your results with HST...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharivan
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My routine was a basic 3x per week, and my exercises were:

Squat (alternate with Deadlift every other workout)
Flat Bench
Undergip Lat Pulldown
Seated Barbell Press
Barbell Curl (dropped in the 5s)
Close Grip Bench
Pushdown (dropped in 5s)
Standing Calf Raises

I know that my squat weight on my next cycle of 15's will be about 25 lbs higher, and bench will be way up also. So I should have mentioned that my strength is way up as well.
Nice. I was hoping that more people posted their exercises.
I can see that most people get much more arm size when doing isos, than those only doing compounds (simplify and win). But it's only from few posts that posted the exercises and others from hypotetically following the vanilla HST (which have isos).
Started lifting in the summer of 2006.
A year and a half later of bulking and cutting. I started weighing 185, bulked up to 210 or so and cut down I weigh 185...same exact weight as when I started, but much better body composition:

Waist: lost a full inch
Chest: gained a full 2 inches
Arms: gained a full inch
Thighs: gained a full inch

Different measurements, same exact bodyweight...neat huh?
Just finished 2 weeks of 15's on my 2nd HST cycle and would like to share my results.

15RM 15RM
Exercise 1st cycle 2nd cycle
Deadlift 125 150
Bench Press 135 145 (12 reps)*
DB Row 40 50
DB Press 25 30
Incline Curls 20 25

Squat 135 135 **
Romanian DL 85 135
Dips (BW) 0 0
Cable Rows 95 120
Military Press ------ 65
Hammer Curls 20 25

* Disappointed - couldn't get 15 reps on the Bench Press with this weight. Did 1x12 and 1x11. I'm going to continue on to the 10's and see if I can meet my 10RM goal.

** I had real trouble with squats this meso-cycle. After a 3 week SD (too long) my goal for the 3 squat workouts was 125, 135, and 145lbs. I struggled to get 2x15 with 125. Had severe DOMS and could hardly walk for 2 days. Strangely, I only had minor stiffness in all other muscle groups. 2nd w/o (using my previous 15RM) I had to cluster the last 5 reps. 3rd w/o - after warm up I knew I couldn't do 145, so I dropped to 135 and could only do 12 straight reps. I was too exhausted to try to cluster. I couldn't understand what was happening. I reached or surpassed my goals in every exercise except Benches. I do squats in a power rack and set the safety bars to the depth I want and squat till the barbell taps the safety bar. This keeps me from inadvertently cheating as I get tired and I consistently squat to the same depth every rep. On the 1st cycle I squatted deeper than I ever did before, and as deep as I thought I could. After my disappointing lack of progress with the 15's in this cycle, I was looking at the power rack and the reason suddenly struck me. During this cycle I had been setting the safety bars 1 notch lower than I did in the 1st cycle. In other words, I have been squatting 3 to 3.5 inches lower than I thought I was capable of! Although it's a blow to the ego to have to lower my goals for the 10's and 5's, I'm happy about being able to squat so much lower.

I never did Deadlifts before the 1st cycle and was really weak in this move relative to my bench press. I thought it would take 2 -3 cycles to get to where I could DL more than I could BP, but I surprised myself. I did 1x15 and 1x14 with 150lbs in the DL and couldn't get 15 reps with 145 in the BP.

On the Romanian DL it took me a while to learn to do it properly and I went really light in the 1st cycle. I found that the secret is to not think about raising and lowering the bar and to concentrate on sticking my butt out while maintaining an arched lower back. The bar will go up and down on its own.

On dips I got 1x15 and 1x14 with body weight. The 1st cycle I got 1x13 and 1x11. I didn't do military presses the 1st cycle.

