your results with HST...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharivan
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[b said:
Quote[/b] (BIZ @ Jan. 23 2003,7:44)]I have been doing HST for a while now. I am on my fifth cycle now, and I am pleased with the gains I have made. My problem is this: many people post great results, me included, but do not post any pics, me included. A few have such as Calkid and Andre and that is great, but for all the great results posted there is very little to back them up and I feel that is why many people question the validity of the claims. Mstoppa claims a 2.5" increase in arm size in 2 months and at first you go holy crap, but how the heck do we know that is true? We don't. If a guy wants to sell you a car over the internet and swears it's a cherry but has no proof, would you buy it blindly? I wouldn't. I am challenging everyone here to send in pics of your results, me as well, so we can put to bed the accusations that we HST'ers overexagerate our gains and prove ourselves to the naysayers.
*Make sure you stand in the same place and are the same distance from the camera for each pic. If not, you will obviously look bigger or smaller in the after pics. And by all means, flex your muscles for the pic. Relaxed poses do not show much.
I you wish you can send them directly to me at

I will then post "verified with photos" or whatever to show that your are not just posting for nothing, if you don't want people to see the pics. You can always cut off your head or something to keep yourself anonymous.

Also, don't be concerned about people thinking you are not big enough to know what you are doing/saying. Anybody with any real experience in bodybuilding knows how difficult it is to build muscle. Rather than mock, true lifters respect other people's efforts to put on real size regardless of how big they are.

I personally believe most of what I have read on this thread. Why? Because I have seen these types of results in my clients and friends. Even my female bodybuilder (natural) friends experience signficant growth after only one cycle. So I generally have no reason to doubt what I've read here. Nevertheless, BIZ makes a good point about nay-sayers. The think I've put everybody under some sort of Jedi mind trick to make you post positive results from HST.
Hello, I am 23 yrs old male. 5' 9.5". I finished my first cycle along with my younger brother (21yrs, 6'1") last week. I went from 171 to 180 lbs. My brother was more noticeable, going from 168 to 180 (keep in mind however that he had a longer history of gym work in high school and probably simply regained much of the mass he lost in the last three years of inactivity). The increase in bodyfat however, was marked, especially for me. I attribute this to:

1) DIET. For half of the cycle, we vastly overestimated our calories and were still getting used to timing and arranging our nutrition, esp. around our workouts and with regards to rest days. (ie, we underestimated our ability to eat EAT EAT :P ) Overall, we just weren't meticulous and didn't bother using or whatnot - even to give us ballpark caloric and macronutrient consumption. Both of us had simply heard/read so much from people saying "stuff yourself silly" to make gains.

2) STRESS and SLEEP. Particularly for me, there were simply too many stressors in my personal and academic life, which I won't delve into here. Compounded with a bad sleep schedule and habits.

3) VOLUME and duration of workout. Our routine was an alternating A/B scheme, despite all the advice to just go "vanilla" HST the first time around, with too many added isolation exercises. In a crowded, equipment-limited university gym, this is NO GOOD. Additionally, we were unaware of the Blade/FAQ-recommended warm-up scheme until our 10's. Therefore our total time in the gym often hit 1:45 !!! We will try not to make this mistake again, and rely on compounds.

4) STARTING BF% My brother fared better than me overall, having a higher metabolism, better history of athletics, and lower starting BF%. My BF% was already a so-called "18%" according to cheap and unreliable, single-site, plastic calipers. When I got fatter and fatter, the measurement became more and more erratic. I have just now acquired an electric, three-site version, which puts me more consistently at about 19-20% As per the advice of several on this board and elsewhere, cutting down to maybe 15% or less before all-out "bulking", is probably the better way to go.

