Ah niiiice man... looks like a cool gym! Anything spur on the change of gyms? Although the sleep in will be niceJoined up to a new gym last week, which means I can move my training sessions from having to get up at 4:15 am to train at 5:00 am to training at 19:00
Hoping the extra 1 1/2 hours sleep each day and training at a more pleasant time of the day will transfer itself into some nice strength progress.
The new gym is not the biggest but a more powerlifting/strength specific gym with competition spec barbells, comp spec benches and a lot more specialty bars (which im looking forward to using after british)
Also I'll go from being the strongest in the gym to potentially one of the weakest so might give me a bit more of a push, drive etc... to get stronger.

(I'm very much a train in the late arvo kinda guy hehe)