Overall, I'm happy with the progress I'm making. I'll post my results again after the 10's which I'm extending to 4 weeks instead of 2. I'll post my weight and measurements after the complete cycle and maybe some picts if I can drum up the courage.
My results after one year of HST (5 Total Cycles):

Weight     +17 lbs.
Chest       +2.50 in.
Arms        +1.25 in.
Thighs      +1.00 in.
Calves      +0.25 in.
Waist       +1.25 in. (measured at BB)

Supplements: Protein (approx. 1 gm/lb. BW), Creatine, Fish Oil, Multi-Vit/Min

1. Better growth gains during weight gains (obvious but always worth mentioning)
2. Better growth gains during higher rep stages (15's/10's vs. 5's)
3. Two week SD worked better than one week for recovery and gains into next cycle
4. Legs lagging probably due to lack of proper form/motion; inadeqate volume
5. Prefer same-routine cycles vs. split routines (experienced better gains on former but probably a function of weight gain)

Thank you Bryan...thank you everyone for the support and discusssions.
Better growth during higher rep stages is odd, but it could be an effect from improper SD, or different caloric intake than the 5's.

Great results Omega!
(EL_VIEJO @ Dec. 15 2007,17:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On the Romanian DL it took me a while to learn to do it properly and I went really light in the 1st cycle. I found that the secret is to not think about raising and lowering the bar and to concentrate on sticking my butt out while maintaining an arched lower back. The bar will go up and down on its own.</div>
That's one of the best descriptions of a Romanian deadlift that I can recall reading.

Properly done, the RDL gives you DOMS right where you don't want it. It gives a whole new meaning to the term: &quot;Pain in the Ass&quot;...
(TunnelRat @ Jan. 06 2008,13:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(EL_VIEJO @ Dec. 15 2007,17:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On the Romanian DL it took me a while to learn to do it properly and I went really light in the 1st cycle. I found that the secret is to not think about raising and lowering the bar and to concentrate on sticking my butt out while maintaining an arched lower back. The bar will go up and down on its own.</div>
That's one of the best descriptions of a Romanian deadlift that I can recall reading.

Properly done, the RDL gives you DOMS right where you don't want it. It gives a whole new meaning to the term: &quot;Pain in the Ass&quot;...
It's a tricky exercise to do correctly. I read countless descriptions and watched several videos, but still wasn't feeling it in my hamstrings. Then Quadancer posted a link to a video of Dan John giving a seminar, and his explanation and demonstration clarified it for me once and for all. It made me realize that it's all about sticking one's butt out. It's a very undignified position for a man to willingly put himself into in a public place, but you gotta do what you gotta do if you want to work those hammies.
(EL_VIEJO @ Jan. 06 2008,4:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(TunnelRat @ Jan. 06 2008,13:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(EL_VIEJO @ Dec. 15 2007,17:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On the Romanian DL it took me a while to learn to do it properly and I went really light in the 1st cycle. I found that the secret is to not think about raising and lowering the bar and to concentrate on sticking my butt out while maintaining an arched lower back. The bar will go up and down on its own.</div>
That's one of the best descriptions of a Romanian deadlift that I can recall reading.

Properly done, the RDL gives you DOMS right where you don't want it. It gives a whole new meaning to the term: &quot;Pain in the ***&quot;...
It's a tricky exercise to do correctly. I read countless descriptions and watched several videos, but still wasn't feeling it in my hamstrings. Then Quadancer posted a link to a video of Dan John giving a seminar, and his explanation and demonstration clarified it for me once and for all. It made me realize that it's all about sticking one's butt out. It's a very undignified position for a man to willingly put himself into in a public place, but you gotta do what you gotta do if you want to work those hammies.
hahahaha couldnt agree more!
(colby2152 @ Jan. 06 2008,1:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Better growth during higher rep stages is odd, but it could be an effect from improper SD, or different caloric intake than the 5's.</div>
Hmmm, I've done 3 cycles myself and also found greater growth in the higher rep stages, I even had to drop calories during the 5 rep stage as I was gaining a much higher percentage of fat, higher rep stages I'd say muscle/fat gain was about 80/20 (body fat percentage stayed roughly the same while weight went up 0.5-1kg a week) but during 5 rep stage was more 50/50 or even worse (fat percentage started climbing much faster and noticeably so)

*shrugs* No effing idea, lol
My best workout ever:

1. Deadlift/Squat 2s.
2. Chins 2s.
3. Dips 2s.

Weight 96 kg.
Chest &gt;120 cm.
Arms 43,5 cm.
My HST trial was very positive indeed. I certainly increased in both size and strength on many of my lifts. I highly suggest anyone to give this an honest try.

