your results with HST...

I've been training consistently for 13 years, so I am very happy with these results.
2/27/03 - 4/28/03
Cutting cycle
All measurments in inches:
Weight: -6 lbs
Chest: +.5
Right upper arm: +0
Left upper arm: +.5
Waist(at navel): -2
Right quad: +1
Left quad: +.5
Right calf: +0
Left calf: +.5
I plan on doing one,maybe two more cutting cycles. I can't wait for my fist bulking cycle. Probably will start it in Septmember.
First time post. just started 2nd cycle 10's. 54yo male 78kg 5'8" (started 74kg) 5 years very sporadic BB'r tried HIIT, Bill Phillips, German Vol training, 28 yo personal trainer son suggested look @ HST in Feb this year. following to letter. great gains across the board. Wondered if I had bacterial rash problems in my armpits over the last few weeks. worked out yesterday my shirts are all too small for my new arms and shoulders!!!!!!! I think HST is working! cheers from New Zealand
Welcome to HST Peter.

Its always encouraging when you find your clothes getting too small - makes it all feel worthwhile :D

Good luck.
Hey people....posting some gains here after my first HST cycle. Very happy with the results.

General stats before and after

Age: 25 (same)
Height: 6'1" (same)
Weight: 145lbs (same)
Arms: 11.5 > 12.75
Legs: 20 > 21.5
Chest: 41 > 42.5
Neck: 15 > 16.5
Waist: 28.5 > 28

Got a fair bit to go still but I'm very pleased so far.
I just finished my first cycle!!

First of all, I'm a 42 year old ectomorph (6' 2" and 135 lbs when I graduated high school) who has always longed to be big and buff. I've been lifting weights off and on again since undergrad days. When I was in college I was making good gains but then grad school got to be too time and energy consuming and I stopped lifting for a long time. Subsquent rounds of lifting were mixed - there were times when I seemed to be getting smaller and weaker - probably due to overtraining and inadequate protein/calorie intake.

I had almost resigned myself to being forever weak and skinny - lifting weights just as a stress reliever and to stay healthy. But, darn it, I keep getting these buff guys in my chemistry classes with the kind of muscle I've always wanted. I decided to try one last time to gain some muscle before I got too much older.

So I started looking for some method to get bigger and stronger. I stumbled upon this HST site when I was researching German Volume Training. Bryan Haycock's critique of GVT made a lot of sense and HST made even more sense based upon what I know of physiology and biochemistry. So I decided to pass on GVT and give HST a try...

Unfortunately, I didn't measure anything but arms and weight before starting. I gained about 7 pounds - from 164 to 171 - which I think is great for a hard gainer like me! I picked up about a quarter of an inch on my biceps - also very good for me. Also, when I'm pumped, I'm seeing hints of a groove between the clavicular head and sternocostal head of my pectoralis major. I used to have that same groove when I was in college and had a good pump in my chest.

What's amazed me most though is how much my strength has gone up on certain exercises. Even when I was in my best shape in college, I never really could do dips. When I set up my cycle, I was using an assisted weight machine with about 36 pounds of assistance for my 5RM. During the cycle, the dip weights kept feeling light, so I adjusted them upwards from time to time. I ended my cycle this week doing dips with 20 extra pounds strapped on for 6 reps!! WOO HOO! Calf raises and leg presses both went up about 60 pounds beyond my previous 5RM's!

Thank you, Bryan Haycock, for developing a system that works and making it available in such an informative web site!!

Thanks also to Blade, micmic, Bob Evans, and several other very knowledgeable and helpful folks who make this forum a
gold mine of information.

Finally, finding out that there were a couple of regulars like Bob Evans and mikeh here in my age range was also very encouraging. Thanks guys.

I finally have something to contribute to the thread that has given me so much encouragement and inspiration. I should note that this cycle I took a short SD and maxed out on my 15s very early. The cycle wasn't going well. I intended to bulk, but since there were no size or strength gains at the end of the 10s, I decided to finish the 5s and negatives as a cutting phase in order to salvage the cycle. I used drop sets for every workout. It worked well. My strength inched up in most of my exercises. My bodyfat percentage went down by 3 points. I started mid-cycle at 174 at 14 and now, 9 days into my SD, I am 170 at 11. My traps shrunk while I was dieting, but muscle size increased elsewhere. My measurement changes are listed below.

Waist: -1"
Chest: +.75"
Thigh: +.25"
Shoulders: I didn't get a measurement from last cycle, but the circumference has increased by 3.5" since December.
Forearm: +.25"
Arm: +.375"
Hips: +.25"
Calf: 0

I think it went pretty well for only a month, whilst cutting no less. I attempted to add some HIIT, but I could seldom find the time to do it. Next time I cut, I will definately do it more.

