Well, I stopped stalling and started my SD. Will stop for a week or two and start a new HST cycle.
I'll use my 10RMs tested this past weeks and calculate the 15 and 5RMs from them, will use the RM in the 5th day of each mesocycle and will try to beat it in the 6th day. Will start the mesocycles with around 70% of the RM of the mesocycle for each exercise and will workout 3x a week using an A/B alternating routine.
I am planning on eating maintenance during the SD and the 15s and start from the 10s a diet where I do a heavy bulk on workout days and a mild cut on non-workout days while eating maintenance during the weekend.
Will do the vanilla 1x15,1.5x10,3x5 mesocycles and will plan the apres-5s depending on the way things progress.
I'll use my 10RMs tested this past weeks and calculate the 15 and 5RMs from them, will use the RM in the 5th day of each mesocycle and will try to beat it in the 6th day. Will start the mesocycles with around 70% of the RM of the mesocycle for each exercise and will workout 3x a week using an A/B alternating routine.
I am planning on eating maintenance during the SD and the 15s and start from the 10s a diet where I do a heavy bulk on workout days and a mild cut on non-workout days while eating maintenance during the weekend.
Will do the vanilla 1x15,1.5x10,3x5 mesocycles and will plan the apres-5s depending on the way things progress.