Baxmans Trip

Workout 3
Squats 150 15
bench 140 15
chins 20 15
military 85 15

Battling a small bout with some stomach flu. Just what I needed to start the year off. Workout felt tougher today. I was sure huffing and puffing on the squats. Should have done those first like normal. Changed it up a little because of the flu thing. Didn't want to squat till I puked . Eating was a little off today also. Couldn't stomach anything till around noon.

Daily Calories 2740
Pro 320
carbs 262
fat 45
I'm going to up my average weekly calories by 200 for week 2.
Workout 4

Deads   235  15
Dips      BW+15   15
Bent rows  115   15
Arnold Press  35  15
Side bends  55  15 x 2

Daily Cals  3840
Pro  355
Carbs 420
Fat  85

Looking forward to 10's.  This sure doesn't seem to be doing much.  The only tough part is the deads.  Feels like I just did 20minutes of cardio.  I will finish these 8 weeks although I'm skeptical about the 15's.
Try 2 sets of 15s if you feel like it or just keep going with the reps once you reach 15 (but avoid failure) when the loads are light enough to do so. You are after a good burn. 15s are for joint health in the early stages but should get pretty darn hard by the time you reach your 15RM workout, especially deads and squats.

Some folks tend to start too light when doing 15s. Try to ensure that you kick off with around 75% of your 15RMs in each exercise. If that means you have to repeat loads for a few workouts, so be it.
Thanks lol,  I'll try that on my next cycle if I have success with this one.  I think the second time around will be easier to plan because I didn't know my maxes on my lifts for 15's and 10's.  I just worked my way back from my 5 rep max and will adjust as needed.  I hope this doesn't screw too much up.  I am a little sore today!!  Feels good.  Tomorrow is max squat day.  The weight doesn't really bother me I just hope I can keep my breath.  Deads on Tues will be the same I'm sure of that.

Daily Cals 3000
Pro   310
Carbs   270
Fat 75
Sunday Workout 5

Squats 175 15
Bench 165 15
Chins BW+25 13,1,1
Mil p 105 14,1
Crunch 15,15
Hanging Knee 15, 15

Nice workout today. Could have probally added 5# on squats. I'm planning on starting my 10's with these numbers. Is this a good plan or should I start a little lighter?

Daily Cals 3650
Pro 355
Carbs 380
Fat 80

Weekly Avg Cals 3195
Weight 168
I must say that your strength is pretty good!

You are going to have a great bulk!
Workout 6

Deads   260   15
Dips      BW+25    15
Bent Rows 125     17
Arnold Pr    42       15

Really nice workout today.  Pretty jittery for about a half hour after.   Lowered my rows to 125 because my back was fried after deads.  Should have kept it at 130.  Feeling nice and tight tonight.  I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.

Daily calories  3635
Pro  357
carbs 356
fat  87
Workout 7

Squats                   2   10   180
Bench                     2    10   165
Chins                      2    10   bw+20
Mil Pr                      2     10   105
Weighted Crunch   2     15   50

Weights felt real heavy today.

Daily Cals  3730
Pro   333
Carbs   415
Fat     82
workout 8

Deads 2 10 260
dips 2 10 bw+25
bent rows 2 10 130
Arnold Pr 2 10 42
Hang Knee 2 15
crunch 2 15

Daily Cals 3800
Pro 320
carbs 425
fat 92

Weights felt good today unlike last workout. Really forcing the food down right now. Feeling a little bloated. Hopefully I can put on a pound in this first week of tens.
Thanks Sci, I sure hope so.

Workout 9

Squats 195 10 195 7+3
Bench 175 10 175 10
Chins BW+27.5 10 8
Mil Pr 110 10 110 9+1push press

Second sets were tough. The only strong exercise was bench which is usually my weakest. Second set of squats was weak-racked after 7 and waited 15 seconds and pushed out 2 decent reps and one bad( hit my safety bar while a** to the floor) which screwed up my balance a bit. A real good workout today.

Question: Is failure an option in second set or should I stay a rep or two shy? Any comments would sure be appreciated.

Last Weeks Avg. Cals 3600
Weight 169

Mon Cals 4050
Pro 390
Carbs 460
Fat 73
One reason we avoid failure as much as we do in an HST cycle is that we are trying to minimise fatigue accumulation and keep the CNS is as fresh as possible as we arrive at the heavy end of the cycle. Hitting failure once in a while along the way is no big deal and isn't going to hurt your progress but it can impact on your functional strength for longer than you might think. Pushing to failure on a heavy compound exercise is obviously going to impact on your CNS more and will make more of an inroad into your recovery ability than a lighter, single-joint movement.
Thanks LOL for the info.  Was supposed to be off today, but the kids have hockey tounaments all weekend.  Lifting today will allow me to squeeze one in Fri morning and then Sunday night.  I'll then take two days off and start 5's on Weds.  

Deads       2   10    275
Dips          2    10,8   BW+32.5
Pendlays  2    10    140
Arnold Pr   2  10,8   52.5
Rev crunch  2   15,10  with 6# medicine ball
decline crunch  2   15,10

I guess the rows I"ve been doing are Pendlays according to what I've been reading here.  Deads felt good today.  I don't know what it is but doing Deads really jacks me up.  I love em!!!
I took some measurements yesterday and am liking what I see.  I'll wait to post those and pics until I'm thru with this cycle.  
Just a little nutrition info:  Most of my extra calories are coming from skim milk for this HST cycle.  One cup with breakfast, 2 cups with morning snack, 4 cups with pre and post workout shakes, and one cup before bed with my cottage cheese. Trying to drink a 1/2 gallon or more per day.  Also eating beef(usually round steak) for at least one meal daily.  Preworout meal consists of 2 skim, 1 scoop whey 2.5g creatine and a banana.  Post workout meal is 2 skim,2 scoops whey, 2.5g creatine,40g sugar, 3white bread with jelly and an apple.
Thanks Colby, my deads have always been strong. I need to get my squat and bench up. I'd like to hit 300 on squats and 275 on bench by July. It'll be close.

Workout 11

Squats 2 10 7 205
Bench 2 10 7 190
chins BW+30 10 BW +35 8+2
Mil Pr 2 9+1push pr 5+1Push Pr 117

This was a great workout. Never pushed this much weight as far as reps go. Messed up my chin weight. Should have been 35 on the 1st set too.

Daily Cals 3654
Pro 369
Carbs 387
Fat 70
Beautiful back shot quad!!

Workout 12 Last of tens

Deads  2 x  10, 6  290
Dips     2x   10, 7  BW +40
Pendlays  2x 10  150
Arnold Pr.  1x 7    62
Hanging leg   2x15

Too much weight on the arnold presses.  I'm going to switch this out in the 5's with push presses.  Could have handled 5 more pounds on pendlays.  My waist line is starting to expand a little.  Lost a notch in the belt=a couple more weeks on the frickin treadmill this spring!!

Daily Cals 3990
Pro 390
Carbs 455
Fat 68
(quadancer @ Jan. 19 2008,07:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, be careful with those Pendlays. They cause your back to swell up.
O.K. , Quad, you've talked me in to doing Pendlays.