nkl's training log

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Edit: Just wanted to share another thought with you. The risk of getting low testosterone levels due to low fat (well, lower fat) on the upcoming diet, I thought that perhaps every other day I switch carbs for fat - not on bulking days, but on cutting days. I get back to you on the details when I have figured out the details. Fat is better at keeping the satiety on low-calorie days too. Double benefit! </div>

My diet has become so 'clean' and mathematical, that this has become a major concern for me!

I realized, my fat is always low-moderate (not SO bad), and that I have NO CHOLESTEROL in my diet (as we know, this is the mother steroid that spawns all the others)

Conscious effort to get more fat in my diet

Eating no less than 2 whole eggs per day (or equivalent)
Morning brief:

    Weight: 69.5 kg (153.2 lbs)

    Waist (measured at navel): 85 cm (33.46 in)

    Caliper: 14 mm (usually takes the average of 7-10 measurements)

    Biceps: 31 cm (12.2 in) relaxed. Yes, I know I'm small... (legs are my strong side)  

Today it starts!

    Routine: HST 15s (backed off some on reps because of very long, forced, SD).

    Target kcal: 3423 (after subtracting TEM: 13,7% of 3967 kcal)

    Macros: 33% P; 51% C; 16% F (after subtracting TEM)

Post-wo brief:

    Went well. Feeling pumped. Did my A-routine:

    Chins, Dips, Deadlift, Curls, Press, Chrunches, Wrist extensions.
    Had to cluster the deadlift because of previous pulled muscle in lower back.

Well, now it's time to eat and

Before bed-time brief:

    Urp! Feeling a little full... and that's only from the 3420 kcals... (a 500 kcal surplus)
    Wonder how hard it will be when I up the kcals?

    Time to hit the sack.

And thanks for your support, you all!

Did you think I would leave without leaving you something to read? Hah, think again! I found this piece by Acheson KJ et al: &quot;Glycogen storage capacity and de novo lipogenesis during massive carbohydrate overfeeding in man&quot;. It's something for you hardcore UD2.0 fans out there. How much carbs can we cram down without triggering a DNL response when loading after depletetion? It also gives some figures on protein and carb oxidation.
Morning brief:

   Weight: 70.7 kg (155.8 lbs) (+1.2 kg [2.6 lbs] from post-wo bulk)

   Routine: Recovery

   Target kcal: 1670 (after subtracting TEM: 13,6% of 1937 kcal) (-1100 kcal deficit)

   Macros: 39% (140g) P; 15% (60g) C; 46% (80g) F (after subtracting TEM)

It was a change to have egg and bacon for breakfast (again - old low carb habit). I usually eat 2 eggs for breakfast every day (good proteins and much needed fats), so the bacon was some extra fat to replenish those EFAs (fish oil capsules takes care of the rest or my every other day consumtion of tuna).

Did you know that the omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA) in meat and egg is pro-inflammatory, meaning it will help create pro-anabolic prostaglandins and cytokines to help you recouperate, while the omega-3 acids are anti-inflammatory? The omega-3 acids are considered good fats (oh, they are!), but they also have a dark side: They inhibit fat mobilization, and acts as a beta-blockers, which blocks beta-adrenoreceptors, and thus are inhibiting adrenal actions, which is needed for activation of cAMP, which, in turn, is neccesary for all cellular anabolic-stimulating actions and fat burning. Not all good, then! Omega-3 acids are beneficial after the initial inflammation had its onset, i.e., after your workout. So, consuming omega-6 AAs some time before workout augment the response to damage, and supplementing omega-3s after workout helps reduce the inflammation and facilitates final recuperation processes that include tissue repair and muscle development. Thus, the cycle of growth!  
Morning brief:

  Weight: 69.6 kg (153.4 lbs) (-1.1 kg [2.4 lbs] from post-wo bulk)

  Routine: HST 5s routine B (Rows, Bench, Squats, Press, Curls, Chrunches, Wrist Extensions)

  Target kcal: 3400 (after subtracting TEM: 13.7% of 3920 kcal) (500 kcal excess)

  Macros: 33% (240g) P; 49% (400g) C; 18% (63g) F (after subtracting TEM)

Post-wo brief:

Couldn't do squats due to some ache in lower back (persistant, they are, these injuries), so I substituted it for some rows without chest support and leg curls and leg extensions.

