I'll tell you again, carb backloading! It's good that you're not losing muscle (as best as you can tell) on a cut... But for God sakes, don't cut carbs, or you will stagnate and not progress with strength.
During your 3 cut cycles, were you able to steadily increase your lifts each cycle on the big compound moves? If the answer is no, EVEN on a cut, you're diet needs to change. That, or you plateaued and you need to break thru that... And again, it's diet. Personally, CB has been the answer for me.
A lot of lifters think you need to get fat while gaining muscle, and to me, it makes no sense at all, and I don't believe it.
If you're eating 1.5g of protein per lbs, and enough carbs (again, 1.5g to 2g), and you time your intake optimally, that should be everything your muscles need (don't forget essential fats) .
If your body is storing fat on your "gain", those are calories your body didn't use for growth! Or any fucking thing else except to make you fat, and work harder at cutting. Whether it be from fat you ate, protien or carbs, your body has the ability to convert and store it as fat... And if it's doing that, you're spending money on food you didn't need.
That's how I see it anyway, and my recent results have pretty much proved it, in my case.
I'm gaining muscle (more noticeable in some areas more than others) and I've been on a deficit... And I'm the most fat-free I have ever been.
If you told me in the 6 months ago, for example, I'd be curling 95lbs, or shoulder pressing 100lbs, I would of told you where to go!
Both those lifts, I was stuck at 75lbs and 80lbs less than a year ago... I think that is awesome progress! Bench PR has gone up, deads, weighted pull up's (BW + 70lbs), etc...
I never would of thought diet, and in particular, carb timing, would make such a difference. Do that, and get your daily protein and look out!