Rihad's log

Sorry misread thought the - was a hyphen rather than a minus, was actually reading that article earlier today
Taken today, bodyweight 64kg.


Current routine:

Squats 1x15 for two weeks then 1x10
Bench (incline) 3x10 2 minute rest
Leg curls 1x15 for two weeks then 1x10
Pulldowns / Seated rows (alternated) 3x10 2 minute rest
Dips 1x10
1-arm bent DB rows 1x10
Rack pulls (lvl 1) 1x15 for two weeks then 1x10
Shrugs 1x15
Bis 1x10
Calves 1x15 2 weeks then 1x12 for 2 weeks then 1x10
Arnold press, alternating 1x15 for 2 weeks then Standing military press 1x10
Hyperextensions 1x15
Seated Smith press 1x10
Rear Delts 1x10-15
Tricep extensions 1x10-15
Lateral raises 45° above 1x10
Deadlift, 30” rest 10x10

I'm experimenting with not doing 5RM weeks this cycle. Instead, I'll let strength increases decide when it's time to increase the working load when I can finally do 3x10 with a strict 2 minute rest, or when I can finish 10 reps in single set exercises. Rationale: it may not be necessary to increase working loads as HST recommends while your muscles are still adapting to current working loads. Also, 3x10 are enough for growth for good 6 weeks, at least in novice lifters, as shown here.
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Progressively longer as loads are getting heavier. It all started at 30-40 minutes, 70-80 minutes now during second week, I'm not expecting it to take more than 2 hours during max loads because I'm not going to go heavier than 8-10RM.
I'm experimenting with not doing 5RM weeks this cycle. Instead, I'll let strength increases decide when it's time to increase the working load when I can finally do 3x10 with a strict 2 minute rest, or when I can finish 10 reps in single set exercises. Rationale: it may not be necessary to increase working loads as HST recommends while your muscles are still adapting to current working loads. Also, 3x10 are enough for growth for good 6 weeks, at least in novice lifters, as shown here.

Do you consider yourself a 'novice' lifter then?

Surely waiting until you can complete 3 sets of 10 reps at a weight before progressing will mean less of the reps in the earlier sets are 'effective' for someone who has been lifting as long as you have been, wouldn't it be better to move on when you can do 10 reps in set 1 and then cluster / myo-rep sets 2 and 3.
I wouldn't know if 3 sets of 10 with 2 minute rest are enough until I try them! So yes, if it falls short I will simply switch back to 3 sets of 5's with a fixed rest of 3 minutes, and add another 10 rep set until failure or close to it, to retain sufficient TUT.
Limiting rest periods goes a long way towards letting you be done in the gym in less time, and it won't let you go heavier for the sake of the load on the bar at the cost of lower total volume, which is probably insufficient for bodybuilding purposes.
The only reason I mentioned this is because 2 minutes is the max time I allow between sets with 3 minutes between sets on squats (and maybe deads) during the 5s
In general yes but bear in mind that I do 3 consecutive days doing full body so generally no more than two sets per muscle group per day and during 15s and 10s it may only be 1.5 sets so tend to rest 60 seconds or do myo reps, if having a bad day then I may increase the time between sets
In terms of strength standards you are definitely a novice. In terms of time spent lifting weights/continued exposure to resistance etc. , most would say not. Difficult to be definitive about it.
That's exactly the reason I chose HST - it allows one to grow without having to get much stronger (or more specifically without entailing the risk of lifting very heavy loads) thanks to SD, or so it claims.
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Powerlifting and Olypmic Weightlifting have the lowest rates of injuries of any sports.

Further, HST incorporates negative at +100% of 1RM. It has never avoided lifting heavy - it merely follows block periodisation incorporating SD (as opposed to a traditional deload).
That's obviously not the heavy loads I was talking about. Negatives are relative to one's current strength levels.
See, I was talking about something else: the need (or lack thereof) to go as high as 2.5xBW or higher in deads etc to achieve full genetic muscular potential. It could very well be that with HST 2xBW is enough due to "tricking" the muscle into growing bigger using SD and mostly previous loads.
I would be surprised if deads at 2 x body weight would achieve full genetic muscular potential, well for me anyway as only be doing deads in the last 6 months or so and currently at 2 x and I am nowhere near genetic max and aged 49 just wish I had done these when I was training in my twenties.
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Ah, yes, MTT, Rihad's variation on HST.
Re 2 x bw: when you can squeeze out 50 continuous deads @ 2 x bw (second set optional), you are probably getting close to your genetic limit. :p
You could definitely have sold the concept of Muscle Tricking Training to Joe Weider back in the day.
Gosh, the official HST board is so full of non-believers :) Then who needs HST if we can simply pick any decent strength training routine aimed at increasing the load on the bar.