Next time I bulk, which will be on Monday (and believe me, I am counting the hours), I will make sure I SDed long and well. I underestimated the significance of the SD once, but never again. I will also start light on the 15s. I will only do a week of them, but I will focus on conditioning instead of punishing myself with heavy weights too early.

I've done several HST cycles, almost all were completed with mixed results. I expected the HST name alone to do the work for me and to get the results. HST has helped me more than other programs, but it can only work so long as you know and do what is right and reasonable for gains. I consider this cycle to be my cycle of education, because I now know what I must do in order to grow.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to and inquires on these boards.
6x per week experiment

mon, wed, fri:
Chin, Dip, barbell curl, one leg standing calf

tue, thur, sat:
one arm row, db inc press, db concentration curl, seated calf

Rotated the following every day: squat, SLDL, leg press (15+reps only for leg press).

weight progression was linear with repeated workouts to totally remove zigzag. Increment 5%

I started out only performing 1 set per exercise. I avoided failure. The first 2 sessions really punished my front delts. I felt like perhaps 6x per week was not a good idea after all. But i was also aware that the first 15s back from SD always involve quite severe muscle i stuck with it.
By the end of the first week, that soreness had passed and i felt much more comfortable doing 6x per week.

The lessened volume was a welcome reward! I felt continuosly 'pumped' every day for the entire week. It felt great. Every day i would awake feeling very excited at the prospect of my next workout.
By the second week, i decided that i could probably handle a second set.....since i was using the same load for 2 sessions, i would do 1 set the first session. 2sets the second session. I still avoided failure.

The first week of 5s was performed with 2 sets. It felt good. I added drop sets on saturdays.
However, during the second week of 5s, i really started struggling energy wise. I dropped the second set. This helped, but i really felt like i had overtrained during that week. If i wasnt perfroming an experiment, i would have quit the cycle at the end of 5s...but i stuck with it for the negatives. I didnt rain on the saturday, in order to give myself the entire weekend to rest.

For dips, chins, standing oneleg calf, and db concentration curl i performed negatives: 2concentric reps and 3negative reps.
for rows, inc press, barbell curl and seated curl i stuck with my 5RM and kept the saturday drop set.
Negatives felt great!!!!! The feeling of overtraining that i had during 5s passed. And i once more became excited about my upcoming workouts.
Unfortunately, the second week, i had to quit the experiment because i had other matters to attend to....i didnt train at all.

pre workout: 20g whey + 15g maltodextrin
post workout: 20g whey + 75g maltodextrin

6g fish oil (3g with breakfast, 3g with dinner)

Diet was very 'clean' except for the odd pizza once a month or so.

Mon 7th April- after 2 weeks of SD: the day before my first W/O

Total weight = 77kg
%fat = 13.5
kg lean = 66.5

Right Bicep = 13 and 3/4 inch

Sun 20th April- the morning after the last day of 15s
Ave calories= 2,400Kcal

Total weight= 79kg
%fat = 15!!!!!!!!!!!!
kg lean = 66.8 = +0.3kg lean

Right bicep = 13 and 7/8 inch = +1/8 inch

Sun 4th may- the morning after the last day of 10s
Ave calories= 2,200Kcal

Total weight= 80kg
%fat= 15
Kg lean= 67.7 = +1.2kg

Right bicep = 14 and 1/8 inch = +3/8 inch

Sun 18th May- the morning after the last day of 5s
Ave calories= 2,200Kcal

Total weight= 80.5kg
%fat= 15
kg lean= 68.1 = +1.6kg

Right bicep= 14nad 1/4 inch= +1/2inch

Sun 25th May- morning after last day of 1st week negs/5s

No detectable changes!

Overall results from a 7week cycle of 6x per week

Total weight= +3.5kg
Kg lean= +1.6kg

Right bicep= +1/2 inch

For me these are incredible gains!!!!!! Ive never grown so much in such a short space of time! To be honest, i think this matches my total previous lifetime gain! I was a true HITter before for 4 solid years.

Although i had previously completed one 'regular' 3x per week HST cycle, i didnt record my results. So i cannot compare gains between 6x per week and 3x per week. I can only tell you that i 'feel' i have grown more from 6x per week than 3xper week. I really wish i had recorded that previous cycle!

It just remains for me to thank everybody for their input into this forum, and all those who have answered my questions etc. And of course, thank you Bryan.