All in all, a mixed success for me, but a pretty decent run for my younger brother (who didn't even use creatine, btw). Both of us are now going to try a dieting cycle (or two, in my case), just to get a better starting BF%. We are in SD, just starting CKD keto, mainly for the purported appetite suppression, as we are otherwise ravenous eaters.
(See our initial success on this aspect of dieting on keto, as I have reported it in the keto thread in the nutrition forum.)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Make sure you stand in the same place and are the same distance from the camera for each pic. If not, you will obviously look bigger or smaller in the after pics. And by all means, flex your muscles for the pic. Relaxed poses do not show much.

Biz, you're totally right. I actually showed the pics to a friend of mine and he said "it just looks like you stood closer to the camera and got a tan." I will doctor those pics to make them the same scale. I do actually have some flexed poses, and I'll put those up soon (I need to lighten the "after" one). LOL, I actually got a friend to use winmorph to "morph" my before and after frontal relaxed pics. It makes it much more obvious where the muscle went. If someone can host it for me I'll be happy to email it to you and then we can link to it on the forum.

Bryan, I'll also send those to you if you want them now. I was just thinking I'd wait until I figured I was done with growing, which should be in 2-ish cycles.

hi, second time i reply hereafter my first cycle i went from 75kg (165 lbs) to 80.4 kg (176.9 lbs) , after that i started a CKD to get rid of my belly (i'm 1.83m ecto, but still a belly :) ),
i'm in the middle of my third cycle now but back to 75kg.strenght is zigzagging, due to low carb intake, but abs are starting to show slowly but surely.
, i already took before pictures (sorry i didn't flex). i'll take after pics one of these days (have to buy a new film first). i'll keep yall posted
Hi there. I had my friend use photoshop to brighten the after photo and match the scales of the two pics,

More info about my overall growth can be found on the 6th page of this thread.

i finally got my pics scanned, which i took after my first cycle where i got 5 kg heavier, and even though the pic might not show it, my belly holds a lot of fat in the pic.(if i would grab my fat between two fingers it would be something like 1.5-2 inches thick).
so i started a ckd, to let my abs come and play :)
those results will be posted soon, my abs are slowly coming out.

I have to complement you on some very good gains. Keep up the good work and it will continue to pay dividends long into your future.
I finished my first HST cycle last week. I am stoked. I went from 205 to 223! Arms from 16 to 16 3/4. However much of my gains are due to muscle memory. I had not trained in 6 months prior.
One thing I found odd. In the past my arms never grew well at all. My previous best was 16.5 cold. Using HST not only did I break that by .25 inches but I also set PR's in strength for bi's and tri's.
Have others also found better growth with their stubborn bodyparts
My results so far...

Have to give a report. I should be finished now (have trained 8 weeks now on HST) but since I will go on vacation in 3 weeks I will try to go one or two more weeks with negatives.

I dident take any measure before I started. The reason to that was that I had almost give up. For so many years I dident gain, yes some strenght but no mass. I thought, well I have nothing to lose, I like the logic in it, lets try.

Today Im happy that I did. I havent eat to gain, more to maintaine because I gain weight really easy. I have eaten 5 meals per day, trying to eat a bit more on training days, less on non training days. Aiming for at least 150 g protein per day.

I lost one hole on my belt and I look different, bigger over the chest, arms, back and legs. I have gained 4 pounds (97 kg --> 99 kg). I will give you some expamples: I had big problems today to get my jeans over my tights. Felt like I dident get any blood down in my legs. My legs looks really cool! I tested with a T-shirt Im familiar with. It was to small over the arms! My girlfriend is really happy, giving me compliments for my muscular body. So I guess something has happened. :)

I felt I bit tired today when I trained, I guess the overtraining is coming close...

So far my lifts look like this:
Squat 140 kg*5 rep
Deadlift 180 kg*3 rep
Incline Press 100 kg*4 rep
Barbell row 105 kg*5 rep
Dip 140 kg*3 rep
Chin 120 kg*2 rep
Barbell curl 50 kg*4 rep
Skullcrusher 45 kg*4 rep
Standing press 57,5 kg*4 rep
and some minor exercises thats not important. All the figures above is personal records which is quite incredible when you think about it. I mean how often have you trained on a program where you put new personal records on all exercises after 8 weeks?:confused: Excellent!!!