I used a bulking strategy for my effort with a calorie excess of 1000 above maintenance. You can review my logs for details of my program layour and progressions.

Starting weight: 317#

Ending weight: 327#

My results cold flexed measurements...

Starting measurements:

Neck - 20&quot;
Upper Arm - 19.5&quot;
Forearm - 14.5&quot; (I think that is too thin and will work on that I think)
Chest - 58&quot;
Waist - 46.75&quot; (Yuck! but it will be a while before I cut. I did it to myself.)
Upper Thigh - 29.5&quot;
Calf - 20.5&quot;

Ending measurements:

Neck - 20.25&quot;
Upper Arm - 20.25&quot; Nice!
Forearm - 15&quot; A pleasant surprise for me.
Chest - 60&quot; That is huge! I had to stop wearing some shirts after the tens so I knew it was working.
Waist - 47&quot; No surprise on a bulk...
Upper Thigh - 30.5&quot; Very nice
Calf - 21&quot;
My HST trial was very positive indeed. I certainly increased in both size and strength on many of my lifts. I highly suggest anyone to give this an honest try.

I used a bulking strategy for my effort with a calorie excess of 1000 above maintenance. You can review my logs for details of my program layour and progressions.

Starting weight: 317#

Ending weight: 327#

My results cold flexed measurements...

Starting measurements:

Neck - 20&quot;
Upper Arm - 19.5&quot;
Forearm - 14.5&quot; (I think that is too thin and will work on that I think)
Chest - 58&quot;
Waist - 46.75&quot; (Yuck! but it will be a while before I cut. I did it to myself.)
Upper Thigh - 29.5&quot;
Calf - 20.5&quot;

Ending measurements:

Neck - 20.25&quot;
Upper Arm - 20.25&quot; Nice!
Forearm - 15&quot; A pleasant surprise for me.
Chest - 60&quot; That is huge! I had to stop wearing some shirts after the tens so I knew it was working.
Waist - 47&quot; No surprise on a bulk...
Upper Thigh - 30.5&quot; Very nice
Calf - 21&quot;
Not a lot of activity here since most report in their logs, but I thought I'd share my 2nd-year HST results (10 total cycles):

                Year 1        Year 2         Total
               ----------       ---------         ---------
Weight     +17 lbs.     +6 lbs.         +23 lbs.
Chest       +2.50 in.    +1.25 in.      +3.75 in.
Arms        +1.25 in.    +0.50 in.      +1.75 in.
Thighs      +1.00 in.    +1.50 in.     +2.50 in.
Calves      +0.25 in.    +0.50 in.      +0.75 in.
Waist       +1.25 in.    +1.75 in.      +3.00 in. (measured at BB)

Supplements: Protein (approx. 1 gm/lb. BW), Creatine, Fish Oil, Multi-Vit/Min

1. Upper body gains, as well as total weight gain, slowed to approximately 1/2 of first year.
2. Leg gains were better due to correcting my squat form (thanks fellow HST'ers).
3. Gaining too much around the belly (incorporating HIIT this coming year, along with LBM tracking).
4. Better growth seen during higher rep ranges (15's and 10's). Lots of debate here so won't theorize.
5. Nutriton more indicative of growth than variations in routine. Probably not much debate here.