Stevie could you tell me what weights you used during your cycle did you use the same weight for two workouts then increase it?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ironmike1 @ June 01 2003,11:18)]Stevie could you tell me what weights you used during your cycle did you use the same weight for two workouts then increase it?
yes exactly
I finished my first cycle of HST.

Here are the results (in kg, cm), height 191cm (6'3"):

...................... 3/19/03 ... 6/2/03 ................. difference
weight ............ 106,6 ...... 108,4 ................... +1,8
l-arm (flexed) ... 38,5 ........ 39,9 (+/-0,049) ..... +1,4
r-arm (flexed) ... 38,0 ........ 39,6 (+/-0,185) .... +1,6
chest (flexed) ... 120,0 ...... 123,3 (+/-0,369) ... +3,3
shoulders ......... 131,0 ...... 135,4 (+/-0,253).... +4,4
waist ............... 98,5 ........ 98,6 (+/-0,248)..... +0,1
l-thigh ............. 70,5 ........ 68,1 (+/-0,141)..... -2,4
r-thigh ............. 71,0 ........ 68,1 (+/-0,194)..... -2,9
l-calf ............... 45,0 ........ 45,5 (+/-0,080)..... +0,5
r-calf ............... 45,0 ........ 45,2 (+/-0,250)..... +0,2

First measurements were not very precise (especially thigh and calves). The second time I did 5 measurements per bodypart and calculated the average value.

Thigh results are funny
... probably not measured them well the first time but also didn't train them as hard (not a priority). But my hamstrings grew quite a bit, at least visually (gained also a lot of strength there).

Exercises used:
- flat bench press
- bent-over row
- deadlift
- lat machine pulldown
- ez-bar curl
- DB overhead press
- tricpes pressdown
- leg curl
- squat (not always ... I hate it)
- calf raises
- ab contractions
- laterals (only for half the cycle)
- shrugs (sometimes ...)
- and some rotator cuff exercises

Strength gains were quite cool :). Bench press went from 70kg (154lb) for 4 reps to 90kg (198lb) for 7 reps.

Most of the time I trained in a two day split (upper/lower body). Sometimes I trained whole body every day. I used a non-zigzagging progression from the lowest loads to the highest. On average I did 2 sets per exercise.

I ate around 3000kcal, 150-180g protein (mostly from grains and legumes and little meat). Supplements: multi vitamin, flaxseed oil.

I had some sleeping problems (as always
- poor sleep hygiene) during the cycle, which wasn't great at all :mad: .

In general - I'm very satisfied with my results :D.
Hell i must test this system after summer, you guys have had great results.

Bryan: I heard that super sets can be performed with this training system example chest/back, biceps/triceps?

j00re: I have read somewhere that if you´re sleeping under 8 hours, it can dramatically effect on you muscle mass increacing? at least 8 hours, all don´t have to get same time...

I am sorry that my english are quite lousy...
A year on HST

well not exactly, mainly for legs and back, chest is a different story.

Basically I have gained a truckload of fat, but thats what happens when you let your diet go to self selection (stress always ruins diets for me
, I think I have narrowed it down to a serotonin issue)

But my measures were this in may(ish) last year
Bodyweight 87.5kg
LBM 75kg
BF ~14.3

measurements last month
Total bodyweight 111kg (not depleted at all)
LBM 86kg
BF tooo F$&in high
I have now dropped down to a bodyweight of around 108 with no real lbm loss, and am heading back towards 15%
I have pictures, they aint pretty :D which explains the lack of them on the board. I am a LOT bigger, and stronger tho.
If blade thinks he's fat, he aint seen nuttin yet.
In terms of diameters, my chest has increased significantly, but so has my waist. My hips always get huge when squatting/deadlifting so thats noraml. My legs have gained 4" in diameter.
2nd cycle...

Ended 1st cycle - April 17th
BW 189 pounds
BF 16%
Lean Mass 159

Ended 2nd cycle - June 20th
BW 179 pounds
BF 11%
Lean Mass 159

Flexed measurement inches / change:
Neck 16.5 / -0.5
Chest 44.5 / 0
Upper arms 16.125 / -.125
Waist 34 / -1
Thigh 24.75 / -1.25
Calf 15.5 / -.125

The last time I dropped 10 pounds, I wasn't using HST methodologies and I lost 3 pounds of lean mass. This time, using HST, I lost no lean mass.

Strength on all exercises increased and I never missed a planned lift.