Will start cycle 2 17th mars, will aim for cutting to summer.

Great results after my first HST cycle:

Weight: from 156 to 180 +24lbs
Forearms +5/8"
Upper Arms +15/16"
Chest +1 7/8"
Waist +3.5"
Thigh +2 5/8"
Calf +7/8"

I gained too much fat, mostly due to the fact that I didn't want to count calories while bulking so I just ate everything in sight. I store most of my fat right around the waist so virtually all of the gains on my limbs were muscle. I've always been an extreme hardgainer; I've never gained this much in a year before! HST rocks. I squatted to rock-bottom throughout the cycle, and though the weights weren't that heavy I almost fell over when I did the final thigh measurements. Awesome gains for me. Now I'll stick to a maintenance diet for the next cycle and then start cutting.
Results from a cutting cycle, training every 48 hours & no cardio:

5 weeks
weight - down 22lbs.
Body fat - down 20.5lbs.
Body fat% - down about 7%
Strength - stayed about the same.
Hey guys, finished first cycle of hst last week. I have to tell you I love it. I didn't take exact measurements but my weight went up 9 pounds my arms grew between .25-.5 , calves .25, legs were definetly larger same with chest and shoulders. I gained a bit of fat but I'm fitting into shirts that I couldn't fit into since I did aas over three years ago, and my strength is crazy. A few people asked me if I was taking anything other than supplements and after explaining to them the program they don't buy something that's not the norm. I actually felt like I was on something, this program along with supplements suggested is awesome.

My training partner also made some good gains but some could be water as he was on prohormones for part of cycle, but he still grew and got pretty strong.

I would have to say that I did most of the growing during the 10's and part of the 5's.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Howard Roark @ Mar. 10 2003,11:44)]Adam,
What kind of diet did you do? That's a ton of fat for just 5 weeks....was it keto?
Yes, it was a TKD. I had broke my foot previous to the diet. So I had gained quite a bit of fat right before I began. I'm on the diet again (with the calories adjusted down) and the fat loss isn't as quick.

It was pretty cool that I only lost 1.5 lbs. of LBM :)
I finished a really crappy cycle this friday, and thought i'd write in my gains.

after lots of planning, especially in nutrition, everything just had to F up, so i did far worse than i should.. usually clocking in at 1000kcal too little, or having to move trainingdays to another day.

i stopped after 2 weeks of 5's, with no negatives, even though i'd started growing.. needed a break :confused:
oh, and i managed to delete my before-pics..


weightgain: 2.6kg, a little over 5,7 lbs(?)
arm measurement: 1.5cm, a little over 1/2 inch

great gains, i think, especially for a messed up cycle, where i was constantly low on cals..
Hey guys,

It's a little early to post gains, but I just thought I'd mention that I'm in my 2nd w/o of 10s on my first cycle and I've already gone up about a half inch everywhere (arms, thighs etc).

My thighs are noticabley bigger and so are my triceps. My pecs are getting larger but my left pec seems fuller than the right. The right has a sort of sunken appearance towards the middle in comparison to the left. Go figure.

I always thought of myself as a hard gainer but HST seems to be working well (I growing faster than I have been before at least).

I've been on whey protein powder for the past 2 weeks now so I assume its helping some what. Can wait until this cycle is done and I can see the final score.

Hi all...

Well, I've finally managed to complete my second HST cycle, after numerous attempts - for reasons I will explain - and, while the results will appear very low, or even non-existant in some cases, I take into account a loss of bodyfat of around 3-4% - a good couple of inches from around my waist too - without big losses overall.
And, in that respect, I still regard this as positive results.

To cut a long story short, I've had a horrendous start to this year. Firstly, a close friend and colleague was killed in a car crash, whilst driving home from work, in the early hours of New Years Day. Tok was 26.
I was still reeling from this news, when, six days later, my beloved sister was rushed into hospital, out of the blue, and died, within hours, of bacterial meningitis. She was 29.
Finally, three days after all this, my mother-in-law, lost her ten-year battle against cancer. She was 50.

