Browners New Powerlifting Log

Dynamic Effort Lower Day

High Bar Speed Squats
130kg x2x10 (EMOM)

140kg x5
150kg x5
160kg x5
170kg x5 @7

Leg Press (30sec rest intervals)
160kg x12x4

Leg curl (30sec rest intervals)
32kg x12x4

Leg Ext (Myo Reps)
60kg x15 +5 +5 +5 +4

Decided, next week will be a deload week. Feeling sore AF from all these assistance reps! then that gives me 8 weeks until comp using a HIHF/bulgarian approach.
Post deload HIHF will look something like this (sorry @Jester for hijacking some of your ideas)

Mon - Squat/Deadlift
Tue - Pin Squat/Bench/Block Pull
Wed - Squat/Pause Bench
Thur - Squat/TnG Bench/Deadlift
Fir - High Bar Squat/CloseGrip or Incline Bench/SLDL

Put a couple of squat variations to try and help the weak points of my squat (chest fall and quad strength), also to help with recovery as these will be lighter in load than a comp squat.

I have varied the bench movements also as my comp bench responds best when there is a nice amount of variety.
Post deload HIHF will look something like this (sorry @Jester for hijacking some of your ideas)

Mon - Squat/Deadlift
Tue - Pin Squat/Bench/Block Pull
Wed - Squat/Pause Bench
Thur - Squat/TnG Bench/Deadlift
Fir - High Bar Squat/CloseGrip or Incline Bench/SLDL

Put a couple of squat variations to try and help the weak points of my squat (chest fall and quad strength), also to help with recovery as these will be lighter in load than a comp squat.

I have varied the bench movements also as my comp bench responds best when there is a nice amount of variety.

I think there’s something to the concept based on these two premises;

1. The variations are similar enough to equate as load and volume for each other;

2. They’re dissimilar enough to continue causing adaptations without the need for volume ever increasing, ala Barbell Medicine and Greg Knuckols programming.

Lyle McDonald made a really interesting group post not so long ago about load being the driver or strength, rather than volume. I’ve always felt as much, and that the trick is measuring volume relative to the load, at least for my $0.02.
I think there’s something to the concept based on these two premises;

1. The variations are similar enough to equate as load and volume for each other;

2. They’re dissimilar enough to continue causing adaptations without the need for volume ever increasing, ala Barbell Medicine and Greg Knuckols programming.

Lyle McDonald made a really interesting group post not so long ago about load being the driver or strength, rather than volume. I’ve always felt as much, and that the trick is measuring volume relative to the load, at least for my $0.02.

You wouldn't happen to have a link to that post would you?
Then again, I’ll probably just keep doing similar stuff until I’m back to 7+ hours of sleep a night, or even 6.5.
Yeah, having kids destroyed my hobbies... lol
Haha... I know the feeling, gave up football (soccer), then golf. Second one came along and that’s pretty much social activities out the window. All I have left now is the gym at 5:00am after a broken nights sleep consisting of a crying baby and terrible 2 tantrums ‍♂️
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Haha... I know the feeling, gave up football (soccer), then golf. Second one came along and that’s pretty much social activities out the window. All I have left now is the gym at 5:00am after a broken nights sleep consisting of a crying baby and terrible 2 tantrums ‍♂️

And in 15/16 years they will be waking you at 5 on their way in from a night out
Thanks @Jester I'll have a read of that today.

The last one is a copy of the first - c&p’ing smartphone fail.

TL DR version; load drives musclemmass, not work. Both are needed, but if you look at muscle retention for naturals when cutting, it is load and not volume that preserves muscle mass.

As we know, muscle preserved is really muscle being built while we’re cutting, at the same rate that our catabolic functions want to metabolise it.

Lift heavy and gain more. Volume lift and go nowhere if you aren’t on gear.