Did my 5RM workout today.
Leg press 247 kg (544 lb) x5x3 (was my previous max but in 2 sets with unregulated rest (around 4-5 min.))
Incline bench 75 kg (165 lb lb) x5x3 (previous max: 80x5,2)
Leg curls 12 bricks 6,6,5 (previous max: 12x6x2)
Seated rows 75 kg (165 lb) x5x3 (previous max: 80x5x2)
Lying 1-arm rear delts 8.5 kg (18 lb) x 12,6 (new exercise, I used to do bent over rear delt raises 10 kg x 5x2)
BB shrugs 95 kg (209 lb) x 5x3 (previous max: 95x5x2)
BB curls 42 kg (92 lb) x5,5,4 (previous max: 42x5,4+1c)
Triceps block extensions 11 bricks x 15 * (previous max: 12x4)
Calves BW+78 kg (172 lb) x 15x2 (not max per se, previous "max": 74x15x2)
Incline bench 50 kg (110 lb) x 15, Seated rows 42 kg (92 lb) x 15 **
As this is my first cycle doing 3 sets with 3 minute rest during 5's, I went a tiny bit conservative with the loads. Never mind, I still have 2 weeks to correct them.
*: shortened half of full RoM, the half closer to full contraction. For hypertrophy I should probably be doing the other half closer to full extension, if doing partial reps at all.
**: in an attempt to cause some metabolic pain/burn. Didn't get as much as I wanted to. @AlexAustralia, this probably means it isn't higher training age causing burn not to take place, but rather some kind of acute (short term) adaptation within one training session. Next w/o I'll try lowering the high rep load further and shoot for 20-25 reps.
Just as a reminder, I'm resting no more than 3 minutes between working sets. Today I decided to alternate exercise sets just as I'm used to doing at non-RM loads. I.e. do one set of leg press, rest a bit, do a set of incline bench, rest, do leg press no more than 3 minutes after the end of its first set etc. First couple of sets went fine, but by the third set I finished bench at RPE close to 10. So I'm not doing this mixing again for heavy leg press + bench and when rest is constrained.
Overall I'm feeling good. For the remaining 2 weeks, I'll be increasing load further at slowest increments 2-3 kg (4.40-6.60 lb) and shoot for 3x5/3', stopping before hitting failure.