Stuffing myself silly with post-wo nutrient. Burp!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Did you know that the omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA) in meat and egg is pro-inflammatory, meaning it will help create pro-anabolic prostaglandins and cytokines to help you recouperate, while the omega-3 acids are anti-inflammatory</div>

Yeah. This was part of how i rationalized my strict vegan days

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The omega-3 acids are considered good fats (oh, they are!), but they also have a dark side: They inhibit fat mobilization, and acts as a beta-blockers, which blocks beta-adrenoreceptors, and thus are inhibiting adrenal actions, which is needed for activation of cAMP, which, in turn, is neccesary for all cellular anabolic-stimulating actions and fat burning.</div>

Is there a quantitative value that causes this to kick in? I would think on a hypocaloric diet catecholamine response would be held high despite omega 3 intake, keeping the adrenergic receptors humming along with conversion of AMP to cAMP along with the subsequent kinase cascade + catabolic pathway.

I don't know this at all, but I would think that even in absence of Ephedrine or other beta 2 adrenergic agonists hypocaloric diet + caffeine should amplify this effect further via elevation of catecholamine respone + inhibition of phosphodiesterase induced shut down of cAMP back to AMP?
I've not seen any actual numbers on this (or studies), but omega-3 and omega-6 usually compete for the same &quot;space&quot;, so to say. Equal amounts of both should balance the equation out, but for muscle building there should be an abundance of omega-6 (5:1 ratio, according to Ori Hofmekler) although it's unwise to make this permanent (but this is usually the case anyhow).

As for the catecholamine response on a hypocaloric diet, well, I imagine that there should be a quantative value that shifts the scales either way. Also, I don't know in what quantites it takes to block the adrenal actions to an extent that it matters. Lyle recommends taking fish oil caps while doning the PSMF so apparently it doesn't do that much damage.
Morning brief:

  Weight: 70.9 kg (156.3 lbs) (+1.3 kg [2.8 lbs] from post-wo bulk)

  Routine: Recovery

  Target kcal: 1650 (after subtracting TEM: 13,7% of 1913 kcal) (-1100 kcal deficit)

  Macros: 38% (135g) P; 21% (81g) C; 41% (72g) F (after subtracting TEM)

Before bed-time brief:

   Some changes to the original plan was due to social obligations: Had some coffee w sugar and cake (just a little one), compensated in full by engaging in soccer and beach volleyball for an hour or two (time flies when engaged in fun - didn't keep track of time). Crunched on some potatoe chips without a bad conscience. Though no accurate measure of expenditure can be made, I was truly in deficit today, perhaps as much as -1700 kcals.  
I have been exploring the equations from Hall and Flatt and am now trying to fit protein oxidation into the mix. On my exploration journey to study the different parameters of this topic I read one very interesting study Akerfeldt (author of the ABCDE diet) referenced for the protein cycling hypothesis: &quot;Protein turnover and thermogenesis in response to high-protein and high-carbohydrate feeding in men&quot;, by Robinson et al. Although not related to protein cycling, listen to this, guys:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The study consisted of 3 test days, identical in design and differing only in the composition of the meals given: high carbohydrate (HC, 70% of energy provided), high protein (HP, 70%), or acaloric (flavored water). ... The high-carbohydrate and high-protein days provided 25 kcal/kg body wt during the 9-h period (equivalent to 2.7 x RMR) and consisted of a series of 11 equicaboric liquid-formula meals ... During HC feeding, 73% ofthe energy stored was in the form of carbohydrate whereas during HP feeding protein storage accounted for 75% of the positive energy balance. There was a small net storage of fat and protein on the HC day and of fat and carbohydrate on the HP day.</div>Table 3 shows that there was a net balance of proteins, 175 +/- 17 grams, out of an intake of 291 +/- 17 grams. Only 116 +/- 7 were oxidized. Table 5 adds to this information that protein synthesis did add 244 +/- 29 grams while degradation removed 79 +/- 31 grams.
Contrast this to the net balance of proteins, 22 +/- 3 grams, where 62 +/- 4 grams were ingested on the high-carb diet. On the acaloric (no calories) diet there was a loss of 24 +/- 2 grams of protein from the system. The termic effect of food (meal) TEF (or TEM) comes partly from the cost of synthesize protein. A value of 0.84 kcal/g protein synthesized was determined. The other part is ureogenesis. Together they account for 96 +/- 15 % of TEF.  
High-protein diets really kicks *donkey* when it comes to packin on new beef! ...but expensive...
Morning brief:

Weight: 70.0 kg (154 lbs) (-0.9 kg [2.0 lbs] from post-wo bulk)