HST is good.
End of 2nd HST cycle results. I am very happy with the results I achieved for the 2nd time. I am trainning naturally doing an am/pm split every other day straight through the weekends. This cycle turned out to be a bulking cycle.
end of 1st cycle measurements
weight 172lbs
hght 5'10"
body fat 14%
waist 36"
r/bicep 13.75"
l/bicep 13.5"
chest 42.5"
r/quad 23"
l/quad 23"
r/forearm 12.25"
l/forearm 12"
end of 2nd cycle results
weight 179lbs +7lbs
body fat 15.5% +1.5%
waist 37" +1"
r/bicep 14.125" +.375"
l/bicep 14" +.5"
chest 42" -5"
r/quad 23.75" +.75"
l/quad 23.75" +.75"
r/forearm 12.375" +.125"
l/forearm 12.375 +.375"
overall I am happy with the results except for the inch gain in the waist and 1/2 loss in the chest. I don't understand why my chest lost 1/2". My strength went up in incline bench and dips. HMMM
Fifth Cycle Results

This was intended to be a cutting cycle, and it met all of my expectations!


Bodyfat: -2,5%
LBM: no detectable change
Upper arm circumference: + 0,7 cm on both sides
Waist: -2cm
Thigh: - 3 cm on both sides
All other measurements: about the same

The cycle was quite short (6 weeks: 2 weeks respectively of 15s, 10s, 5s). I have to go on a trip next week so this will be my SD.

I used alternating routines and multiple supersets. I'm very satisfied with this setup (was able to improve all my upper body maxes in all rep ranges) and will keep it for next time as well.

During the fives, I started doing additional DB workouts on "off days" at home, specifically targeting arms and shoulders. As you can see above, it worked. However, training six times a week collided with my other duties and pastimes; I'll see whether I can do without that next

I also changed my nutrition somewhat (I don't count calories); I ate less carbs and more protein (shakes) and good fats (fish oil and flax oil along with the shakes). Felt good, so I'll stick to that.

And now the bad thing: I hurt my back doing 15RM deadlifts – sloppy form, explosive performance. After that I had to cancel all heavy lower body work. This might explain some of the loss in thigh circumference. But I think this is mainly due to fat loss – I store most of my fat in the thigh region, my stomach is pretty flat (six-pack starting to show beneath all that wool).

Now, I have just started high-rep leg press and back extensions. I'm also doing physiotherapy for my lower back. I'll stick to these exercises next cycle until my back is fine again. I have also considered switching over to high reps for lower body generally; shrinking my legs will make my UB seem bigger (exaggerating a bit here).

I know this decision will inflame some of you, but I really think it's time to rethink some of my former premises. Sizewise I'm really fine in the legs department, and high-rep squats and deadlifts will give me all the back stability I'll ever need in my pencilneck job. So what the heck – the reason I did heavy DLs and squats was the remnant of the old HIT myth that those exercises "will make you grow all over". Now that I dropped them and added arm isolation movements, I've finally got some arm growth again after four years of stagnation!

Special thanks go to Haiyai for his inspiration and some excellent advice on nutrition/diet. I'll only be able to put most of that in practice by late September, when I'm going to start my next attempt at bulking.

Feel free to comment/ask for more specific details.
Flow, how about some diet/nutrition details? Amounts of p/c/f, anything special in how you combined foods, etc. etc.

Do any cardio, in addition to the weights?

Thanks for the details & great job on the cut! Hope the back gets well also.
As I said, I don't count calories, and I can't give you a detailed breakdown of macronutrients as well. I ate ca. 150-200 grams of protein per day, mostly dairy products (skim milk, cottage cheese), fish (tuna, smoked salmon) and protein shakes. I took 1-2 tablespoons of fish oil, and about the same amount of flax seed oil daily. My main sources of carbohydrates were whole grain bread, muesli and veggies. I had ca. 5-6 small meals per day, including protein shakes. I would have one shake ca. 40 mins prior to each workout, and another shake either in the morning or at night. After each workout, I drank a whole litre of skim milk.

For cardio I did three short sessions after workouts (10 mins of rope jumping). Occasionally, I would go running on off days (ca. 45 mins, pulse about 130). But this was more for recreation, because I live near a beautiful forest. I recently started swimming again, but not as a fixed part of my cardio regimen.
Almost have my first cycle done...2 weeks (1 5 and 1 neg/5).

I'm somewhat happy with the results. I think I'll need to take pics with a digital camera I'm getting soon to judge later cycles.

Weight before was about 158.5 and after is 163 with 2 weeks left. I really didn't measure, but I noticed an improvement with my shoulders the most. I probably increased a little every else too. I was kind of disappointed with the results, I wash expecting a little more. Did better than last bulking that's for sure. I felt most of the gains were muslce though, but I'm not sure. I'll still continue HST and see how the results are after a 2-3 more cycles.