As you can imagine, work, training, diet, everything had to go out of the window.
My daily calorie intake suddenly dropped from nearly 5000 kcal, to probably less than 1000.
Emotionally, I can't begin to describe just how screwed up I felt. Stress levels were obviously sky high.

So, when I did manage to return to the gym - partly as an escape from what was going on all around me - my training did suffer.
This cycle has seen a lot of inconsistencies. Missing days. Too much zig-zagging. Poor diet. High stress levels. etc...

Anyway, so here are my results. The first measurement was taken on the 26th November 2002 (after my last HST cycle)
The second was taken on 16th March 2003.

Neck; (1) 18.3" (2) 18"
Chest; (1) 53.6" (2) 51.6"
Right bicep;(1) 18.5" (2) 18.4"
Left bicep; (1) 18.4" (2) 18.5"
Right 4-arm;(1) 14.4" (2) 14.5"
Left 4-arm; (1) 14.4" (2) 14.4"
Waist; (1) 45.2" (2) 42"
Right thigh; (1) 28.8" (2) 28.4"
Left thigh; (1) 28.1" (2) 27.6"
Right calf; (1) 18.7" (2) 18.5"
Left calf; (1) 18.7" (2) 18.3"

Weight has fluctuated throughout, from 276lb back in Nov 2002, down to around 260lb, and now back up to just under 280lb.
I am pleased with the loss of fat and inches from my waist, and happy enough that I haven't lost too much size - much less than I ever expected.

I am currently on my SD weeks, and will, hopefully, start my 3rd cycle at the begining of April.
I don't have access to a camera at this time, but will do my best, somehow, in the near future, to get some 'before' and 'after' pictures.

While I still have much chaos and stress in my life, at the moment, I found that training did help restore a degree of stability, at a time when I needed it most.
Hopefully, my life, and my family, will gradually begin to settle down again, in the coming months, and I will continue to frequent this excellent board, and get back into HST properly.

Peace to you all in these troubles times.


I just finished my 5th or 6th cycle (I lost track of them) and here's my report.

I started this cycle at 88 kg (around 194 pounds) after having lost 6 pounds during a 20 day SD. This cycle was geared towards losing fat slowly as will be the next two or three. It was a long cycle, one workout short of twelve weeks. I'm going to keep with these extended cycles in the future although for bulking I suspect shorter ones, incrementing the load every workout might be preferable.

Diet was around 2600-3000 Kcals during the week and 5000 cals high carb refeeds on saturdays during the first nine weeks and with two days refeeds on the following ones.

Unlike some people on HST while in calorie restriction I don't think I've put on any measurable amount of muscle mass while on a diet, but I did have the most muscle preservation I ever experienced. All the measurements went down and I suspect I was seriously underestimating my BF percentage. It was probably around 18-20%. Lesson learned, you can't eat around 5000 kcals for one year and a half and expect not to become a fat @$$. I also used ephedrine and caffeine and did no cardio whatsoever.

I lost around 6 kg (13 pounds) and 5 cm (2 inches) on my waist. I also lost 1 cm on both arms, two on my legs, one in my calfs and two on my chest. I do look a lot leaner in all those areas though and the funny thing is that people that didn't see me for a while all said I am looking bigger with my clothes on, and I defenitly look bigger and more cut naked.

All in all I am very pleased with the results I got. It was a bit frustrating watching the measurements go down but the better look is certainly worth it.

On a related note, my strenght increased quite a bit on this cycle. I was able to do a 2 rep twice my bodyweight deadlift 165 Kg (365 pounds), a one rep dip with BW plus 50 kg (110 pounds), a BW plus 40 Kg (90 pounds) pull up (could have got a second one) and also a 2 rep full ROM standing military press with 67.5 Kg (150 pounds).

That's it.