Doing good! Today was my 8-rep workout. Fatigue level was pretty low. Nothing much to say for now. I'll have to run a cycle or two of these first. The progress might be a bit confounded by the fact that I have started a slow cut to drop 3-4 pounds. Then I'll start a long lasting body recomposition where lack of progress will dictate the need to increase the food intake. The end goal is of course to reach my genetic muscular potential at 4-6% bf
Finished my second 2-week long cycle today. The results are simply whatever I was aiming for before the cycle began.
My caloric deficit has been very small, went from 66.3->65.3kg in 4 weeks.
And here are some PRs in two weeks:
Dips: BW+32.5x5+5negs (was 30x5+5negs)
Deads: 140x5 (was 137x5)
Standing BB press: 52.5x5 (was 52.5x4)
All loads are in kilos.
Most other maxes were picked more conservatively while getting used to the new setup.
Here's what I will be doing for the next 2 weeks (sorry for the poor formatting). The 10-9-8-7-6-5rep progression (ranging from 75-100% of 5RM in 5% increments) proved to be worthwhile.
It's much more potent than the simple 5-5-5-5-5-5, probably due to being closer to failure, but still not quite reaching it (except for the final workout). By doing say 75% @10 reps you get the most out of the given load without hitting failure, and at the same time prepare yourself for the upcoming 80% @9 reps.
Squats 65x10 72x9 80x8 87x7 95x6 102x5
Bench (incline) 57x10 60x9 65x8 67x7 72x6 77x5
Leg curls 7x11 8x10 9x9 10x8 11x7 12x5
Pulldowns 52x10 56x9 59x8 62x7 0x6 pullups 5x5 pullups
Dips 10x10 15x9+1N 20x8+2N 25x7+3N 30x6+4N 35x5+5N
1-arm bent-over DB rows 32.5x10 35x9 37.5x8 40x7 42.5x6 45x5
Deadlift 95x10 105x9 115x8 122x7 132x6 142x5
Bis 37x10 40x9 42x8 45x7 47x6 50x5
Calves 36x10N 42x9N 50x8N 56x7N 64x6N 72x5N
Military press 40x10 42x9 45x8 47x7 50x6 55x5
Hyperextensions 37.5x15 42.5x14 47.5x13 52.5x12 57.5x11 65x10
Seated Smith press 42x10 45x9 47x8 50x7 52x6 57x5
Rear Delts 12.5x10 13.5x9 15x8 16x7 17.5x6 18.5x5
Tricep extensions 7x12 8x11 9x10 10x9 11x8 12x6p
Lateral raises 45° above 8.5x10 10x9 11x8 12.5x7 13.5x6 15x5