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  1. jvroig

    The Look

    Somewhere in between. Defintely more muscle than Brad Pitt, but most definitely not Arnold because it's just out of my reach without steroids. I just want to reach my genetic max and then diet down to 5%BF. Or maybe 3% :D
  2. jvroig

    I'm still confused

    Hey :) I just read the file you uploaded. Pretty detailed. I confess, I didn't read all the details. Here's what you need to know about it: 1) Calories - consume 18x your bodyweight. 2) Protein - no need to consume a truckload. 0.7-1.5g per KG is sufficent. That's around 1g per pound. Use...
  3. jvroig

    HST theory

    Asking Dan his opinion about HST is like asking the Pope if he thinks religion rocks. :D Dan has said before that he believes very much in HST. Not because Bryan pays him or because Bryan is his best bud, but simply because the principles behind it are not BS. You can pretty much see this at...
  4. jvroig

    Perfect HST routine

    Hey Joe :) Sorry I failed to drop by earlier... just scanned through the entire thread and, wow, good work. And now I feel obliged to chip in, seeing as how you already mentioned me thrice already, it would seem pretty rude of me not to harp in. So, here it goes. First the protein question...
  5. jvroig

    eccentric reps+metabolic load?

    If you can do the concentric part, then yes, that would be better. But in some exercises, especially without a spotter, you just won't be able to do it. In that case, just the eccentric part is enough. This is because the eccentric part is the part of the lift that "creates" more...
  6. jvroig

    Question on intensity

    Exactly. No wonder a lot of guys simply want to skip the supposedly "useless" phases and go straight to super heavy loads which simply speeds up the adaptation and wastes useful hypertrophy that could have been gotten from lower weights and would have been a lot easier on their joints.
  7. jvroig

    volume confusion

    I doubt anybody here can give you a solid figure that would be accurate for you. The volume rule is simply what Dan just mentioned, or, as I like to state it (and quite frequently at that): Do as much as you can without sacrificing your ability to train frequently Don't worry, you can...
  8. jvroig

    Arms lagging

    Yep, that's pretty much the way to do it. Stick to your core lifts, and add metabollic work using isolations.
  9. jvroig

    hst has jacked my appetite, is this normal

    You are 6'4", I'm 5'8"... but I eat a little over 2,700 calories (2,800 - 3,200 a day) to gain weight. You are seriously under-eating. And yes, HST will pretty much make you more hungry. No surprise there. Any activity that takes a lot of energy will make you crave for more food.
  10. jvroig

    Where to go from here(long)?

    Yes, as one appraoches the limit, there really is no other more effective alternative than to focus on a few muscle groups at a workout and go heavier than you used to. The workouts simply have to be more brutal, due to a pile up of RBE over the years. This is why Bryan has a split routine, like...
  11. jvroig

    Arms lagging

    I think that would be a bad idea. All the curls in the world won't give you huge arms. Focus on your heavy compound lifts, and simply add a set of metabollic work for your arms to keep you happy. Forearms are pretty small compared to everything else, they won't really ba "lagging&quot...
  12. jvroig

    using same weight for 2 days?

    Yep, using the same weight twice is fine. You can even stick to it for a week. And yep, it is better to maintain perfect form than "heave" a heavy weight around.
  13. jvroig


    Clustering doesn't mean you'll have to. It means after your 10th rep, you still go on until you are near failure. Then stop for a while and resume until you get close to failure again or hit your target rep which may be 20. In effect, you are actually doing more compared to a "straight...
  14. jvroig

    My story...

    Bryan uses too many exercises (and has a split training routine) simply because he's been lifting for years and years and it takes a lot more than usual for a workout to be effective. Not a surprise considering he's at his genetic limit already, if I remember correctly. Unless you are like him...
  15. jvroig

    Question on intensity

    If by doing more you'll still be able to train as frequently, then you should do a little more. You should be doing as much as you can without sacrificing your ability to train more frequently. Aside from what Faz mentioned, you may simply add 5 or 10 pounds, what you think you may be able to...
  16. jvroig

    Do compounds work?

    Yes... but don't tell Santa, lest I get nothing but coal this Christmas  :D I'm hoping he'd give me a BB package containing a tub of Primer, Driver, and HST:Cre
  17. jvroig

    Do compounds work?

    I usually do something like that, except that I can't squat (I workout at home, no partner, no squat rack, and no motivation, 'nuff said). My routine is usually bench, dead, rows and/or chins, plus leg extensions (I drop them on some cycles). Or when I'm lazy I don't do the deadlifts (but i do...
  18. jvroig

    which one

    Isn't this an instant replay of a thread a week or two ago? Some guy also asked about the same thing... blood type dieting. And same circumstances... a female nutritionist... said whey was not good with his a+ blood type (the only thing not mentioned here), and should just use soy.
  19. jvroig

    Point to the 10's?

    Depends on conditioning. That's the negatives, not the 5's. Always banging on heavy weights makes you adapt faster, with the results in growth not necesarily as fast. Not bothering with the lower weights that are just as effective after sufficient deconditioning is wasteful and unnecessary...
  20. jvroig

    HST help

    No. But an increased (raised) muscle temperature is required for maximal aerobic response. Helps performance, but that won't mean you'll suddenly increase your 1RM just by warming up. Sufficient warmup can lessen it by increasing the elasticity of muscles and smoothing muscular contractions...