Routine: Recovery

Target kcal: 1770 (after subtracting TEM: 13,8% of 2054 kcal) (-1000 kcal deficit)

Macros: 38% (144g) P; 24% (100g) C; 38% (71g) F (after subtracting TEM)
Morning brief:

Weight: 69.6 kg (153.1 lbs) (-1.3 kg [2.8 lbs] from post-wo bulk, 2 days ago)

Routine: HST 15s routine A (Chins, Dips, Deadlift, Curls, Press, Chrunches, Wrist extensions)

Target kcal: 3440 (after subtracting TEM: 13,5% of 3974 kcal) (500 kcal excess)

Macros: 32% (232g) P; 52% (424g) C; 16% (60g) F (after subtracting TEM)

Post-wo brief:

I didn't do any deads because of persistent ache in lower back (please, go away!) - substituted with leg curl and leg extensions. I felt pretty drained from the low carb levels... I think the extra activities did more damage to the glycogen reserves than I expected (and not fully healed lower back too).
Morning brief:

Weight: 71,2 kg (156,6 lbs) (+1,6 kg [+3,5 lbs] from yesterday)

Routine: Recovery

Target kcal: 1772 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 14,6% from 2074 kcals)

Macros: 41% (154g) P; 29% (120g) C; 31% (57g) F (after subtracting TEM)
Morning brief:

Weight: 70,2 kg (154,4 lbs) (-1,0 kg [-2,2 lbs] from yesterday) (0,7 kg from start)

Routine: HST 15s routine B (Rows, Bench, Squats, Press, Curls, Chrunches, Wrist Extensions)

Target kcal: 3921 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 13,1% from 4511 kcals) (1000 excess)

Macros: 29% (243g) P; 56% (524g) C; 15% (61g) F (after subtracting TEM)

Post-wo brief:

Ohh, it was nice to do squats again. Lost some strength since last time, but that will soon be remedied.


It is time to step up one ladder on the calorie scale. Net gain (including water, etc. is 0,7 kg [1,5 lbs]). Not much, but a start. I expect this gain to increase with a higher intake, although I will keep an eye on the waist measurement and caliper readings.

Some other thoughts on this subject in a post elsewhere on this forum, namely here.

The other day I made an error in judgement and had a lot of fructose and glucose from fruit juice and dried friut. I though it was an easy way to get more calories. Well, it was, but an alarm bell ringing in the back of my mind told me I should check up some info on the sugar content. I did so and was disturbed by the *fact* that since fructose must be processed by the liver, an overload (more than the liver glycogen stores can handle) causes lipogenesis in the liver. Not good. I will not have plenty of fruit juices and dried fruit. Only if I know the liver glycogen stores are depleted I can allow myself a treat (not a big one, though - the liver have 80 grams worth of storage space. I will use it wisely - back to chewing low GI complex carbs).
Morning brief:

Weight: 71,4 kg (157,1 lbs) (+1,2 kg [2,6 lbs] from yesterday) (+1,9 kg [4,2 lbs] from start)

Routine: Recovery

Target kcal: 1748 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 13,7% from 2025 kcals) (-1000 deficit)

Macros: 38% (142g) P; 26% (109g) C; 36% (67g) F (after subtracting TEM)

Before bed-time brief:

Had to rearrange the timing of my food intake as it got stressful at work. Milk consumption is going through the roof, but that's ok. The champions of old had lots of milk (although Arnold didn't). It contains all essential proteins and slow carbs. The fat content is 0.5 %. It is also cheap.
Morning brief:

Weight: 70,9 kg (156,0 lbs) (-0,5 kg [-1,1 lbs] from yesterday) (1,4 kg [3,1 lbs] from start, 10 days ago)
Comment: I had 3 cups (750 ml) of milk before bedtime so there might be some leftover effect from this when I stepped onto the scale this morning.

Routine: HST 15s routine A (Chins, Dips, Deadlift, Curls, Press, Chrunches, Wrist extensions)

Target kcal: 4050 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 13,0% from 4656 kcals) (+1000 excess)

Macros: 30% (256g) P; 52% (498g) C; 19% (80g) F (after subtracting TEM)

Before-bedtime brief:

How do you do it? I'm stuffed to my ears and have barely made the target kcals (just a before-bedtime protein/milk drink left). Well, nobody said eating was easy! Phew! After dinner (part 1) I figured I would climb the scale to se how much food I was carrying around: 73,5 kg. That is 2,5 kg [5,5 lbs] more than this morning. And now its probably a lot more since I had my second sittning to finish my dinner (part 2). I don't have to be force fed tomorrow, lucky me!

