Browners New Powerlifting Log

May re-insert 10x2 on my lighter days. Always enjoyed doing more sets than reps-per-set.

And now we know where Omar and “Kisen” stole it from ;)

Yeah I really find it helps dial things in. Used the deadlift bar as well to really focus on pulling the slack out. I have the 'Kizen Infinite Off Season Program' if you would like me to send it to you. I've never run it, I have a habit of hording lots of different programs out of curiosity

The SSB squats should have been 'low bar against bands' but a) to much low bar in a week and my forearms are screaming and b) i'm not totally sold on bands & chains for raw lifting. I figured as that movement is a 'weak point' correction exercise I would change it to SSB as I am a posterior chain dominant lifter and focusing in on the quads wouldn't do me any harm.
Yeah I really find it helps dial things in. Used the deadlift bar as well to really focus on pulling the slack out. I have the 'Kizen Infinite Off Season Program' if you would like me to send it to you. I've never run it, I have a habit of hording lots of different programs out of curiosity

The SSB squats should have been 'low bar against bands' but a) to much low bar in a week and my forearms are screaming and b) i'm not totally sold on bands & chains for raw lifting. I figured as that movement is a 'weak point' correction exercise I would change it to SSB as I am a posterior chain dominant lifter and focusing in on the quads wouldn't do me any harm.

Yeh email it through, cheers.

I think bands teach bar oath for squats and deadlifts very well, less so for bench which has an optimal J curve to the path.

Would you think alternating an accessory every other week is enough to classify it as a novel stimulus?
Yeh email it through, cheers.

I think bands teach bar oath for squats and deadlifts very well, less so for bench which has an optimal J curve to the path.

Would you think alternating an accessory every other week is enough to classify it as a novel stimulus?

Definitely right on the bar path bit, but for strength/force development I'm not so sure

How specific is the accessory? If it is a fairly specific accessory then I like to keep it for 4-6 weeks to see if it a) has any carry over and b) gives a long enough period of time to progressively overload it

If is something un specific, like a split squat, leg press, leg extension etc... then I think those this are fine to change up more often

Just emailed you over a few different templates
Definitely right on the bar path bit, but for strength/force development I'm not so sure

How specific is the accessory? If it is a fairly specific accessory then I like to keep it for 4-6 weeks to see if it a) has any carry over and b) gives a long enough period of time to progressively overload it

If is something un specific, like a split squat, leg press, leg extension etc... then I think those this are fine to change up more often

Just emailed you over a few different templates

Perhaps a better way to phrase would be whether or not seeing a stimulus every two weeks at sufficient volume is enough for new response, and then also carryover.
Perhaps a better way to phrase would be whether or not seeing a stimulus every two weeks at sufficient volume is enough for new response, and then also carryover.

Sorry miss read your question. mmm... good question, would be a good theory to test out. You could argue that the frequency is to low to make a difference, or you could argue that it would help combat accommodation and drive further adaptation

The first RTS 9 week program has something similar for the first 4 weeks. The main assistance movement followed a 'every other week' pattern

Week 1 - Pin Squat
Week 2 - Squat w/wraps
Week 3 - Pin squat
Week 4 - squat w/wraps
Sorry miss read your question. mmm... good question, would be a good theory to test out. You could argue that the frequency is to low to make a difference, or you could argue that it would help combat accommodation and drive further adaptation

The first RTS 9 week program has something similar for the first 4 weeks. The main assistance movement followed a 'every other week' pattern

Week 1 - Pin Squat
Week 2 - Squat w/wraps
Week 3 - Pin squat
Week 4 - squat w/wraps

I think there’s something to it, as far as impacting the core lift is concerned.

I don’t expect that the side-lift is driven especially well, but you don’t test that on meet day either.
132.5 x2x10

Squats w/Pause 1/2 way down
145 x5x5 @6-7

Tng bench
110 x8x3

DB shoulder press
35 x10x3 @8
132.5 x2x10

Squats w/Pause 1/2 way down
145 x5x5 @6-7

Tng bench
110 x8x3

DB shoulder press
35 x10x3 @8

Not a massive fan of DB OHP work, I’ve always felt it’s not especially shoulder friendly but can’t hurt at that load I suppose.
Not a massive fan of DB OHP work, I’ve always felt it’s not especially shoulder friendly but can’t hurt at that load I suppose.
It was very much a sandbagged @8. And rushed through them with about 30sec res between sets as the gym was about to close.

Good for a nice little shoulder pump but that’s about it
Update from last week;

Squat w/belt 165kg x2x10
Really wasnt happy with my bar path in these. Bar path kept drifting over the toes in the hole, also getting a bit of knee pain (patella tendon) so going to go back to flats for a bit.

Comp Bench
115 x5x5 @5-6

162.5 x8x3 @7.5-8

Face Pull - 20kg x30x3

Beltless Pause deadlift (Pause below knee)
175 x5x3 @5-6
Used the deadlift bar to really focus on pulling the slack out.

Floor Press
110 x5x4 @6-7

DB Row
45 x15x3

Tricep Pushdown
35 x15x3
Update from last week;

Squat w/belt 165kg x2x10
Really wasnt happy with my bar path in these. Bar path kept drifting over the toes in the hole, also getting a bit of knee pain (patella tendon) so going to go back to flats for a bit.

Comp Bench
115 x5x5 @5-6

162.5 x8x3 @7.5-8

Face Pull - 20kg x30x3

Beltless Pause deadlift (Pause below knee)
175 x5x3 @5-6
Used the deadlift bar to really focus on pulling the slack out.

Floor Press
110 x5x4 @6-7

DB Row
45 x15x3

Tricep Pushdown
35 x15x3

Pause off the floor or below the knee has more carry over for you?
Last night

135 x3x9 @5-7

Squat w/pause 1/2 way
145 x4x6 @5
Experimenting with a wider stance, and flat shoes again. Felt like the bar path was a lot better, not perfect but better. Alos felt like I could limit the forward knee slide better too.

TnG Bench
110 x7x3

'superset with OHP'

50 x10x3

In other news SBD belt is like a torture belt. Hoping it breaks in soon o_O