Hybrid Hypertrophy Program


Back at it...13 day SD complete.

Back Squats 225 lbs 8x3

Pullups BW/BB Bench 185 lbs 8x3 Superset

EZ-Bar Curls 70 lbs 8x3


Sticking with plan RUSS laid out to get back into it, but I'm going to do full body 3x/week for the first 2 weeks before going to a 4x/week push/pull.  

Going to do an A/B setup as follows for now:

Squat           DL
Bench          Dip
Chins           Push Press
Curls            Rows
P Shrug       Curls

edit:  I accidentally put 3x8 for the above exercises when they were actually 8x3.  Also added my rows...thanks tunnel, I felt like something was missing when I wrote that last night.  Rows added!

Took 2 days off before this workout because I was pretty sore from the last.  

I must give SD 2 big thumbs up...these last 2 workouts since the break have been excellent.

DL 185 lbs 7x3, 205 1x5
T-Bar Rows 115 lbs 8x3
BB Incline Bench 155 lbs 8x3
DB Curls 70 lbs (combined) 8x3
P Shrugs 180 lbs 3x7
(soflsun @ Nov. 09 2007,19:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">11/8/07

Squats 235 lbs 8x3
BB Bench 205 lbs 8x3
Chins BW+10 lbs 8x3
EZ Bar Curls 80 lbs 8x3</div>
Wow , 4 - 8x3's man that must have been a GREAT work out!
Yeah it was NICE...and I even finished in about 60 minutes. I just don't feel like alternating between higher and lower reps because I just want simplicity for this cycle. I guess I'll see how far I can stretch it with all triples...it's helping that I'm doing full-body right now with 2 days rest between workouts. Next week I will ramp up to 4x/week push/pull split.

Deads 225 lbs 7x3, 1x5
BB Incline Bench 165 lbs/T-Bar Rows (Pronated) 100 lbs 8x3
DB Incline Curls 70 lbs 8x3

I'm feeling like I need some calf work...I haven't done any since the SD so it's been a quite a while.  Everything else seems pretty good.  I'm not going to increase my weight on Deads any more until my form is perfect.  I need to read the analysis of a deadlift again!  I still feel like when I'm lowering the weight I'm using too much back and not enough legs.  Even if my form is good, is the lower back supposed to get sore, or just my legs??
(soflsun @ Nov. 12 2007,02:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm not going to increase my weight on Deads any more until my form is perfect.  I need to read the analysis of a deadlift again!  I still feel like when I'm lowering the weight I'm using too much back and not enough legs.  Even if my form is good, is the lower back supposed to get sore, or just my legs??</div>
My lower back always gets sore from deads. Once the bar drops to bottom of knee level, start to bend more at the knees so that the bar stays in contact with your shins all the way back down. If the bar starts to hang away from your knees you are bending too much at the hips and your C of G will shift towards your toes further exacerbating the problem. It is much more likely that this will happen as fatigue sets in towards the end of a set.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Back Squats 235 lbs 7x3, 1x5</div>
You're doing something I've been thinking about- MS at the end of a set or sets. I wonder where you got that.

I did some 5x5 today to mix it up a little from the triples.  I tried to maintain the weight used on my last workout of 8x3, so it was more difficult.  Hopefully this will give me more steam for my next increase.

Deads 235 lbs 5x5
BB Incline Bench 165 lbs 4x6/T-Bar Rows (Supinated) 125 lbs 5x5
Incline DB Curls 70 lbs (combined) 5x3, 2x5

Thanks...you're advice helped a LOT on this last workout with Deads.  I only bent my back until the knees, then used my legs to lower the rest of the way down so the bar stayed very close to my legs.  I felt I was able to reverse the movement much better when thinking about your comments.  It did get harder as the set was almost over and fatigue started to set in.


I'd like to take credit for MS at the end of the workout like you mentioned, but it was actually 1 set of 5 (1x5).
My bad. I log my reps last; tend to think that way.
I checked w/ Dan and the boys and find that a lot of 'em have done it this way too. I've clustered a lot but never just switched to singles after fatigue. But I'm thinking the prefatigue from the set or sets sort of defeats the purpose of MS, so it's really not MS, but clustering with singles.
The reason I say that is I did MS for bench yesterday, and noticed a big difference. With MS I:
a.) actually IMPROVED form as I went
b.) felt STRONGER in the latter 3rd of the set
c.) increased my ROM in the latter 3rd
d.) began to sweat like a horse.

With the singles after a set I felt like I was really pushing it, and came to max lift very quickly, in a rep or two. Much harder on the CNS, I'm sure.
With MS I:

b.) felt STRONGER in the latter 3rd of the set

Yup. I've noticed that, too.

d.) began to sweat like a horse.

Yup. There have been a number of comments on Dan's site about this phenomenon.

You forgot to mention that you feel a lot less fatigued afterwards.

I've been taking WAY too many days off between workouts, and its effecting everything in a bad way.  Stamina, strength, and size are all down...and I felt really dizzy and crappy during this workout.  I need to get back on the ball!!

Deads 245 lbs 6x3, 2x5
Pullups BW 2x6
T-Bar Rows (Pronated) 125 lbs 2x6 I needed to stop the pullups and switch to rows because I had no stamina left!
BB Incline Bench 155 lbs 4x6
DB Curls 70 lbs (Combined) 4x6 Haven't increased weight in 3 workouts!
I'm feeling like **** with this cycle, just can't get the motivation to get to the gym regularly...


BB bench 205 lbs 8x3
T-Bar Row (Supinated) 115 lbs 3x8
Smith Shoulder Press 140 lbs 3x8
DB curls 80 lbs 8x3/Seated Calf Raise 90 lbs 4x8

My workous just seem so random at this point.  I have no energy and I just seem to do whatever weight I can.  I'm missing the strictness of HST...
You need a motivational change IMO. Maybe add some once a week shock routines for each muscle group to have something in the workout to look forward to and get excited about or perhaps do some workouts with MS for everything. Then you can look forward to the strength improvements you made and put them on what you were doing before if you choose to continue with it.
I look at a change in a workout as a new toy.
I like new toys.
Toys are fun.

Consistency is still King, but a changeup is better than sucky workouts.
I got to be the same way, soflsun, when I did a 5x5 cycle. It just didn't feel right and I hated going through it. I echo what quad said - make some kind of change at least for one of your workouts, be it a rep change, pyramiding the load, something. That should really help keep the 8x3 work going. Good luck!
Thanks guys. I definitely need to spice it up a bit...

I also need to get my ass to the gym and stop eating like ****!