I was really sore from my wednesday squatting so I didn't perform that super on the deadlift today. Had to cluster to get my target reps. I hope the plentyful calories does the job of knitting me together again.
Morning brief:

Weight: 71,8 kg (158,0 lbs) (+0,9 kg [2,0 lbs] from yesterday) (+2,3 kg [5,1 lbs] from start, 11 days ago)

Routine: Recovery

Target kcal: 1683 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 14,5% from 1968 kcals) (-1000 deficit)

Macros: 41% (148g) P; 24% (96g) C; 35% (62g) F (after subtracting TEM)
Morning brief:

Weight: 70,8 kg (155,8 lbs) (-1,0 kg [-2,2 lbs] from yesterday) (+1,3 kg [2,9 lbs] from start)

Waist (measured at navel): 86 cm (33.86 in)

Caliper: 14 mm (usually takes the average of 7-10 measurements)

Biceps: 31,5 cm (12.4 in) relaxed (same spot as always, but not at the point of widest girth).  

Not much results yet, but remember I'm in the 15s.

Routine: Recovery

Target kcal: 2243 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 13,0% from 2577 kcals) (-500 deficit)

Macros: 32% (151g) P; 40% (215g) C; 28% (67g) F (after subtracting TEM)
Morning brief:

Weight: 71,3 kg (156,9 lbs) (+0,5 kg [1,1 lbs] from yesterday) (+1,8 kg [4,0 lbs] from start, 13 days ago)

Routine: HST 15s routine B (Rows, Bench, Squats, Press, Curls, Chrunches, Wrist extensions)

Target kcal: 4033 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 13,1% from 4643 kcals) (1000 excess)

Macros: 29% (252g) P; 56% (537g) C; 15% (63g) F (after subtracting TEM)

Before-bedtime brief:

I had a hard time following my scheme. My Eexp was way above planned, as I had to be on my feet
the entire workday and lended a hand when a friend moved into a house. A tight schedule made me
miss my kcal goal by, perhaps 200-300 kcals. I might perhaps have pressed myself to +300 kcals, even though I had roughly 3700 kcals. I'm exhausted....
Morning brief:

Weight: 72,4 kg (159,3 lbs) (+1,1 kg [2,4 lbs] from yesterday) (+2,9 kg [6,4 lbs] from start)

Routine: Recovery

Target kcal: 1761 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 13,9% from 2045 kcals) (-1272 kcal)

Macros: 37% (137g) P; 35% (147g) C; 28% (53g) F (after subtracting TEM)
Morning brief:

Weight: 71,4 kg (157,1 lbs) (-1,0 kg [-2,2 lbs] from yesterday) (+1,9 kg [4,2 lbs] from start)

Routine: HST 10s routine A (Chins, Dips, Deadlift, Curls, Press, Chrunches, Wrist extensions)

Waist (measured at navel): 87 cm (34.25 in)

Caliper: 14-15 mm (somewhat lazy 3-4 measurements)

Biceps: 32 cm (12.6 in) relaxed (31 cm 14 days ago).  

Target kcal: 3799 kcal (after subtracting TEM: 13,4% from 4384 kcals) (+948 kcal) [EDIT: +399]

Macros: 31% (249g) P; 54% (485g) C; 16% (63g) F (after subtracting TEM)

Graph (orange = actual measurements; white = 2-day moving average):

14th day reality-check:

First week I had 500 kcal surplus on WO days and then 1000, while off days have been held steady at -1000 deficit (except sundays).  Last couple of days my midsection have begun to increase (from new fat or undigested food I don't know). Some increases in LBM is evident too (mirror, mirror on the wall...). This on a diet that was -3875 kcal below maintenance for 14 days (or the truth is perhaps that my actual maintenance kcals are so off from standard calculations because of chronic undernutrition that this was actually my bulk...? hm. Well, actual results are the reality).

I will continue along this line but not increase my kcals on WO days (it's too hard to get all that food in), and lower the kcals on off days to keep fat gain at bay.

I will now begin my HST 10s so the load is increasing and I hope this will adjust the P-ratio more to my advantage. If fat gain continues despite my countermeasures I will have to adjust the post-WO kcals down a notch or two.

I'll probably end up doing (or borrowing from) Martin's version of bulking on IF (over at Lyle's forum here and here)