Don't make the mistake i made a few times over this last off season. In season for me is just summer when i'll be showing off the bod, off season is when it's too cold to show skin basically. I'm not talking competitive off season. But regardless the goals are the same, off season gain weight (hope for mostly muscle, but accept fat gains), in season cut until you're proud to show off what you've worked for!
But anyways, the mistakes i made all this off season was just not worth it. I'd make a cycle, get all excited about it, and then half way through (or maybe a little bit farther into it), i'd learn some more stuff, make a new 'perfect' plan, and just the anxiousness would make me do something bad. Quit the current cycle, start SD'ing. I missed out on alot of heavier weights this way, stopped my cycles during the 5's alot. But i have learned alot.
As Dave Draper says, "What's the rush?". Follow the basics, eat for your goals (more calories to gain muscle, less calories to lose fat), and that's all you can really do. Don't cut your cycles short, you'll spend more time SD'ing than lifting.
Another quote from Dave the Blonde Bomber baby. Sorry i just love this guy, real class act, he's just a real guy. I suggest anyone to check out his website at
Dave Draper and read his articles. In fact, sign up for his weekly newsletter. He just loves the sport, loves life, just a true stand up man. I wouldn't follow his programs for bodybuilding though, HST is definately the way to go in my opinion. His nutrition articles are very eye opening though. Nothing ground breaking, but he makes bodybuilding sound easy. All you need is discipline, hard work, etc.
Doesn't sound easy, but he looks at it differently than everyone else. I see a pizza or something and i want it badly. He looks at it as being for the weak, tuna, chicken, fish, milk, you know all the good stuff is what your body needs. He says, stop reading about nutrition, just do it and learn for yourself. That's some old school thinking, all instincts and trial and error, but it worked for him and Arnold and the ironagers in general. Look at food as a means to an end, don't think by your taste buds, desires, traditions, etc. Think goals ... and don't ever give up on them.
I have alot more to say that i think i'm just going to make my own thread about. Hopefully i'll get some help, i'm in a slump.
Sorry for filling your thread with rubbish, but hey who knows, maybe it'll help ya. That's my goal anyways.
I had a goal of helping, and stuck to it.