a go by feel situation, you are probably robbing yourself ot 25% growth potential by extending the time

I would either reduce the number of exercises or on the other hand, reduce numbers of sets to 1 for most, but the important exercises (Core), if you don't really want to drop exercises.

There are some gutsy guys here doing nothing but 4 main core exercises, I take my hat off to them ;) , most of us do not want to go there, it is a question of faith in the research done.

It says that is all you need

Ciao, hope that helps