One very well-known advocate of deep, high-bar squatting that comes to mind (albeit he was a pro-bb'er and hence on the odd carton or two of fruit juice) was Tom Platz. Back in the day, he had the craziest wheels ever seen (granted, not to everyone's taste, then or now). Anecdotally, he built those humongous thighs with heavy squats and deads. His squat form was fantastic, plus he did a lot of them. Go figure? (You can find some video footage of Tom squatting, on YouTube, which back up the stories.)
Stop being rude as a last measure when losing an argument. This doesn't all of a sudden make you look right. EMG is used by Bryan all over the place in the HST FAQ. It can't be denied that it's an accurate measure of muscle's relative role in a movement at a given moment. The relative read-outs are important, not the absolute ones. So, saying that full squats are quad-dominant just because currently held belief says it is, doesn't make it real.
Lol, I didn't say full squats didn't work your quads... They do just as pull-ups work your biceps.
But partial squats (or deads) can grow thighs just fine, too. Empirical evidence + EMG.
I'll be brave enough to claim that Tom Platz grew his huge legs despite the full squats, not because of them.
What if it was 100kg rather than 300kg? Would you still feel the same way then, O&G?
And so, if everything works just fine and dandy, just do what you fancy doing and see if you get the results you're after.Lol, I didn't say full squats didn't work your quads... They do just as pull-ups work your biceps.
But partial squats (or deads) can grow thighs just fine, too. Empirical evidence + EMG.
I'll be brave enough to claim that Tom Platz grew his huge legs despite the full squats, not because of them.
Frankly I've never even tried hack squats myself, but I've always failed to understand how they can be any different from leg presses, physics-wise. You push the load away from yourself in leg presses, and you push yourself + load up in hack squats. Same angle.
p.s.: But hack squats do force you to emulate upright torso by putting the load on your shoulders. So it's probably more quad involvement.
Of course squats grow legs. That's an extreme way to interpret this statement:
"I'll be brave enough to claim that Tom Platz grew his huge legs despite the full squats, not because of them."
to mean they grew all by themselves with no exercise (and drugs hehe). All I was saying, he would have probably grown as big legs doing only partial squats, if he wanted to.
Full squats grow legs just fine!! They also grow one's glutes. And since according to EMG data thighs experience at least as much exposure doing only partial squats, this might be a worthwhile idea for someone who wanted their glutes to grow less than they would in full ROM, but still allowing their thighs to reach their potential.
Deads work your legs, that's what I said. It was you who said partial deads (aka rack pulls) work your lower back preferentially to lift the load.
If that's the case then you need to drop out of this conversation. The hack squat and leg press are very different mechanically.
Research is great. Analysis paralysis is bad. Get in the gym and do.
Today another guy occupied the squat rack for the whole duration of my visit, and it was my squat day, so I had to train other body parts and finally had to go for leg presses at the end of w/o. He worked up to around 220 kg (485 lbs) teeny-weeny partial squats pretty vigorously, and I heard him bragging to his mate loudly that this is nothing compared to the maxes he did before: 300 kg (660 lbs), which he's about to work up to in a couple of weeks from now. He also mentioned that such loads were unheard of (within his circle of acquaintances) without taking steroids, which he himself presumably didn't. Didn't have an opportunity to see the size of his legs because of the long shorts he was wearing.
Sounds like he is trying to overcompensate for shortcomings elsewhere.
Doesn't matter how big HIS legs are, the real question is, "how big are YOUR legs going to get when you commit to doing full squats?" You'll only know by doing.
Yeah, screw that guy. Next time he brags about his squat, tell him he's cheating, and real men squat to parallel at least. Any pussy can load up the bar and do quarter squats.