Ab-wheel; 2x10. Not sure if these are better before or after the workout. Maybe they assist in preparing time to brace harder when done in advance?
DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 240kg, 250kg, 260kg@6.5-7, 270kg@8, 280kg@9. Erectors/SI tightened a little and 290 wasn’t agreeing to budge without RPE 13.
WG OHP; 5-60kg, 8,8,7-70kg.
CG chin-ups; 8x3, +10kg. Am going to try doing these on my deadlift days. Will vary grip and load to (ideally) stave off adaptation for a while. The ‘stretch’ or extension value on the spine just “feels” great. Probably let’s me catch up on skipping upper back for a few weeks too.
DL; 1-200kg, 220kg, 240kg, 260kg, 270kg@8.5, 290kg- versa velcro apparently wasn’t tight enough on the 290kg and it gave. I’m still counting it because I had it to the knee with speed and I don’t miss lockouts, ever. Frustrating and satisfying at the same time, somehow.