Been thinking about incorporating more intensity in 2009 to help mitigate the fat gain (i.e. Doggcrap). First some HIIT cardio and we'll go from there. Still, my personal goals are size-related, so will have to keep eating hardily. Again, thanks for everyone's support.
Before beginning HST (August 2008)

LBM 173.35 lbs Fat 28.25 lbs Fat 14% BW 201.6

HST Results (3 cycles)

HST cycle 1 LMB 176.81 Fat 28.39 lbs Fat 13.8% BW 205.2
HST cycle 2 LBM 178.12 Fat 30.2 lbs Fat 14.5% BW 208.4
HST cycle 3 LBM 179.17 Fat 31.63 Fat 15.0% BW 210.8

Net gains: LBM +5.82 lbs Fat +3.38 lbs Fat +1% BW +9.2 lbs

Neck +.75&quot;
Chest +.87&quot;
Arms +.25&quot;
Waist at BB +1&quot;
Thighs +1&quot;

1. Most of my size gains came during the 15's and 10's as well.
2. During the 8's of the second cycle, I was overtraining doing 3 times a week at 4 sets, and lost 4 pounds of muscle. Hurt myself during 1st cycle and cut it 3 weeks short.
3. Gained around belly as well.

Will also be incorporating HIIT cardio as well. Already started it. Will be doing a full cycle of max-stim, mixed with HIIT, to try and cut some fat!
Hey guys,

Just reporting my experience with HST...

Being using HST principles for about 2 years now...

And it has give me the fastest size gains compared to other routines, but i havent actually made much progres in terms of my weight.

However, i have never tracked my calories until the last 6 weeks, and at the moment i think this is what has hampered my gains. I completed my 1st &quot;proper cut&quot; 2 weeks ago and i was consuming 1600 cals/ day and that was about the right amount, lost on average 1 and a half lbs a week and i am now down to 12% from 17% body fat.

I am now on my second day of my bulk consuming 2000 cals and monitoring weekly.

Id love to hear from guys who have bulked properly (counting cals) following a cut and the progress they have made. Like how much of a jump in calories from a calorie deficit??

Ive read &quot;eating for size&quot; and Bryan recommends slowly rammping up calories, so thats kind of what im doing i think!?

Any advice/help/suggestions/stories appreciated.

(omega99 @ Jan. 25 2009,9:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Not a lot of activity here since most report in their logs, but I thought I'd share my 2nd-year HST results (10 total cycles):

                Year 1        Year 2         Total
               ----------       ---------         ---------
Weight     +17 lbs.     +6 lbs.         +23 lbs.
Chest       +2.50 in.    +1.25 in.      +3.75 in.
Arms        +1.25 in.    +0.50 in.      +1.75 in.
Thighs      +1.00 in.    +1.50 in.     +2.50 in.
Calves      +0.25 in.    +0.50 in.      +0.75 in.
Waist       +1.25 in.    +1.75 in.      +3.00 in. (measured at BB)

Supplements: Protein (approx. 1 gm/lb. BW), Creatine, Fish Oil, Multi-Vit/Min

1. Upper body gains, as well as total weight gain, slowed to approximately 1/2 of first year.
2. Leg gains were better due to correcting my squat form (thanks fellow HST'ers).
3. Gaining too much around the belly (incorporating HIIT this coming year, along with LBM tracking).
4. Better growth seen during higher rep ranges (15's and 10's). Lots of debate here so won't theorize.
5. Nutriton more indicative of growth than variations in routine. Probably not much debate here.

Been thinking about incorporating more intensity in 2009 to help mitigate the fat gain (i.e. Doggcrap). First some HIIT cardio and we'll go from there. Still, my personal goals are size-related, so will have to keep eating hardily. Again, thanks for everyone's support.</div>
Those are some excellent gains...seriously. 23lbs and almost 2 inches on the arms in two years? That is impressive!
This is a bit off-topic, but I am just wondering why the threads I make don't show up in the list of threads?

I am newly registered, and none of the threads I make seem to show up...
Once again I know it's off topic to this thread, and I tried e-mailing Bryan about this issue, but the e-mail address doesn't work.
There is a problem with the board as of this moment and the threads are being ordered alphabetically instead of by last post date so your thread is there, just not where you expect it to be. You can sort the forum by last post date using the form in the bottom of the list of threads but unfortunatelly you'll have to do that every time since the conf won't stick.